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December 10, 1987 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-12-10

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Page 10 -The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 10, 1987



Wolverines look for positive results

No, Austin Peay isn't the head coach of the
football program at Northwestern University.
That's Francis.
And no, Austin Peay isn't some high school
phenom that Bill Frieder has been courting to
play for Michigan.
Nor is Peay being tested in a plastic cup.
THE GOVERNORS' real test comes
tonight at Crisler Arena when the tiny school
from Clarksville, Tenn., squares off against the
5-1 Wolverines from Ann Arbor.
"They got a good team. Yeah, a real good
team," Frieder said, though those words have
been uttered before during December. "They beat
Illinois a year ago and they won the Western
Kentucky Tournament last week. So that was no
fluke. They're good."
In other words, Frieder is trying to say they
are good. True, they did beat the Fighting Illini
last March in the NCAA Tournament and true,
they won the Wendy's Classic last Saturday, but
good? They lost four starters from last year's
team, and the teams they beat in the Classic were
Kentucky Wesleyan and Western Kentucky.
The Governors currently sport a 2-2 record,
with their two losses coming at the hands of
Evansville and this year's Illinois squad- a 100-
62 thrashing Tuesday night. They haven't exactly
gotten into the groove just yet, as they are still
in the infantile stage.

"We're struggling a bit," said head coach Lake
Kelly. "We're in the crawling stage right now.
Sooner or later we'll be walking and then we'll
be able to run."
When they are able to run, they should be able
to beat up on teams in the Ohio Valley
conference in the same way Michigan beat up on
its December deadbeats. The team features two
outstanding transfers, Barry Sumpter and Andre
Harris, who now are beginning to learn the
intricacies of the system out in Clarksville.
SUMPTER had troubled times at Louisville
before he decided to move on to Tennessee a year
ago. He was ineligible to play last season, but
this season has proven he's been worth the wait.
Sumpter was named MVP of the Wendy's
tournament this past weekend, averaging 20
points and 15.5 rebounds. In a losing cause in
Champaign, he scored 24 points. The seven-
footer runs the floor well for a big man and plays
both ends of the court.
"He has done a great job and I'm very happy
for him because it's something that he's worked
hard for," Kelly said. "He really wants to do well,
and he has put the effort in to succeed. His
attitude is a big plus."
ANOTHER BIG PLUS was landing

Harris, a former Indiana Hoosier, who has had a
difficult time handling being labelled the best
athlete that Bobby Knight ever recruited at
Indiana. His teammates have heard these lofty
expectations and have put the ball in the
forward's hands a bit more than coach Kelly
would like.
"The transfer has really put pressure on him,"
Kelly said. "When he came here he felt a real
responsibility on our team and we have been
looking for him more than they did at Indiana and
it's hurt him."
The rest of the starting lineup includes forward
Tony Raye, who is averaging 12 points per game
and 7.7 rebounds; Vincent Brooks, last year's
sixth man; and Keith Rawls - another transfer
- who hails from that school with a household
name, Hiwasse Junior College in Tennessee.
What it all amounts to is the best of the worst
this month for the Wolverines, who have shown
signs of coming together as of late.
With Terry Mills and Rumeal Robinson
looking more and more at ease with each passing
game, Glen Rice shooting golden arches, and
Gary Grant playing more like an All-American,
the Governors will likely return from their Big
Ten tour 0-2.

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Glen Rice slams home a missed free throw by Rumeal Robinson in Satur-
day's victory over Central Michigan. Rice is leading the Wolverines in
scoring with 22 points per game.

Arizona and Iowa to clash Saturday

IOWA CITY (AP) - Arizona
coach Lute Olson says he's starting
to realize that Saturday's game be-
tween his fourth-ranked Wildcats and
No. 3 Iowa is more than just another
early-season non-conference game.
Olson, who will be returning to
Iowa City to coach in a game for the
first time since he left the Hawkeyes
for Arizona in 1983, said he had lit-
tle time to think about it because his
team played Tuesday night against
Northern Arizona, winning, 77-59,
to improve to 6-0.
"It's starting to dawn on me
now," Olson said in a conference call
from Tucson yesterday. "It's more
than just another December game, I

OLSON SENT a message to
Iowa's Tom Davis via reporters.
"Tell Tom we're going to press
him full court for 40 minutes, run
and jack it up every chance we get,"
Olson said.
"And if you think we're that
silly, then..." Olson said, letting the
sentence trail off at the end.
"I frankly don't know what to
expect on Saturday," Davis said.
And Olson wasn't about to help
him out.
"How we'll play it, we'll try to
surprise everybody," Olson said.
OLSON SAID he expects a
positive reception from the fans at

Carver-Hawkeye Arena, a 15,500
seat facility built while he was at
Iowa from 1975 to 1983. He said he
did not expect anyone to hold a
grudge because he left the Hawkeyes.
"It would be difficult to imagine
that people would harbor ill feel-
ings," he said.
"I also know what Hawk fans are
like once the game starts," Olson
D A VIS was puzzled that the
matchup was not picked for national
"I'm surprised and probably as
disappointed as Tom that it's not
on," Olson said.
He said the continuation of Ari-
zona's two year home-and-home se-
ries with Iowa depended partly on
whether it would draw national tele-
vision attention.
Olson said the Wildcats will take
advantage of fast-break situations
against Iowa but will try to refrain
from being drawn into a running
game by the Hawkeye pressure de-
"They do lull you into thinking
you've got them where you want
them," he said.
"It gets down to do you have the

depth to do it for 40 minutes," he
ARIZONA is deep this season,
with all its starters back from last
year plus the addition of Steve Kerr,
who sat out with a knee injury.
Arizona has lost Brian David for the
season with a knee injury.
Kerr is back at full speed, Olson
"I think he's got better quickness
now and I know he's much stronger
than he was before because he's had
the year to work on weights," Olson
Last year at Tucson, Iowa came
back from a 15-point deficit to beat
Arizona, 89-80.
"I think (the Hawkeyes) are better
right now than what they were a year
ago," Olson said. "Offensively, they
are running things much more effi-
Iowa players such as point guard
B.J. Armstrong, guard Bill Jones,
and forward Roy Marble have had
another year to learn Davis' system,
Olson said.
"B.J.'s made tremendous strides,"
he said.

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High school hoops....
.one m ore shot at glory
December. Snow. Shopping for the holidays. It can mean only one
thing - its high school hoops season.
'Tis the season for pre-season prep player picks, slams, stunning
upsets, and reading the newspaper to see if your school gets plopped
in the middle of the high school ranlrings. Its something special.
High school basketball strikes more than current students. The beer
commercial of three men on the court, in a darkened solemn gym
commenting, "You made the pass, I took the shot" effectively drama-
tizes the feelings shared by players and fans alike.
MEMORIES pulled from the memory bank. Long jumpers from
hot shot sophomore Bobby D., or stunning blocks by Freddie H., are
grabbed from miles of film footage, glamorized, and smiled about.
For some players, this is their only moment in the spotlight. The
prospect of a high school hometown hero landing in Crisler Arena's
spotlight for a championship game may make that player famous for
Andy Warhol's given five minutes. This is their moment. Then, onto
the factory, off to the farm, or onto college. Onto a life where stardom
and heroism are never seen again.
Maybe bigger moments. College. Pros. Yet the memory lingers.
Chuck Nevitt broadly smiles when recalling the old days. The
center has gone on to bigger - and taller - things as a reserve for
the Detroit Pistons.
"Sports go over pretty well in the south," said Nevitt after a recent
game. "Our school had quite an atmosphere."
Getting behind the team. Trying to scheme a way to rush the court
without being caught by the principal. Waiting until everyone leaves
the gym so classmates can clip the net. Planning fight roles if a
ruckus breaks out between fans. Listening to the record break down
during the playing of the national anthem. Only in high school.
"Memories of my high school games are very fond;" Nevitt remi-
nisced. "My senior year was one of the school's finer years. We went
all the way to the final, but the thing I most remember is the cama-
raderie we had with the team. We were close. We kept together."
Forget the big egos. These players worry more about Friday's test
and party than what number they will be picked in the draft or how
much his next contract will be worth.
The fact that one gets to know each member of the team helps out.
The entire school hears the news, not reads it. It is passed around that
Brennan hurt his-knee, or Hammond broke a backboard in his halftime
speech. Its these kind of tidbits that unite a school.
Its these kind of tidbits that are fondly recalled five, 25, and 50
years from now. Its schools named Sprayberry, kids with names that
never will be heard from again, school'spirit, and team camaraderie
that make high school basketball, high school basketball.
So when returning home next week, complete the shopping, say
hello to mom, and open the door. Open the door to your high school
gym. See the new team filled with unheard names make new memo-
ries for a new bunch of students. Open the door to the memories of
old. Its something special.



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