The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 22, 1987-- Page 5
(Continued from Page 4)
be avoided as much as possible.
ut what we must not forget is that
our position on classified research
is .merely a corollary of the more
fundamental moral issue of keeping
'arm to human life to a minimum.
If classified research will reduce the
potential harm, then this is the
decision we will have to make.
The dismantling of nuclear
warheads will create further the need
,or; the ultimate disposal of bomb-
-grade Plutonium. This nuclear
explosive removed from the bombs
cannot be left around.
..Unfortunately, the number of
gtions available for its ultimate
disposal is severely limited. One
option would be to shoot the stuff
into space. I used to hear this
suggestion being made until about
a, year ago, and no one has
,sggested it as a possibility since
the Challenger explosion in January
1986. Another possibility is to
_bury the Plutonium in geological,
structures, but in my informal
discussions, I find that very few
support this method of Plutonium
Then this leaves us with only
the option of burning and
denaturing the Plutonium in nuclear
reactors. That is, the Plutonium
could be used as fuel in nuclear
power plants. Then much of the
Plutonium would be burned up, and
whatever is left in the nuclear ashes
would be "denatured," that is, no
longer fit for nuclear weapons. And
this in turn will create the need for
radioactive waste disposal, which
today is another sensitive public
In short, if we begin to analyze
carefully the societal issue of
nuclear peace, we will begin to see
the need for creating a new high
tech peace industry, including
plants for the dismantling of
nuclear weapons, for burning and
denaturing the nuclear explosives,
and for the disposal of the
radioactive wastes. It would take
years to design the various plants,
more years to test the design
concepts, and additional years to
build them.
If the plan is to destroy 1000
nuclear warheads per year, and if the
plant capacity is one warhead per
working day, then would need about
four such plants. And these plants
would need to continue to operate
for the next ten to twenty-five
years. The amount of Plutonium
from the bombs would be about ten
tons, so that we would have to have
ten Plutonium burning nuclear
power plants or their equivalent.
The capitalization for these
facilities could run into the public hearings held. Th
neighborhood of $100 billion or so.
And, of course, in today's
climate of public environmental
awareness, the environmental
impact statements for each plant
would need to be prepared and
ie result:
will be, unless we are careful, that
the societal issue of nuclear peace.
could become mired in the personal
issue of NIMBY-ism, that is, Not;
In My Back Yard, as will be.
discussed in the next article.
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