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December 09, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-12-09

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Marc use
(Continued from Page 1)
Marcuse presented his side of the
story to the assembly alleging that
Assistant Director of Public Safety
Robert Patrick kicked him in the
groin at the protest. Marcuse is in
the process of taking the matter to
The assembly, through the reso-
lution, also pledged $1,000 from its
general fund to cover Marcuse's legal
fees in this endeavor. It further sup-
ported Marcuse by offering a $500
reward for any information leading to
the arrest and conviction of any
Campus Safety officer or Ann Arbor
Police officer "for obstruction of
justice or conspiracy with respect to
the assault on Harold Marcuse."
In the second resolution on this
issue, the assembly condemned the
CIA for "its horrendous and
disgraceful history as counter to the
principles of any democratic nation."
Charles Tackett, a Vietnam veteran,
spoke to the assembly regarding his
quest to establish a national holiday
for Vietnam veterans. Tackett is
trying to collect 20 million sig-
natures to establish the holiday on
May 7, the date in 1975 that saw the
withdrawal of the last American
soldiers from the Southeast Asian
Tackett, a native of Kentucky,
who was in Ann Arbor in January to
solicit support, returned to the as-
sembly with 1.1 million signatures.
The assembly agreed to join with
the University of Kentucky and
Marshall University in West Vir-.
ginia to coordinate the distribution
of information throughout the coun-
try regarding the holiday.
The assembly also passed a reso-
lution submitted by LSA repre-
sentative Michael Phillips calling
for the cancellation of casses on
January 18, 1988 in honor of Martin
Luther King Day. In addition to
cancelling classes, the resolution
urged the Regents, Interim President
Robben Fleming (who assumes his
} duties Jan. 1) and the deans of all the
schools and colleges to urge students
to participate in festivities shceduled
for that day.

' The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, December 9, 1987- Page 3
Faculty debates
sanctions for
racist acts

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Charles Moody, University vice provost for minority affairs, speaks to students, faculty, and staff members
yesterday on increasing minority recruitment and retention.
0 "e
Official works for m-inority
recruximent -- and etnion

Should the University impose
sanctions against people who com-
mit racist acts, possibly suspending
or expelling offenders?
The faculty will discuss this
question in Monday's faculty Senate
Assembly meeting as two Univer-
sity experts debate whether sanctions
are necessary or if they violate First
Amendment rights to freedom of
The faculty's governing body, the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA), is or-
ganizing Monday's forum in re-
sponse to faculty concerns that the
University has not responded quickly
enough in prosecuting racists.
ONE VOCAL English pro-
fessor has his own idea about what
the University's actions should be.
In September, Graduate Chair of the
English Department James Winn
spurred debate in the Senate
Assembly with a proposal that the
University establish sanctions
against people who engage in racist
His comments were met by op-
position of faculty members who
think sanctions would dangerously
restrict freedom of expression rights.
Winn proposes that entering stu-
dents sign a letter in which they
pledge to "respect the rights and
feelings of people" in different racial,
religious, and cultural groups, and in
which they acknowledge that such
offensive acts may be punished by
suspension or expulsion.

Students would be held account-
able for the statement. If they com-
mitted racist acts, the University
would have a legal stance against the
Winn stated his proposal in Oc-
tober in a letter to University Presi-
dent Harold Shapiro. He circulated
the letter to SACUA, the chair pf
the English department, the dean of
LSA, and the dean of the graduate
school, but has not received any re-
Winn says the University ur-
gently needs to create a strong, offi-
cial response which establishes
solutions to problems of racism.
He says his proposal will "put
teeth" into the University's con-
sciousness-raising program of "Tell
Someone" posters which condemn
racism. The establishment of safie
tions would "send a welcome signali
of seriousness," he said.
a whole, Winn's proposal representi
only one possibility for dealing with
acts of racism.
SACUA does not have plans to.
address Winn's proposal specifically.
but members hope the faculty wil
address the problem at next Mon-v
day's meeting.
At the meeting, Law School
Prof. Sallyanne Payton and Dean of
the Law School Lee Bollinger will
present brief speeches for and against
imposing sanctions regulating racist
behavior. SACUA will then open
the floor for the remainder of the
meeting to receive comments from
assembly members.

University Vice Provost for
Minority Affairs Charles Moody
said yesterday that his office is
working with existing depart-
ments and programs on campus to
increase minority recruitment and
retention, rather than implement-
ing new projects.
Moody told about 50 members
of the University community
gathered in the Michigan Union
Kunzel Room that the Office of
Minority Affairs (OMA) was not
trying to "reinvent the wheel.
"We need to work with struc-
tures and departments already in
place," Moody said.
But before taking questions,
Moody talked about the OMA and
his involvement in increasing
minority recruitment and retention
at the University.
HE SAID the OMA's purpose
is to "provide direction" to the
University in handling minority
Moody said he is working with
the admissions offices of all Uni-
versity colleges to come up with
more effective recruiting tech-
One of them, The College Day
Program, brings minority students
from all over the state to the Uni-
versity to introduce them to the
campus and the academic pro-
grams the University offers.
On increasing the number of
minority faculty members here,
Moody said one way to recruit
them is through the Martin Luther

King/Ceasar Chavez/Rosa Parks
Visiting Professorship Program.
The program brings minority
faculty from around the country to
University to teach for one to two
MOODY SAID the program
gives the University an oppor-
tunity to look the professors over
as perspective faculty members
and allows the visiting scholars an
opportunity to check out the
research and teaching facilities at
the University.
Some minority faculty mem-
bers have already been hired
through this process.
To retain University minority.
students, Moody said he is work-
ing with Minority Students Ser-
vices (MSS) and the Comprehen-
sive Studies Program (CSP). CSP
offers academic counselling for
minority students, and MSS
sponsors social and cultural
Moody stressed, however, that
the OMA cannot single-handedly
wipe out racism at the University.
"We want to get across the con-
cept that it is everybody's respon-
sibility to make the University
the kind of place we want it to
be... I want help and assistance
from you."
BUT A BLACK student,
who wished to remain anony-
mous, said "I am tired of hearing
that students have to stand up and
identify these problems." The
student felt it should be the
University's responsibility.

He also said he felt that "a lot
of the concessions made last
spring were just rhetoric." Moody
said he wanted to talk to the stu-
Many of the questions Moody
addressed were written out before
the forum by audience members
and given to him, and the major-
ity of these questions dealt with
the University's policy toward
Latino students.
One of the questions asked what
the status of a 12-point plan to
increase Hispanic recruitment and
retention that the Council for
Hispanics in Higher Education
(CHHE) presented to the Univer-
sity last spring.
MOODY SAID he had given
the plan to University President
Harold Shapiro and that Shapiro's
advisory committee on minority
affairs was considering it.
Another questioner asked
Moody what he was doing to help
the struggling Latino Studies de-
partment. He said that he has been
discussing ways to improve the
program with department chair
Sylvia Pedraza-Bailey.
LSA senior Anne Martinez told
Moody she is a Latino Studies
major but that she is leaving the
University next semester due to
the department's lack of resources.
Moody said, "The University
isn't going to change overnight...
but because some of these things
are going to take time, it doesn't
give us a license to do nothing."

The Palace
Student picks name, wins
lifetime tickets to arena

Jon Binder didn't think The
Palace was such a great name.
But 1,600 others and the owners
of the new Auburn Hills sports and
entertainment arena did.
Binder; an LSA junior from
Flint, entered the name-the-complex
contest earlier this term and last
Friday night judges picked his sug-
gestion from a hat at the Pontiac
Silverdome. Binder won two lifetime
tickets to every event at The Palace.
"I thought of a bunch of names,
and there were others I liked better...
like 'Odyssey ' and
'Pinnacle'," Binder said. Palace
spokesperson Marilyn Desjardins
said a field of judges statewide chose
names by "popularity and creativ-
ity." The second and third runner-up
names were 'Great Lakes Gardens'
and 'The Epicenter.'

Arena officials received more than
75,000 entries for the contest, out of
which they chose the 25 best to be
ranked by the judges, Desjardins
Judges liked 'The Palace' -
submitted by 1,600 contestants -
best. The officials then randomly
selected five names drawn from a hat
at the Pistons' half-time show.
The Pistons will begin their '88
89 season at the new arena. The
Palace also has the contract for at
eight World Wrestling Federation
bouts, as well- as other sporting
events, concerts, and family shows.'
Although Desjardins cannot tefl
where Binder's seats will be - be.}
cause the seats are not yet in the
arena - she values the tickets at "at
least" $150,000. Binder however,
expects them to be worth $400,000

Housing officials may reverse eviction decision

(continued from Page 1)
IN ADDITION, the women refused to turn
in another person who posted a flier making
derogatory remarks about Williams House
Resident Director Ratnesh Nagda.
During a protest on Monday at the Housing
Office in the Student Activities Building, other
residents of Williams House accused Nagda of
airing a "personal vendetta" by turning in the
three women. They said the women were singled
out by Nagda.
Nagda refused to comment.

"For a resident staff member to use his
position against selective students is
unacceptable," said Michigan Student Assembly
president Ken Weine. "It's inappropriate for
housing to selectively enforce (the residence hall)
Weine would not call the Housing Office's
actions a code of non-academic conduct. He did
say, however, "housing should not be telling
students what they can and cannot do.
"I think it's great that they're fighting. I think

it's great that they brought it to the community's
attention. It's important that students oppose
Housing for the selective way they enforce the
rules," said Weine.
A meeting with Levy, the three women, and
house elected officials will take place early next
year, Brown said. She added that Levy has been
helpful in trying to work out the problems
between the resident staff and residents.
Levy will meet with Housing Director Archie
Andrews to further discuss their case.

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Irving Greenberg - An open
discussion with visiting professor of
religious thought, 10 a.m., Hillel.
Raoul LePage - Professor in
Department of Statistics and
Probability at Michigan State
University; "Predicting Transforms of
Stable Noise," 4:00 p.m., 1443
Mason Hall. Coffee at 3:30 p.m.
Robin Hochstrasser - Professor
in Department of Chemistry at
University of Pennsylvania; "Ultrafast
Reaptions," 2:00 p.m., Rm.. 1300,
Chem. Bldg.
Richard Keller - Doctor at Los
Alamos National Laboratory, "Laser
Induced Fluorescence as an Approach
to Single Molecule Detection in
Flowing Streams," 2:00 p.m., Rm.
1300, Chem. Bldg.
Victor Snieckus - Professor at

Commission for Women -
Students, faculty and staff welcome.
1:30 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Aud.
Meeting for prospective School of
Education graduate students - Meet
the faculty, administrators, and
students of the School of Ed. Faculty
and staff will discuss the programs
offered and answer questions about
financial aid and the teacher
certification program. 6:00 p.m.,
Tribute Rm., 1322 School of Ed.
College Republicans - 7:30
p.m., Michigan League Studio.
Latin American Solidarity
Committee (LASC) - 8:00 p.m.,
2435 Mason Hall.
Open Mike at the Ark - Sign up

Mon-Fri The '


Sat 9-1


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Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(between 5th Ave. and Division)
next to U-M Credit Union


University of Michigan Library
Preservation Awareness Corner
The advantages of microfilm over optical disk storage for
preserving library materials include which of the following?
A) The American National Standards Institute has developed
recognized standards for microfilm, but has yet to establish
such standards for optical data disks.
B) Archival-quality sijver halide microfilm will last for at least five


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