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January 07, 1987 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-07

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The Michigan Daily Wednesday, January 7, 1987 Page 7
'Horrors': B movie goes blockbuster
By Seth Flicker grows at rapid rates only on a diet combination has made it into a
of human blood. phenomenon."
It has become quite a trend to "The film was nicely successful It was The David Geffen
ransform stage plays into movies but not a runaway success," Company that acquired the screen
Chorus Line, Crimes of the explained Corman, "It then became rights and seized the opportunity to
Heart) and it is not completely a little bit of a Friday and Saturday produce a new film version of Little
uncommon for movies to be made night cult film." Shop. It stars Rick Moranis, Ellen
twice (The Wizard of Oz, It was years later that an Off- Greene, Vincent Gardenia, and
Breathless, Lost Horizon ), but the Broadway group approached Steve Martin, and is directed by
transformations undergone by Little Corman to ask him whether they muppet-master Frank Oz.
Shop of Horrors are totally unique: could do a musical based on Little "The music was so terrific and
what was first a low budget black Shop. From this emerged the the visual impact of this talking
comedy turned Off-Broadway wildly successful Off-Broadway plant (Audrey II) was so strong that
musical has become an all-star musical. I felt. it was perfect for a movie
Musical movie. "We agreed that by nature it's an musical," said Oz, "I felt it was
It all started with Roger Off-Broadway show and it's been very fertile ground for a movie.
Corman, who made the original most successful as a show in "I tried to make it a major movie
1960 cult classic which was smaller theaters," said Albert but keep it very intimate. If you're
completed in two days and one Polland, manager of the stage looking for a hundred chorus girls,
night for under $30,000. Corman version of Little Shop. . singing and dancing, that ain't my
told the Daily that he filmed the Since its opening on July 27th movie. I tried to handle it with as
told ecmey"js much restraint as possible because I
macabre comedy 'just for the fun of 1982, Little Shop of Horrors has dinh want a oerbl whale of
it. No other reason than the fact won the Drama Critics' Circle didn't want an overblown whale of
that I had nothing to do at that Drama Desk and Outer Critics' a musical. p b
particular time and there were some Circle Awards for best musical of The $20 milhon plus budget and
standing sets at the studio." 1982. It has also traveled over a year's shootig is a far cry
The result was a crazy horror- xesvl rudtewrd from Corman's original B movie,
Th eutwsacayhro-extensively around the world, but as Oz said, "I think if yoxr
comedy about Seymour, a poor including a two-year run in London. you are
schnook who discovers fame and "It's an old-fashioned musical in going to compare it to the black
fortune by buying a plant a very hip genre," Pololand and white or going to compare it to
nicknamed Audrey II (after continued, "It's the classic Faustian the Off-Broadway, then I think that
Seymu's truelove Audrey) wi ch cte I thi hat Fat its a mistake. I made this movie to Seymour (Rick Moranis) is appalled to learn of Audrey II's strange appetite for human blood in the new
Symour s rtheme. I think that that stand by itself." screen adaptation of 'Little Shop of Horrors.'

Robert Cray
Strong Persuader
<People keep asking where this
now guy, Robert Cray, came from.
His single "Smoking Gun" is on
album radio, and he even has a
video on MTV. Actually Cray has
l en recording since 1978, but his
new album, Strong Persuader, is
nqw on a subsidiary of Polygram
records. Apparently, radio stations
fell it is safe to play Cray's
material now that he is on a major
ltbel. It is kind of ironic, no it is

sad, when a D.J. plays "Smoking
Gun" and then praises Cray for
putting out new blues songs for so
long when most of the station's
listeners haven't heard of Cray until
"Smoking Gun" is a great mix
of Cray's clear, bright guitar
playing, his soulful voice, and his
band's excellent rhythym section; a
great indicator of the whole album's
style. "Right Next Door" and
"Nothin' But a Woman" are great
songs in the same vein, with the
addition of some horns. Of the ten
songs on Strong Persuader, eight
are uptempo numbers, while only
two, "I Wonder" and "New Blood,"

are relatively slow. This lack of
musical diversity, and a similar lack
of lyrical diversity, keep Persuader
from being Cray's best album yet.
Every song has something to do
with Cray and a woman. The
desperation of "Phone Booth," or
the inspiration of "March On," both
from his 1983 album Bad Influence,
are sorely missed.
Overall, the quality of the songs
on Strong Persuader make up for
its homogeneity, and it is another
good Robert Cray album that his
fans will enjoy. Die-hards might
also want to pick up, Cray's 1978
record Who's Been Talkin', which
has been re-released as a British

import on the Charly R&B label.
Those of you who have been
introduced to Cray by way of
enjoying "Smoking Gun" will also
like Strong Persuader, and
hopefully it will lead you to listen

to more of his albums.
- Brian Jarvinen
Volcano Suns
All Night Lotus Party

With a screech of feedback that
pulses like a hummingbird's wings,
the Volcano Suns' second LP starts
off with a roar. "White Elephant,"
the album's first cut, is a barn
See RECORDS, Page 8

Print Sale

Today through Friday
Michigan Union ground floor
Asian art
Animal posters
Harvey Edwards

Music images
Floral graphics
Travel posters
Nostalgic posters
Van Gough
Wildlife prints
Art reproductions
Rock and Movie Stills
Laser Images
M.C. Escher
Gallery posters
Art Nouveau
Science Fiction
Modern images
absract images
Eliot Porter
Art Deco
Scenic posters

A What's Happening
. Recreational Sports
(all divisions)
Wed., Jan. 7, 6 pm, IMSB Main Gym
Wed.-Fri., Jan. 7-9, 7 pm, IMSB Main Gym
For Information, call 763-3562
3 - on - 3 Basketball
" Single Elimination & Regional Tournaments held in Ann Arbor
" Championship Game of Regionals to be played in the
Pontiac Silverdome before Piston's Game
" Single Elimination Tournament Deadline: Jan. 19, 1987




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