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September 21, 1987 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-09-21

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The Michigan Daily Monday, September 21, 1987 Page 9




By Ari Schneider
As if the University was not for-
tunate enough to get Leonard
Bernstein to conduct an orchestra for
one night, Ann Arbor will be able to
hear him conducting the virtuosic
Vienna Philharmonic for two
nights, tonight and tomorrow.
Although both concerts will start at
the same time and place, they will
be very different.
Monday night's concert will kick
off the Musical Society's 109th
Annual Choral Union Series with
r the performance of two pieces:
Mozart's Clarinet Concerto, k.622
and Mahler's Symphony No. S in C-
Sharp Minor. The clarinet solo will
be played by Peter Schmidl, the first
solo clarinetist of the V i e n n a
Philharmonic. He epitomizes the
orchestra's renowned musical
" tradition by following in the
footsteps of his father and
grandfather, both first clarinetists of
;the Philharmonic. Schmidl's
,grandfather, Alois Schmidl, was
invited to join the orchestra b y
Gustav Mahler. Peter Schmidl
trained at the the Academy of Music
'in Vienna and is now a tenured
professor at the prestigious
Tomorrow night, the Vienna
Philharmonic's program will include
Mozart's Symphony Number 291 in
A major, K. 209, L e o n a r d
Bernstein's Symphony Number 1
(Jeremiah), and Sebelious'
Symphony No. S in E-Flat Major,
Op.82. In the Bernstein Symphony,
mezzo-soprano Christina Ludwig
will be the soloist. She appears
regularly with the Vienna, Berlin,
and Los Angeles Philharmonics and
the orchestras of Chicago, Boston,
and Philadelphia.
Before coming to the United
States with the V i e n n a
Philharmonic, Bernstein led the
p Fridays in The Daily

orchestra in the European cities of
Salzburg, Vienna, Frankfurt, and
Luerne. He started his association
with the Vienna Philharmonic in
1968 and is now the only living
conductor to be an Honorary member
of this world-famous orchestra.
Bernstein also led the Philharmonic
on a U.S. tour during the 1983-1984
Bernstein is the only American
musician ever to achieve world-wide
recognition as conductor, composer,
pianist, author, and teacher. As
composer, he has created works over
a wide range of forms and styles:
three symphonies (Jeremiah, Age of
Anxiety, and Kaddish ), the serenade
(after Plato's Symposium ) for
Violin Solo, Strings and Percusio,
the score for the film On the
Waterfront, and the operas Trouble
in Tahiti and A Quiet Place. For
the Broadway theatre he has written
On the Town, Wonder Town,
Candide, and the famousWest Side
Story. His Mass, a theatre for
singers, players, and dancers opened
the Kennedy Center in Washington,
D.C. in 1971, and in 1981 became
the first work by an American-born
composer to be produced at the
Vienna State Opera. He has also
written several books and has taught
at Harvard University.
While Leonard Bernstein has been
a dominant force in American Music
for almost 45 years, the Vienna
Philharmonic has been at the
forefront of the music world for 145
years. It was founded on March 28,
1842 under the direction of Otto
Nicolai. Previously, the orchestras
of Vienna had either been amateur

groups or private orchestras to the
aristocracy. Although concerts of the
new groups were intermittent at
first, a regular season of concerts
was launched in 1860, and in 1877
the Vienna Philharmonic's first tour
took place - to neighboring
Salsburg, the city which has since
become the orchestra's second home.
Along with playing in Salsburg, the
orchestra performs with the Vienna
State Opera in addition to extensive
concert engagement in Vienna and
around the world. It has been
conducted by many distinguished
conductors including: Richard
Wagner, Aton Bruckner, Arturo
Toscanini, Richard Strauss, and Paul
Hindemith. However, the orchestra

has had only three permanent
conductors: Otto Dessoff (1860-
1875), Hans Richter (1875-1898),
and Gustav Mahler (1898-1901).
The orchestra, which has grown
from its original group of 64 to its
present membership of 140 has
always been known as one of the
world's few orchestral collectives.
All the administrative tasks of the
group are preformed by the orchestral
musician elected to their posts by
their colleagues. All decisions
concerning repertoire and conductors
(the Vienna Philharmonic currently
has no resident conductor) are made
by plebiscite, and all performance
fees are divided evenly among the
musicians (the last chair in the

violin section earns a salary equal to
that of the concert master).
Over the years, the high standard
of music-making and the special
glow of the Vienna Philharmonic
sound have inspired lavish praise
from some of the world's greatest
artists. In the words of distinguished
counductor Karl Boehm, "Other
excellent orchestras in the world
succeed in playing what is in the
score; the Vienna Philharmonic goes
beyond that and plays what is behind
the score." Maestro Bruno Walter

claimed, "Austria has nothing of
more value to export than its
renowned Vienna Philharmonic."
So, if you want to see and hear
Viennese and Americanhmusical
culture at its best, you should get
your tickets at the Hill Auditorium
box office today for Leonard
Bernstein and the Vienna
Philharmonic. Both performances
will begin at 8 p.m., and tickets
range from $12-$34. Call the
University Musical Society at 764-
2538 for further details.


Mass Meeting
8:00 P.M.






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