sight-impaired," says Tom Mock, a staff engineer with the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) in Washington, D.C. "Input is verified by voice simu- lation," explains Mock. For any calculator user, however, the voice verification of what is entered can improve accuracy. There are three general classifi- cations of hand-held calculators: four- to six-function, prepro- grammed, and programmable. Your first step in choosing a calcu- lator is to determine which of the three best suits your needs. Q Four- to six-function units. They perform addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication, division, and one or two other functions, such as percentages and square roots. They include keys for adding or subtract- ing to memory, memory recall, and memory clear. For basic math, this is probably all the calculating power you will need. You'll find this type of unit useful in figuring taxes, balancing a checkbook, and keeping track of budgets. Technological advances mean a lot more power in the palm of your hand. puting angles, degrees, and other math-oriented functions." In business applications, prepro- grammed units are especially useful for figuring present and future value, monthly payments on annu- ities, bond yield, and loan amorti- zation. The alternative is to use a complicated book of interest tables, in which case a calculator is still needed for multiplying table values. Units designed to calculate interest usually include a feature for count- ing the number of days between two dates (also useful for figuring such things as the num- ber of days until midterm exams, homecoming weekend, etc.). .' a Q Programmable units. While they of- fer many of the same features as the other types of units, they also of- fer a computerlike programming ca- pacity that allows you to tailor the calculator to your own applications. For instance, let's say that you have a particular calculation that you'll need to repeat many times- such as separating loan payments into interest and principal or figur- ing sales tax on individual items. First you must break down the cal- culation into its steps, then enter the computational routine into the cal- culator's memory (usually by de- pressing the "Learn" key). Once this is done, you can execute the se- quence with one keystroke when- ever you need to. Some specialized calculators can be used to produce graphic dis- plays. With automatic scaling rou- tines, optimum screen usage is fully automated in these systems. Some versions of this type of calculator are programmable, so that you can create your own graphics. With plug-in devices, a hand-held calcu- lator can give you graphic capability not available on many computer systems. Shopping skills The type of calculator you buy should be determined by your computational needs. With all the new models on the market, how do you determine the one that's right for you? Begin by shopping around. Find out what features are available and decide which ones you should have. Don't be sold on "ex- tras" you'll never use. On the other hand, keep in mind that you don't want to "outgrow" your calculator right away. Some questions to ask before you buy: " Is the calculator for personal or academic use? If academic, how advanced is your coursework? " Will you need statistical or high- math functions? " How much can you afford to spend? " Is programming a feature you'll need? o'Where will you use the calcula- tor? (For outdoor use, says Mock, you'll want a liquid crys- tal display; in dim light condi- tions, you'll need LED display.) The latest generation of calcula- tors offers a wide range of choices. Whether your needs stop with math basics or have progressed to trig functions, compucer conversions, loan amortizations, and more, there's a calculator that's just the right tool for you. 40 I D Preprogrammed units. These units have been pro- grammed to perform specific func- tions according to their primary ap- plication. Mock explains: "Statisti- cal units are useful to students in- volved in a lot of number crunch- ing. Business units are prepro- grammed for real estate loan cal- culations or banking. And engi- neering units are designed for com- 16 plus/FALL 87