I Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 Official (Continued from Page 1) quality. And he talked about the percent- age of minority students at the Uni- versity. "Minority enrollment is clearly one of the most important concerns," he said in 1980, "but it does not stand above all others." He also talked about research - he encouraged professors to more actively solicit national funding - and undergraduate education, saying "perhaps we could do a little better in the future.". But Shapiro did more than talk. "He worked so hard at what he did, he simply compelled you to follow his example," Kennedy said. His first initiative was to trim University programs, eliminating the geography department and cut- ting funds to the School of Educa- -tion and the School of Natural Re- sources. The cutbacks were prompted by a severe shortage of state funding, s praise the result of a waning automobile industry., "The only way the University could get better was to get smaller," Shapiro recalled yesterday. The selective cuts met with fervent op- position from students and faculty members, but Shapiro maintains that "the benefits greatly exceeded the costs." These cuts constituted Shapiro's first step outside the limelight of popular opinion, but they were not his last. In his eight years as presi- dent, Shapiro promoted a code of non-academic conduct, tore down the University Terrace student housing, and failed to reduce class size in un- dergraduate programs. "Students aren't any better off to- day than they were eight years ago, and arguably they're worse off," said Eric Schnaufer, a law student and campus politician. Schnaufer cited the budget cuts, the proposed code, Shapiro' term IN BRI E F arty and the low ratio of minority stu- dents at the University as examples of Shapiro doing "nothing for stu- dents." The level of minority enrollment, admittedly not Shapiro's highest priority, has dropped since 1980 - from about 6.1 percent when he took office to 5.4 percent today. Last March, protesters from the United Coalition Against Racism and the Black Action Movement III groups denounced Shapiro for this lack of progress, threatening to shut down the University if he did not address their concerns. "President Shapiro has failed to exert leadership in the recruiting and retention of Black students," said law school student Charles Wynder last April, after Shapiro announced his decision to leave the University. Kennedy countered that "it's al- most a truism for students to make that claim that he or any of us are insensitive to student concerns." He said the adversity stems from the students' limited access to the president. "There's no way for stu- dents to know how much time and effort we do put into issues that concern students," said Kennedy. Shapiro agreed. "I'm sure it's true I haven't been as accessible as they would like, but there is a limited amount of time you have to be ac- cessible," he said. Schnaufer acknowledged that most students would probably not expect a more responsive president. "Most students feel about Shapiro like they feel about President Rea- gan," he said. "He's our president, wave the flag, M go blue." Those students are not alone. As Shapiro wraps up his final weeks in office, University officials and fac- ulty members have given his presi- dency nothing but the highest praise. "He clearly exceeded our expecta- tions," said Regent Paul Brown (D- Petoskey). "He did a better job of marshalling the resources of the University through those tough times than we really had a right to expect." Visit Ann Arbor's original sidewalk cafe. Serving as the campus meeting place for over 25 years. CASA Dominick's 812 Monroe DOUIINIC I.)(Located behind the Law Quad.) - ESSAY COMPETITION - The Dorothy Gies McGuigan Prize Competition The McGuigan Prizes for 1987 will be awarded for the best under- graduate and graduate essays on women written at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Flint, and Dearborn campuses) during the calendar year 1987. Essays (no longer than 30 pages, typed and double spaced) will be avaluated by an interdisciplinary committee for their contribution to our understanding of some aspect of women's lives or roles, as well as for originality and clarity of presentation. The author's name, address, phone number, student i.d. number, and status as a U-M undergraduate or graduate student at the time the paper was written should appear only on a separate page. Prizes of $100 for each category will be awarded in March 1988. Papers must be received in the Women's Studies Program office, 234 West Engineering, by January 29, 1988. Please call 763-2047 for more information about submission guidelines. 5.. 1 0 Wouldn't Mom love a ... SILK PLANT? Compuea from Assoclate cress reports Trade gap reaches new high WASHINGTON - The U.S. trade deficit widened to a record $17.6 billion in October, the government said yesterday in a report that confounded experts and sent the dollar plunging to new post-war lows. The October deficit was an astonishing 25.3 percent higher than the $14.1 billion imbalance in merchandise trade recorded in September, according to the Commerce Department figures. Many analysts had been expecting the trade figure to worsen modestly in October, perhaps climbing by $500 million, given the fact that retailers normally step up their orders of imported goods to be ready for Christmas. But no one had expected the $3.56 billion surge that did occur. "You are sitting there looking for one thing and here comes a hurricane that almost takes your head off," said Jay Goldinger, an economist with Cantor, Fitzgerald, a Los Angeles bond house. FBI: Gunman in plane crash wrote death messagea to boss CAYUCOS, Calif. - A fired airline worker furious over his dismissal boarded a jet carrying a gun - and possibly explosives - to kill his supervisor and wrote him a death message on an airsickness bag, the FBI and court documents disclosed yesterday. "Hi Ray, I think its sort of ironical that we end up like this," read the unsigned message, which authorities say was written by David Burke to Raymond Thomson. "I ask for some leniency for my family, remember. Well I got none and you'll get none." Investigators found the message written on an airsickness bag at the site where Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 crashed on Monday, Los Angeles FBI Special Agent In Charge Richard Bretzing said. A .44-caliber Magnum pistol found Wednesday at the crash site was linked yesterday to Burke. Deaver perjured, says counsel WASHINGTON - Lobbyist Michael Deaver gave false testimony to bury allegations he improperly traded on his White House influence, the prosecutor in the former presidential aide's perjury trial told jurors yesterday. Deaver "started on a plan of deliberate cover up and perjury was a part of it" to counter allegations he used his long association with President Reagan to get six-figure lobbying contracts, independent counsel Whitney Seymour, Jr. told jurors in closing arguments in Deaver's trial. News stories that questioned Deaver's lobbying activities helped scuttle the planned sale of Deaver's firm to a London public relations company for up to $16 million, Seymour said. Ceremony honors laureates OSLO, Norway - Costa Rican President Oscar Arias accepted the 1987 Nobel Peace prize yesterday, saying he hoped it would boost the chances of success for the Central American peace plan for which it was awarded. Arias called on the superpowers to let Central Americans resolve their own problems. "In the name of God, at least they should leave us in peace," he said. At a white-tie ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden, meanwhile, King Carl XVI Gustav handed the Nobel prize in literature to exiled Soviet poet Joseph Brodsky and gave seven other laureates their awards for economics, physics, medicine and chemistry. Hundreds gathered outside the ornate 560-seat auditorium to watch a glittering line enter the hall, including the royal family headed by Norway's popular 84-year-old King Olav V. EXTRAS 25% Discount with Student ID Silk Plants Etc. 994-1360 1755 Plymouth Rd. North Campus Plaza the tereo opTM The place for stereo 605 E. William, Ann Arbor 4 The Michigan Union Bookstore The Michigan Union Bookstore gives you TOP DOLLAR Michigan Union bookstore will pay you up to 50% of the current list price for your Textbooks! " You get cash on the spot - Up to 50% of the list price - Your best time to sell is right after final exams STOP THE PRESSES! This is it. This is the last Extras column for 1987. No more cute stories from across the globe. No more alliterative headlines. No more renegade ostriches or snow penises. We're turning off the computers, losing the the last of The List items, and plunking one last quarter into our not-so-trusty old Coke machine (it's being removed next year because gambling is illegal in Michigan). Then, The Michigan Daily staff is cracking the books - many for the first time all term - to get ready for finals. But don't worry. The Daily will be back when you are, ready to bring you all the relevant campus and world news and blacken your hands with ink. Look for us Wednesday, Jan. 6 (we might even run a few extra Bloom County strips). - Rob Earle If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY. Vol. XCVIII - No. 65 The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September through April-$25 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term: $13 in Ann Arbor; $20 outside the city. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and the National Student News Ser- vied. 21) !77- z WE HAVE YOUR WINTER SEMESTER TEXTBOOKS! - Now is the best time to shop for that used textbook for winter semester Ii t- Ad Editor in Chief................................................RO B EARLE Managing Editor...................................AMY MINDELL News Editor .................................PHILIP 1. LEVY City Editor ...................MELISSA BIRKS Features Editor......................................MARTIN FRANK University Editor ......................KERY MURAKAMI, NEWS STAFF: Elizabeth Atkins, Francie Arenson, Vicki Bauer, Eve Becker, Katherine Beitner, Steve Blonder, Keith Brand, Jim Bray, Dov Cohen, Hamp~ton Dellinger, Kenneth Dintzer, Sheala Durant, Heather Eurich, Stephen Gregory. Grace Hill, Jeff Hughes, Steve Knopper, Carrie Loranger, Michael Lustig, Alyssa Lustigman, Tom MacKinnon, Andrew Mills, Peter Orner, Lisa Pollak, Jim Poniewozik, Melissa Ramsdell, David Schwartz, Martha Sevetson, Lauren Sinai, Rachel Stock, Steve Tuch, Ryan Tutak, David Webster, Rose Mary Wummel. Opinion Page Editors.........................PETER MOONEY HENRY PARK Assoc. Opinion Page Editor..C ALE SOUTHWORTH OPINION PAGE STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Rosemary Chinnock, Noah Finkel, Jim Herron, Eric L. Hoft, Gayle Kirschenbaum, Josh Levin, 1. Matthew Miller, Jeffrey Rutherford, Steve Semenuk, Tony Sherman, Mark Weisbrot. BETH FERTIG Books...............................LISA MAGNINO Film ...n.........................JOHN SHEA Theatre ..........JENNIFER KOHN ARTS STAFF: V.J. Beauchamp, Scott Collins, Robert Flaggert, Timothy Huet, Brian Jarvinen, Avra SKouff man, David Pez, Mike Rubin, Mark Shaiman, Todd Shanker, Lauren Shapiro, chuck Skarsaune, Mark Swartz, Marc S. Taras., PhotoEditors. ................SCOTT LITUCHY ANDI SCHREIBER PHOTO STAFF: Karen Handelman, Ellen Levy, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Dana Mendelssohn, John Munson, Grace Tsai. Weekend Editors...............REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN ALAN PAUL CARTOONISTS: Aaron Chassy, Fred Zinn. Sales Manager..............................ANNE KUBEK Assistant Sales Manager.........KAREN BROWN SALES STAFF: Gail Belenson, Sherri Blansky, Julie Bowers, Valerie Breler, Pam Bullock, Stephanie Burg, Milton Feld, Kim Feuerstein, Lisa George, Michelle Gill, Missy Hambrick, Ginger HeymanMat Lane, Jodi ManchiPk Mindy Mendonsa, Eddy Meng, Jackie Miller, Jaunie Parsells, Jennifer Rowe, Jim - All textbooks are discounted to U of M students! ,U