CLASSIFIED The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 9, 1987- Page 7 Student demonstrators dispute d e N 1JL) claims ma HELP WANTED POLITICS CAN PAY OVER X-MAS Pt/ft holiy work w/Pirim on the environ- mental eorcement pacage. Help change the course of environmental politics and promote the clean up of Michigan's toxic waste in the process. Training, advancement potential. CallSandy 668-6683. REP POSITION AVAILABLE. Motivated individual to sell proven beach Spring Break trip to South Padre Island. Membership in cam pus organization helpful. Potential $1000.00 commission plus free trp. Call Melany at 1-800-258-9191 for information. RESEARCH ASSISTANTTo run clinical studies on taste preferences in obesity and eating disorders. Full- or half-time aary depending on qualifications. Call 747-0208. RHINO RECORDS is hiring an intern in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area. Applicants will need knowledge of local record retail, local music scene and a car. interviews will take place in early Janua. For information, please call SEEKING TUTORS for Jan. 1988 for ele- rnentary through college level in English, readin4, math, and Ilearning disabilities. Master s level preferred. Send resume to Geraldine Markel,PhD, at U of M reading and Learning Center 1610 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104. E6E. THE U-M ENGINEERING Services Office needs help developing the master graphics database of the architecture and engineering university facilities. If you are dependable and energetic, and either have a little experi- ence with microcomputers or a lot, please ap- ply in person for we paying jobs at our of- lice near the south-east comer of Hoover and Greene. We are accepting applications for employment now, during the winter term, and summer 1988. These are very interesting jobs using the latest microcomputer technology in a congenial atmosphere. WORK FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT OR VOLUNTEER at Pound House Children's Center this Winter term, (credit with Pro'ect Outreach & Project Community). Located at Hill and E. University. Come over for a visit or call 764-2547 for more information. STUDENTS PART TIME FLEXIBLE HOURS Telemarketing firm with several morning, afternoon, and evening positions available. GUARANTEED $6/HOUR POTENTIAL $12/HOUR Call Pat Larkin between 10:00-5:00 996-2011 or 996-2027 BUSINESS SERVICES RESEARCHERS, GRAD STUDENTS! Ex- perienced data specialists will process your research data from source documents to data base to final report. Call DATASPECS, Inc. 449-5193. GOING PLACES ROUND TRIP TICKET Detroit- Newark/ New York, Dec. 18- Jan. 12. $110. Call 747- 06 15. SPRING BREAK '88 (you drive/we drive) ****D YTONA*** $75 /$149 FST AUDERDAL, 11$205 SOUTH PADRE ILE, $169/1$269 For more info. See us in the fishbowl 12/11 or call Julie, 764-0965 or Michelle, 764-6052. SPRING BREAK IN ACAPULCO OR CANCUN. $379: hotel, air fare. Estee 995- 0642. VERY CHEAP ROUNDTRIP TICKET to L.A. from Det. Price neg. Call 764-0243. HALL OF FAME BOWL "The Sunshine Express" Tampa, Florida 12/2/87-1/3/88 from $259.00 Motorcoach transportation, 4 nights hotel & taxes, game ticket, plus much more Call 663-1010 or 1-800-642-9883 Loveiov-Tiffany Travel LAUDERDALE BEACH HOTEL LAUDERDALE BEACH HOTEL WANTS YOU"' WHY??? BECAUSE "U" DESERVE "US"... deserve the comfort of an affordable hotel with restaurants, poolside bar, bike shop and lots more all under one roof; with the beautiful Atlantic Ocean at your front deserve to go back to school refreshed and ready for 2nd semester! When "U" think CHRISTMAS VACATION..."U" will decide to reward yourself with plenty of SUNland lots of EMI! Remember...LBH, Lauderdale Beach Hotel Orrr...LIVELY-BEACHFRONT- HAPPENINGS, we're one and the same. $12.50 per person per night QUAD. CALL...CALL...CALL... 1(800) 327-7600 for reservations. CLASSIFIED ADS Call 764-0557 MISCELLANEOUS The ANNUAL MEETING of the University Club of Ann Arbor is scheduled for Thurs- day, December 10, 1987 at 11am in the Michigan Room of the Michigan Union. TICKETS BASKETBALL: U of M tickets for sale 40 yard line. Best offer. June 747-6665. DETROIT-NEWARK Dec. 21 $50.NEWARK-DETROIT Jan. 3 $50 Dan DISCOUNT AIR FARE TO LA. American airlines. Call Mrs. Winn at 930-1520. RD. TRIP TICKET fr. Detroit-LaGuardia. 12/21-1/5. Price neg. Lauren, 994-4026. ROUND TRIP TICKET Det.-Wt. Plains, Dec. 21-Jan. 5. Asking $90. Beth 764-1870. Wanted: U of M basketball tickets; will pay $. Call #763-0798. WANTED: MICHIGAN BASKETBALL tickets. 668-6282. ROOMMATES DESPERATE-1 bdrm. avail. LOW rent, no util., 2 min. fr. diag, Mike 747-9637. FEMALE NON-SMOKING HOUSEMATE needed for 3 bedroom Westside house. Fire- place. $230/month. Contact Sherry, at 668- FEMALE ROOMATE to share 2 bedroom apt. near campus. Rent $282/mo. & phone & elec. Call 747-6724 ASAP. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Share large bedroom, modem apt. Comer of Oak- land andHill. Call662-3028 for info. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share 2 bdrm. apt. $110/mo. Call Ann 769-9566. MALE ROOMMATE needed to share large 2 bedroom apt. NEGOTIABLE RENT 747- 7442. ROMMATE NEEDED FEMALE (grad stu- dent pref) easy going, sense of humorto share apt own room, new, spacious, laundry fac, parking, near Briarwood mall. $260 + util. Leave message 971-8128. ROOM FOR RENT - own room in house. Female prefered. Jan- Aug. lease. Molly 996- 0054. ROOMMATE NEEDED to share spacious 2 bdrm Willowtree apt. Beginning an 1. call 996-4673. SINGLE RM. AVAIL. w/ waterbed. For fe- male in 3 bdrn. apt. Oakland and Arch. Avail. Wint. Term. Lauren, 994-4026. TWENTY-FIVE YEAR OLD WOMAN looking for a woman of similar age to share an apartment beginning in January. Prefer someone who is a non-smoker and neat. If interested call Roberta at 665-0192, M-F 6- 10pm and Weekends anytime. COMPUTER MDSE. LA120BA DecWriter III with keyboard. Make offer. Call668-6523 persistently. MULTITECH +700,640K $700, or +20Mb + modem + printer $1250.747-4126 evens. (Continued from Page 1) Ann Arbor City Attorney Ron Plunkett, who authorized the two warrants against Marcuse, did not authorize a warrant for Patrick's ar- rest because he kicked Marcuse in self-defense, based on testimony in the report. Plunkett's decision prompted the Rackham Student Government to offer a $500 reward for public safety or police officers who present evi- dence leading to conspiracy or per- jury charges by a safety officer. At the protest last Nov. 25, about 30 student demonstrators forced their way past University Director of Public Safety Leo Heatley, who was physically blocking their access to a hallway leading to CIA interviews at the Career Planning and Placement office of the SAB. Barbour, who was standing be- hind Heatley in plain clothes, re- ported that Marcuse struck him in the left shoulder, and continued down the hallway, "pushing and bumping" him with his shoulder "much as a football player would block." Heatley, wrote Detective Richard Kinsey in the report, "observed the suspect grab Officer Barbour from behind... Heatley felt that the sus- pect might be trying to get to Offi- cer Barbour's weapon. As the sus- pect Marcuse was grabbing Barbour from behind Heatley stated he saw Marcuse knee Officer Barbour in the back." Barbour, in the report, did not mention being kneed in the back, but he described "soreness to his back" to Kinsey. Heatley and Barbour were un- available for comment last night. Marcuse denied the charges, call- ing them "unbelievable. I didn't grab him. I didn't knee him. I pushed against him." After protestors crossed another room, and gained access to another hallway, Marcuse told city police that he was kicked in the groin by ConsideringAbortion? Free Pregnancy Test Completely Confidential Pregnancy Counseling Center 529 N. Hewitt, Ypsilanti Call: 434-3088 (any time) You're Invited by COPY DUPLICATING PRODUCTS To come see, touch, and try out our most modern state-of-the-art office equipment. Murata * Minolta * Panasonic Kyocera * Panafax Stop by: Michigan League, Room D Wednesday, December 9,1987 From 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM * Refreshments All Day " Luncheon Buffet 11:30-1:30 * Door Prize - 35mm Camera R.S.V.P. 353-6460, ask for Ellen Murphy e in polic who witnesses later identified as Patrick. No police officers - except for Patrick and Pifer, who maintain Patrick's alleged kick was done in self-defense - said they witnessed Patrick's alleged attack on Marcuse in the report, even though more than five students in the hallway insist they saw the attack. Patrick, in the report, told Ann Arbor Police Lt. John Atkinson that he saw Marcuse "grab Mr. Pifer by the shoulders from behind and knee him in the buttock or lower back area" and that when Marcuse turned towards him, he "kicked him in the groin area with his right foot." Pifer's testimony agrees with Patrick's, and Pifer said that he did report notsee who allegedly assaulted him. Pifer confirmed the report last night. But Marcuse said, "I never grabbed anybody - I'didn't even come into physical contact with anyone who I can conceive of being Mr. Pifer." Marcuse said Pifer's al- -legations were "ridiculous and ab- surd." Rackham graduate student Jeff Gearhart, one of the protestors who testified to the police, said last night that "there's no way that that would happen. (Marcuse) was simply walking through that hallway. That's absolutely not what I saw." Marcuse will offer a plea to city District Court #15 tomorrow at his arraignment. GOING PLACES ***DESPERATELY SEEKING SOMEONE 2 DRIVE CAR FROM NY 2 AA- TERMS NEGOTIABLE$$$$ PLEASE CALL VA- LERIE at 995-11531 HELP! ***SPRING BREAK*** Acapulco trip. occ. from $419. Cancun trip. occ. from $559. Jamaica quad. occ. from $469. Club Med dbl. occ. from $960. Space limited- Book early Regency Travel, 209-211 S. State 665-6122 AAAH! Looking for an airplane ticket back? Leaving Ft. Lauderdale to Detroit Jan. 4. BEST OFFER. ASAP. 930-1987-Chad. BAHAMAS-SPRING BREAK--Starting at $279. Roundtrip airfare and transfers. Seven nights hotel accomodations. Several free par- ties. ONLY $50 deposit secures your reser- vation. Hurry-limited space available. Call CHRIS 761-5487, RANDY 761-1537, HEATHER 996-9390. THINK SUNI!I!1 BOSTON TO DETROIT JAN 6 Detroit to Newark Jan 11 $135 for both-- separate negotiable Call Kathy at 764-7974. CHRISTMAS STUDENT SPECIAL One-way non-stop chartered-Party Bus To the following cities Buffalo NY $46 Chicago IL $32 Champaign IL $52 Dayton OH $25 Cincinnati OH $35 Louisville KY $49 For more information call We Go at 665-9928. COMPLETE TRAVEL:For Interviews Va- cations, Getting away! 1920 Pkrd. 761 -533. CONTINENTAL AIRLINE TICKET round trip travel within continental USA. $200, eves. 426-2028. Expires March 15, 1988. Detroit-Philadelphia-Roundtrip Dec. 19 to Jan. 5 $130 (One way neg.) Brad--996-1841 FOR SALE: Round trip ticket Det.-Boston. Leave Dec. 22 return Jan. 3. $150 or best of- fer. Call 764-072 for info. FREEPORT FOR SPRING BREAK only $409. Contact Missy at 665-0336. Includes airfare, hotel, and specials. FROM $279 BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK!I! Includes roundtrip air, 7 nt. hotel 3 hr. rum cruise, admission to clubs, welcome rum swizze, more-plus casinos nearby. Limited space-hurry! American Travel Services. Call Doug 996-0632. NEED A TICKET TO NEW YORK? Leav- ing Dec. 18, returning Jan. 4. Negotiable. Please call Sheri at 663-2912. ONE ROUND TRIP TICKET DET.-WASH. D.C. Dec. 21-Jan 5 $150/negotiable Call Maren 930-0605. ONE WAY TICKET- DC to Detroit. Jan. 5th. $50. Call Judy 764-1616. One Way tkt. Detroit-LGA leaving 12122. Best offer. Call Julie @~ 764-0965. PLANE TICKET: To LaGuardia Dec. 22- Jan. 2. Super cheap. Call 747-6275 (Lenny) Early or late (after 12 pin). PLANE TICKET to Newark, Dec. 17 only $48. Call Eddie 763-7037. ROUND TRIP TO N.Y., onl $110. Leaves .1222, returns 115. Call Jen 74-6675Y b ROUNDTRIP Detroit-White Plains,NY only nE l Burnham Associates Drastic Rent Reductions No Added Fees Low Security Deposits Arbor Forest Albert Terrace Apartments 721 S. Forest, Ann Arbor 1700 Geddes, Ann Arbor m medi te Occupancy 1215 Hill, Ann Arbor _1_)_7__-1_2 _ THINK i , [ j t . .dr ,, % v. f . s > ' fF Rf , "a - , s .. i:, , 1 I N$ j III 7~G'too 4 10 4, ® T l SI IT I 14:w DOUBLE CHEESE -HI EXTRA THICK CRUST I DOMINO'S PIZZA , DELIVERSE FREE. a . -~ 0E Thursday One 12" pepperoni pizza with extra thick crust and double cheese for only $5.00 plus tax. No coupon necessary. Offer good Thursday only. No additions, deletions or substitutions. Hours: 11:00 AM - 2 AM Where can you find a climate that supports individual achievement in the world of financial services? MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC. K aWill Be On Campus To Conduct Interviews for the FINANCE AND y CORPORATE STRATEGY GROUP on January 7,1988 Please contact the Placement Director of the Graduate School of Business Administration for an interview. I I