The Michigan Daily, Thursday, September 10, 1987- Page 9 You're the Quarterback- 4th and Goal to Go to finish that term paper... What will vni cn? I . w w Ii The Univers in cooperation with Apple Computer, IB brings you Compute C- ity of Michigan M, and Zenith Data Systems r Kickoff '87 -..._ A So that you may have the most convenient access to the power of computing, we are offering a variety of systems at significant savings: *IBMs from $1,258.33 to $2,153.77 *Zenith Data Systems from $911.04 to $4,374.24 -Apple Macintoshes from $1,564.16 to $4,446.52 In addition, local Ann Arbor computer dealers: ComputerLand, Inacomp Computer Center, Today's Business Computer and the Learning Center, Ltd., have joined the team with special prices on software and accessories. For more information: *Booklets (including systems and prices) available at: *AII Campus Computing Sites *Campus Information Center *Computing Resource Center (formerly MEC) *Photo & Campus Services *Hands-On Demonstration and Seminar Sunday, September 13 10:00 am-6:00 pm Michigan Union Ballroom Don't miss the computing season,