rone z 9 9 U wing0. Cs 0 9~ I & - ,:nom y - If N p t f . EI w , iCĀ¢ 3 6 S I x College Is Just the Beginning! Boom boxes and VCRs... camcorders and mini-TVs... com- pact disc players... personal computers... program- mable microwave ovens... advanced calculators... high-tech telephones. Sure, consumer electronic gadgets are fun. But is there more to the electronics revolution than fun and (video) games-more in it for you? Experts on and off campuses say students who cozy up to consumer electronics feel more confident of their academic and social skills-and their chances in tomorrow's job market. What's more, today's electronics boom is just the start of a lifetime revolution in the way we learn, work, and live. By 1997, you might be able to "try on" clothes at home-using a computerized holographic image... of yourself! "Commuting" to work may mean a walk into the den to a computer work sta- 6 6 N Z 0 z N W Z 0 n