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September 17, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-09-17

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Prof..scrutinizes y
dispute over Bork,

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 17, 1987- Page 3
Researchers compete
for top 'U' position

University Philosophy Prof. Carl
Cohen personally opposes the nom-
ination of Judge Robert Bork for the
Supreme Court although yesterday
in a lecture on Roe vs. Wade, Cohen
tried to show how both Bork and his
opponents have intellectually tenable
legal philosophies.
Many of the more than 170 peo-
ple at Cohen's speech on the medical
school campus chuckled as Cohen
cast theoretical issues in a simple
and entertaining language.
In reference to the Constitutional
basis for Roe vs. Wade - the 1973
Supreme Court decision that legal-
ized abortion - Cohen said that
since many rights are not explicitly
provided for in the Constitution
"when judges find something in the
Constitution to support a right, they
are doing a little creative digging."
Cohen went on to explain Bork's
intellectual position that judges
should not replace the legislative
branch of government by interpret-
ing the Constitution as implicitly
supporting specific rights.

After the lecture a member of the
audience questioned Cohen on how a
literal reading of the Constitution is
possible when the white, male
landowners in 1787 who wrote the
Constitution did not recognize civil
rights of minorities now almost
universally accepted. In response,
Cohen said, "I did not mean to sneer
at 'penumbra' (an interpretive con-
ceptualization of the Constitution)."
Cohen tried to develop the audi-
ence's appreciation of the finer
points of contending legal philoso-
phies by asking "what as honest in-
tellects will we do in this situation"
where different views result in
different legal outcomes.
Ending his lecture with personal
predictions, Cohen said the Senate
Judiciary Committee will narrowly
recommend Bork for the Supreme
Court, but the Senate as a whole
will reject Bork in a largely partisan
He also said that if Roe vs. Wade
were overturned, most states would
continue to allow abortion.

More than 50 university re-
searchers, faculty members, mem-
bers of industry, and government
agency employees are competing for
the chancepto head the University's
Division of Research Development
and Administration.
"This is one of the preeminent
research universities in the country
and this position is the focal point
of all the University's research poli-
cies and procedures," said search
committee member Jim Randolph.
The committee of 10 University
faculty members and research scien-
tists began searching in July for a
candidate to replace retired director
James Lesch who held the position
since 1973.
The DRDA helps University re-
searchers prepare proposals and
makes sure that projects comply
with the research guidelines. It also
acts as a liaison between the
University and outside sponsors.
"We've really just begun the pro-
cess," said committee head Rowena
Matthews. She added that the com-
mittee has asked Maria Perez of the
New York based Perez Arton Con-

sultants to help find candidates from
diverse backgrounds rather than only
those from universities.
Currently, the committee has re-
ceived about 50 applicants for the
position and plans to announce its
decision in January.
The DRDA director plans and di-
rects the department's operations by
coordinating with the office of the
vice president for research, the busi-
ness office, and faculty researchers.
In addition, the director will advise
the vice president in developing re-
search policies and procedures.
"Experience with research admin-
istration is probably our major
criteria," Matthews said, adding that
training in the natural or physical
sciences is also important. The ap-
plicant must also be able to work
cooperatively with other people and
possess strong leadership and com-
munication skills.
The director oversees a staff of 55
and aids over 3,000 University re-
searchers. The DRDA head also
handles $200 million in organize
research activity.

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON:
Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen gave a lecture about the 1973 Roe v.
Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Cohen referred
to the case in discussing the nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the
Supreme Court.

Constitution's birthday causes little stir at 'U'

tt n

(Continued from Page 1)
Other students were indifferent to
the celebration and meaning of the
document itself. One woman, who
asked not to be identified, said the
Preamble and the Bill of Rights be-
longed to the Declaration of
Independence, and not to the Consti-

Another student who did not want
to be named said, "I don't ever really
give it a thought. I didn't even know
it was that old. Besides, it doesn't
even directly affect me."
Other Americans were more con-
cerned about our "blueprint for free-
dom," as President Reagan called it
during yesterday's preamble to the

bicentennial bash.
A star-spangled spectacle cranks
up today in Philadelphia with
patriotism and a parade, picnic,
presidential speech, international
bell-ringing ceremony, show busi-
ness fanfare, and fireworks.

The party marks the 20utWan-
niversary of the signing of the Con-
stitution by 39 of the 55 delegates
who shaped it during four hot sum-
mer months. It became law nine
months later when New Hampshire
became the ninth state to ratify it.

* Worried about juggling all
those statistical terms,
formulas, research methods and
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Tenants to recruit voters


What's happening in Ann Arbor to
Campus Cinema Perfo
The Seventh Seal (I. Hayde
Bergman, 1956), 7:00 & 9:00 concert,
p.m., Lorch Chapel,
Bergman's classic allegory of a
14th century knight (Max von Send a
Sydow) who plays chess with coming
Death as the Black Plague ravages The I
through Europe. Swedish with Maynar
subtitles. 481. I
Something Wild (J. Demme, formati
1986), 8:00 p.m., Nat Sci number
Breezy comedy with Jeff Daniels nounceI
as an account executive who's Sunday
taken on the ride of his life by cement
free-spirit Melanie Griffith. must b
Rosa Luxemburg (M. von days be
Trotta, 1987), 7:00 p.m., Mich.
The life and times of German
revolutionary Luxemberg, a
author/journalist/orator. German
and Polish with subtitles.
The Big Chill (Lawrence
Kasdan, 1983), 9:30 p.m., Mich.
Seven University of Michigan
alumni spend a weekend together
after the death of their friend to
renew lost friendships. One of the
most memorable films of the
decade, mixing sad introspection
with reassuring warmth and
Speakers (acrc
Anne Herrmann - "Travesties The U
of a travesty: Transvestism in
Shakespeare,TBrechtsand annou
Churchill," 8 p.m. Rackham:
West Conference Room. PR
James R. O'Neil - United
States Geological Survey, "Stable
Isotopes in Petrology," 4 p.m.,
4001 C. C. Little.
" Th
Meetings on cam
College Democrats - Mass organi
Meeting, Union Ballroom, 6 p.m.
UAC - "HAIR" Mass Meeting:
Musket's fall musical. 8 p.m.
Pendleton Room, Michigan
Union. on
Transfer Stiudent Panel
Discussion & Social - 7 mOmbO
p.m. Michigan Union.
Democratic Socialists of
America - Mass Meeting. 8
p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
The November 29th Com- * lnt
mittee for Palestine - informa
Informational meeting, 8 p.m.
Room 2209 Michigan Union.
W C B N - Abe Thompson,

(Continued from Page 1)
But if a rent control plan was
adopted here, the local real estate
business would suffer, said City
Councilmember Terry Martin (R-
Second Ward). "People interested in
making a large, or even a small
profit would think twice about rent-
ing property."
Rent control proposals have been
on the city ballot twice in the last
17 years, and were voted down each

time. Students and tenants represent
a minimal number of registered vot-
ers in Ann Arbor, but AACFR's
Rockhill remained optimistic, call-
ing University students an "untapped
political resource."

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n Carruth - folk
Sunday, 7 p.m. Campus
1236 Washtenaw Court.
nnouncements of up-
events to "The List," c/o
Michigan Daily, 420
d St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
nclude all pertinent in-
ion and a contact phone
. We must receive an-
ments for Fri4ay and
events at least two weeks
the event, and announ-
s for weekday events
e received at least two
fore the event.

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ass from the Mich. Theater)

(across from Villag

Jniversity Activities Center
nces open application for the position of
e President and Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the overall
sion and coordination of the largest student run organization
pus, acting as liason and official spokesperson to all outside
zations and to the Michigan Union and University administration.
e year of UAC experience as an executive officer or committee
r is a prerequisite.
erested individuals should contact UAC, 763-1107, for additional
ation and an application.


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