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December 08, 1987 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-12-08

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treaty to



The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, December 8, 1987-Page 3
Kemp campaign
chairs resign in
protest of rules

usher in
brewing fight on Capitol Hill and
across the country over the medium-
:ange missile ban that President
Meagan and Soviet leader Mikhail
Gorbachev are set to sign may be
only a warm-up for a bloodier
struggle over a treaty to slash long-
range missile arsenals.
Many of the same issues are in
both accords, but magnified in a
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
(START) because it involves more
radical changes in the American nu-
clear arsenal.
The weapons that would scrapped
by START are much more impor-
tant to the defense of the United
States and allies in Western Europe
and Asia than the rockets due for
dismantling under an Intermediate-
range Nuclear Forces (INF) pact.
Eliminating all U.S. medium-
range rockets will still leave 4,000
U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe.
But a 50 percent reduction in strate-.
gic arms - the goal set by Reagan
and Gorbachev - would make a
vastly more substantial cut in A-
merican armaments.
Hard choices would have to be
made by the Pentagon on which'
weapons to keep and which to scrap
in order to stay under prescribed
By contrast, the impact of the
missile ban Reagan and Gorbachev
are signing tomorrow afternoon is
slight. About 7 percent of the
55,000 U.S. and Soviet warheadsf
will be dismantled over three years.
But the missile ban sets a prece-
dent for inspection of each other's


From D.C. to Diag
LSA sophomore Beth Blumenstein speaks to a
Soviet Jewry.

virtually empty Diag during yesterday's campus protest for

Council tables false report action

LANSING (AP) - Two of Jack
Kemp's Michigan co-chairs resigned
yesterday so they could join sup-
porters of Vice President George
Bush in fighting a state party rules
change aimed at helping Pat Robert-
State Sen. Dick Posthumus (R-
Lowell) and Larrain Thomas, first
vice chair of the state party, said
they no longer could go along with
the tactics of the Kemp campaign.
Kemp and Robertson backers
joined forces earlier this year to take
control of the state committee, trig-
gering bitter warfare with Bush
forces. "The party was just being
destroyed," Thomas said.
Thomas said Posthumus empha-
sized they both still backed Kemp,
but couldn't keep their campaign
posts while the party was at war
with itself.
Flint attorney Paul Gadola is the
third Kemp co-chair in Michigan. He
didn't return a telephone message
The infighting has prompted a
lawsuit, which was settled Friday in
favor of Bush supporters, and threats
of separate county and state conven-
tions next month when Michigan
selects the nation's first 77 delegates
to the Republican National Conven-
"This coalition makes it unlikely
the Michigan Republican Party will
be faced with the possibility of ex-
pensive lawsuits, 'rump' conven-
tions, and intraparty battles, which
could continue through the 1988

election cycle," Posthumus said at a
Capitol news conference.
Under an agreement outlined by
Posthumus and a Bush co-chair,
state Senate Majority Leader John
Engler (R-Mount Pleasant), about.
ten Kemp backers will oppose the.
rules change that will be considered .
Saturday and the Bush supporters
won't file any more lawsuits against
the state party.
Posthumus and Engler said the
agreement would let both their pres
idential favorites emerge from the'
Jan. 29-30 state convention in a
"virtual dead heat."
They refused to elaborate on that
Posthumus said he and like-
minded Kemp backers would tilt the
balance of power on the 101-member
state GOP committee away from the
current conservative coalition.
"It'll be very close, but I believe
we have the votes to do it," he said.
Earlier yesterday, state party chair
Spencer Abraham announced the
state committee would meet Satur-
day to consider a proposed rule
change that would erase some of the
gains the Bush campaign has made
in Michigan after a rocky early start.
Abraham said he doesn't support
the rules change, but was forced to
call the meeting because more than a
third of the party leadership had
asked for it.
Three weeks ago, Posthumus is-
sued a letter criticizing the Bush
forces and supporting the change.-h
"The only way I justify it is that
the Bush people are willing to withl
draw further pursuit of lawsuits
against the party," he said.

(Continued from Page 1)
tabled last night by City Council.
The proposal was written by Epton in response to
an incident in which the citizen was pulled over by
police for a driving violation. The citizen then went to
the police department and complained to police that he
was assaulted.
Assistant City Attorney Ron Plunkett denied the
warrant against the officer, then authorized another
warrant, filed later by a police officer, that the citizen
made a false police report.
Currently, Michigan State Law prohibits citizens
from filing false reports, but another proposed
ordinance by Epton, which passed through its first
reading, would discount the law when a citizen makes a
false complaint against a police officer.

Epton's resolution, which was tabled as a separate
proposal, says that the state law would apply "from
time to time," and the new ordinance would apply,
depending on policy set by city council and governed
by the police.
Epton's tabled proposal specifically demanded that
all charges against the citizen be dropped.
Councilmember Jeanette Middleton (R-Third Ward)
said the wording in Epton's resolution was "really
The resolution was tabled until the council's Jan. 4
meeting, and the ordinance passed through its first
reading. A public hearing for the ordinance will also be
held Jan. 4.
Corbett said there have only been two false assault
charges in the last year.

Students rally against W. Quad evictions

(Continued from Page 1)
for "Fuck You Ratnesh."
LSA sophomore Juan Litvak, one
of the protesters, noted to Andrews
that, "If those three deserve to be
kicked out, thcn we all deserve to be
kicked out," because all house
residents had contributed to the slush
fund, he said afterwards.
Nagda refused to comment.
Protesters said the women did not
circulate the flier, and never intended
to host the party, but another reason
for their eviction is that they refused
to identify the person who posted the
Brown and House President Jeff
Martinez, also an LSA sophomore,
did not refute the allegations against
the three women, but stressed that
many other people are committing

worse offenses, like throwing glass
bottles, and not receiving punitive
They said that Nagda singled out
these women by presenting only this
specific case to Building Director
Alan Levy and University Housing
Director Archie Andrews. "It's pick-
and-choose on what gets brought to
the head honcho," said Martinez.
The protesters also complained
that Nagda has not shown concern
for the students in his house. They
said that in the past there has been
derogatory grafitti on the walls
aimed at specific people, but Nagda
did not take action.
They said that the grafitti has
already forced one woman to move
out of the house. But Resident
Advisor Jean Liu said, "The person

left because of personal problems
that had nothing to do with the
The protesters said there has been
animosity between Nagda and the
house residents all term, and they
said that he was unwilling to sit
down and discuss the problem. "This
G v? thisu

(eviction) was the result of all the
resident-staff problems (that have
been building up)," said first-year
LSA student Tarik Ajami.

The three women will
Levy today, hoping to
decision overturned.

meet with
have the

Simon says
Sen. Paul Simon (D-Ill.) officially declares his candidacy for the
presidency a't the New Hampshire Secretary of State's office yesterday.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Ceelat 0


8dd 666





on cam
of stud

Your student government. The
campum-wIde government. gome in
and share with us your views on
student PIsses. Constituients' time is
reserved for Tuesday. 9pm. in the
Assembly Chambers.
eek's agenda includes: I
tion condemning CIA recruitment
apus and brutality by "U" security
tion condemning harrassment
ent in El Salvador
Tuesday. 7:O0pm
3909 Michigan Union





DEC. 15


'_a -------

Nicholas Delbanco - Reading
from his work at part of the Visiting
Writers Series, 4 p.m., Rackham East
Conf. Rm. Admission is free.
Spark Revolutionary History
Series - "The 1905 Revolution in
Russia," 7:00-8:00 p.m., 116 MLB.
Alpha Phi Omega - Publicity and
blood Drive Committees, 7 p.m.,
4024 Michigan Union.
SAFEWALK - Night-time safety
walking service. Open seven days a
week, 8:00 p.m. -1:30 a.m. Stop by
Rm. 102 Undergraduate Library, Sun.-
Thurs., CIC Desk in Michigan Union,
Fri.-Sat., or call 936-1000.
Star Trax - Every Tuesday. Sing

Pizzaria Uno's. Admission is free.
Practice Interviewing - 3:10-5:00
p.m., Career Planning & Placement,
Contact Sheri Bowers, 764-7460.
Movies - "Energy and Morality"
and "Harvest Comes Home," 1536
Schoool of Natural Resources. Call
Prof. Bunyan Bryant at 763-2470.
Concert - University of Michigan
Early Music Ensemble under the
direction of Edward Parmentier, 8:00
p.m., Blander Anderson Moore Hall of
the School of Music. Admission is
Stewards of the Land - A look
at ethics in agriculture, our food
source, personal responsibility for
healing the earth. 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan League. Call Michael
Garfield, 761-3186. Admission is free,
donations welcome.
University Lutheran Chapel -
Evening Devotions, 6:15 p.m., 1511
Washtenaw. Call 663-5560.
Jasmine - 7:30 performance at the

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