I OPINION Page 4 Monday, September 21, 1987 The Michigan Daily 1+ E 1E1143U fiĀ§UI Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Typo snaps olive branch Vol. XCVIII, No. 8 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Here she is . 0 0 By JOY TYPO Somebody had to write the response to The Michigan Review's peace offering to The Michigan Daily, and everyone here at Student Publications agreed I was the only one on staff insignificant enough to waste time on this. But before I get to our official response, let me give you a little background on The Review. It used to be this big, ugly, conservative magazine that was strewn all over campus once a month for the Plant Department people to eat their lunches on. With its new format and editorial philosophy, The Review has lost its main appeal: that of disposable placemat. In a September editorial, The Review holds out an olive branch to The Daily. What Seth and the Boys (sorry, Rebecca) propose is a sort of partitioning of the campus news market. They will print, they claim, "well-researched, full length, in-depth articles" - implying that we print short, shallow fiction. So far, this is Joy Typo is Second Assistant Food Editor in charge of condiments. THE RESULTS OF THE MISS America pageant last weekend received more attention than usual in this state because of the victory of Miss Michigan, Kaye Rafko. While this display of regional pride is understandable, it is important to consider the attitudes beauty pageants foster about women. Beauty pageants promote unrealistic standards for women by purporting to establish an ideal. :This image negatively influences young women who were too young to experience the initial strength of womens' liberation. Likewise, it makes women who do not have Miss America proportions feel iiradequate. The promotion of this ideal is among the factors in Aiberican society which account for thi widespread occurence of the iseases anorexia nervosa and bulimia. -Personality, integrity, and iptellectual ability are m o r e imiportant than appearance, but the pctice of rewarding a woman for hfr looks suggests this attribute is o the same level. Granted, most pageants include a tolent competition and interviews bUt the majority of the contest consists of women displaying their physical attributes while wearing swimsuits and evening gowns. While many of the women are competing for scholarships and display real talents during the competition, they are still demeaned by the view that their appearance largely determines the result. The Miss America pageant is seen as a harmless and entertaining bit of Americana. Considering that five million girls take part in beauty pageants every year, the possible ramifications should be taken seriously. Perhaps society should b e encouraging young women to excel in sports, arts, and community activities instead of largely devoting not much of an offer. But wait! There's more! Next, the gang from Suite One, Michigan League says, "instead of trying to compete with The Daily, we seek to complement them." I'm sure they meant "compliment." After all, did they ever really think they were competing with us? Let's face it, The Review has been at worst annoying, and at best amusing. So when The Review says, "each of our publications fills the void left by the other," we can't help but feel we are doing all the filling, while The Review is doing all the voiding. As for the suggestion that we take out our differences on the football field, you would think they learned their lesson last year when we kicked their collective butt at Elbel Field last year. At that time, The Review staff wanted us to take urinalysis tests, further proof of their obsession with voiding. I can't help but think the "olive branch" is only a first step at an attempted takeover of The Daily. What's next, a JOA? I've seen Dave Vogel's eyes light up when he comes into the building and sees our new computers and ceiling fans. And once they have their hands on our facilities, it will never stop. First, they'll get rid of the Opinion Page and replace it with Serpents Tooth. Now that's humor. "PIRGIM update" had me rolling on the floor. And where does it all stop, this takeover? Arms trading? Girlfriend Rebecca swapping? Isn't that why they call themselves "The Student Affairs Magazine of the University of Michigan?" Are we really supposed to trust these clowns? After they take a shot at our inclusive language policy on the page just before their peace offer? When they claim "We are not affiliated with any political party," are we to believe them? They do share an office with the College Republicans, after all. And let's not forget they all lived in East Quad for many years. Can you really trust a conservative who likes East Quad? Sorry, Michigan Review. Your olive branch is giving me a rash. This may seem a little harsh, but before there can be peace, there has to be reparations for war crimes. Miss America, Kaye Rafko their energy to improving their appearance. Rather than select Miss America as a role model, young women should look to the accomplishments of truly great Americans such as Coretta Scott King, Sandra Day O'Connor, and Christa McAuliffe. Don't register for the draft IN AUGUST, GILLIAM KERLEY became the twenty-eighth person to be arrested and sentenced for refusal to register for the draft. In giving Kerley a three year sentence, the harshest ever, the judge expressly gave Kerley's anti-draft political work as a rationale. Kerley's arrest draws attention to the need to resist registration in an effort to thwart both the draft and militarism. In all cases, registration for the draft leads to the draft. Draft registration provides a military carte blanche to the Pentagon as planners use registration statistics for both contingency plans and as a measure of U.S. military preparedness. It was President Johnson's authority to increase the call-up which allowed him to expand the number of troops in Vietnam from 35,000 to 500,000. Draft registration also violates many civil rights. The process of only registering men ages 18 to 27 is clear sex and age discrimination. This discrimin- ation increased when the draft was implemented to support the war in Vietnam. People with connections were either able to avoid service or receive a domestic tour. The process of forced registration and maintenance of current address with the selective service constitutes a gross invasion of privacy. Further, many students are coerced into registering out of need for financial aid. Holding registra- tion as a prerequisite to financial aid demands that students make a acquiesce to the draft in order to attend school. The government passes judgment on personal morality in deciding whether a person has the right to conscientiously object to the draft, war, or killing. Draft Boards do not consider the ethics of the individual, but irrelevant factors such as religious background. Perhaps most serious is the violation of freedom of speech. The government has only prosecuted individuals resisting the draft who have been vocal or active in their resistance to registration. By ignoring the hundreds of thousands of the silent resisters, the government chooses to center its arrests on those who encourage others to resist and expose the government's hypocrisy and militarism. Estimates of unregistered eligible people range as high as three quarters of a million, but even the government does not know. So if you are not being forced to register out of financial necessity, do not register. LETTERS: 'True r To the Daily: Prejudicial attitudes toward others on the basis of race or national origin are insufferable. We are all part of society and, as such, we have a moral and legal obligation to respect each others diverse backgrounds. Racism, whether subtle or overt, hurts the persons targeted. Indeed, often permanent emotional scars result from ugly racist remarks, actions and messages. W e agree that perhaps to much media attention has been given to the infamous radio an flier incidents. After all, the conclusion drawn by many observers is that the "racist problem has been blown out of proportion by the media." The sad truth, however, is that scores of racist incidents occur on this campus daily, and on a much more personalized level. To cite, a few examples of which we are aware of, a black colleague of ours was recently told "to go home" in blatantly racist language. A Chicano friend of ours has twice, in the last month, suffered broken car window. Finally, one of us recently received a note stating that he will be representing "dirt" upon the receipt of his law degree. So please, don't be so naive as to think that the recent reaction to racism was based solely on "two isolated incidents." We are certainly not accusing every Anglo on this campus of being a racist. In fact, we are convinced that most people who offend their non-white peers do so inadvertently, out of ignorant insensitivity, rather than racist hatred. There is a big difference in both the psycho-dynamics involved and the remedies for corrective action. The difference ties in directly to our contention that people have a moral and legal obligation to respect each others diversity. If, for instance, they are offending their non-white counterparts via insensitive words or actions, then they are doing so because they are unaware that it hurts the other person. This does not make them racists. Indeed, for the people in this category, which we believe is the majority, the remedy for corrective action is dissemenation of information and education,. This should be the primary focus of the University's cultural awareness outreach efforts. Most people, we content, feel that they have a moral obligation to respect each others identities. Their cultural awareness shortcomings -re not by motive, but by ignorance. The University can and must make an effort to rectify this ignorance through social and educational programming which sensitizes and alerts students to racial and cultural differences. On the other hand, the University community must forcefully deal with the true racists on this campus. As we have suggested, through our previous examples, there appears to be a significant "acists should be prosecuted UCAR propagates hatred 4 number of "true" racists on this campus. What makes these people true racists is their motive and intent. They harbor feelings of racial hatred and they intend to emotionally (and sometimes physically) hurt the minorities on campus. They do not believe they have a moral obligation to respect diversity and, in fact, they feel threatened by racial and cultural diversity.. It is because of the true racists that our society has imposed a legal obligation to respect ethnicity. By passing such laws we have in effect acknowledged that we cannot reach these bigot by altering their attitudes. So instead we To the Daily: There has been much concern and publicity about on campus and national racism at the University of Michigan in recent years. This attention, however, seems to be fueling some very dangerous presuppositions. We've come to the point that most of us assume that racism is prevalent, unjustifiable, and worthy of being eliminated through "any means." Hence, organizations .such as UCAR are heralded as leading valiant crusades for an indisputable virtue. But UCAR should not be immune from our criticism because of its noble goal. Rather, the importance of a racist-free and more humane world is the very reason we should examine organizations with this end, and expect more of them, so as not to inadvertently stray from our path. UCAR is an institution treading the thin line between rationally seeking a more fair and humane world, and seeking hateful retribution. There can be no doubt that the members of UCAR hate racism, and it is very likely that many of them hate racists as well. It seems quite incontrovertible that just as "white supremacist" look down at minorities as being inferior, the assaulted minorities in turn see the supremacist as inferior people because of their bias. Is this a civilized way to respond? Perhaps more importantly, will this response help to alleviate racism? UCAR has chosen to respond to racism in primarily two ways: by educating people and by pressuring structural changes in institutions. "Education," in this case, is a misnomer to the casual- observer, for UCAR does not attempt to educate the racist to alter his values, but rather educatethe public at-large of the racist's transgressions. One example was the attempt to prohibit Mike Wallace from speaking at commencement. The effectiveness of this strategy is very questionable. First of all, the ostracizing of the accused racist is logically noL likely to alter his attitudes, but rather will probably intensify his hate. As far as deterring other acts of racism, what has been accomplished if we are left with an externally racist-free world, with the same underlying attitudes of hate still present? Racism, almost by definition, cannot be eliminated by force, as it is intrinsically an attitude rather than a quantifiable action. Structural changes also fall victimto this problem, as well as many times being inequitable. This is my second problem with UCAR: not only does it hatefully ostracize others, but also employs a type of "counter-racism." UCAR commonly argues for increased minority enrollment, teaching appointments, and special services and facilities While such structural actions by the University might be equitable at some intangible collective level, to many individuals they would be inherently discriminatory. The white student who is rejected from U- M in favor of a minority of lesser qualifications has been undeniably discriminated against on the basis of race. It may be a valid argument that the minority student was educated in a less favorable environment than the white student and thus equally deserves the opportunity to attend U-M, but if we accept this premise we must be prepared to sacrifice the individual to a statistical game of "probable" equities. Actions have consequences; ostracizing only re-channels hate, and structural changes many times only re-channel inequity. What UCAR and society as a whole need to realize is that "force" rarely accomplishes anything. When people can learn to teach others of the beauty in their persons, maybe then we can see a decline in racist attitudes. Hate only begets hate; if we work to become better people, maybe then racists will lose the fuel for their hate. Until then, our "counter-hate" is all they need. -Jim Roney September 20 Please bring letters to 420 Maynard or send them via campus or U.S. Mail. If possible, letters should be on a 3.5 inch Macintosh disk. attempt to curtain their racist behavior by threatening legal action To rid the campus of racists' behavior, the University community must steep up its efforts to identify and prosecute these individuals. Only through a two-step process of educating the culturally insen- sitive and prosecuting the racists can the University of Michigan attain the kind of peaceful harmony that we all deserve and expected to find here. -Jose Maya Gilbert M. Roman September 19 I 4 .r" ............. . . . . . Wasserman ThI, l olidnmo v Ivttor frn it,