Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 21, 1987 As soon as I finished Advanced Training, the Guard gave me a cash bonus of $2,000. Then, under the New GI Bill, I'm getting another $5,000 for tuition and books. Not to mention my monthly Army Guard paychecks. They'll add up to more than $11,000 over the six years I'm in the Guard. And if I take out a college loan, the Guard will help me pay it back-up to $1,500 a year, plus interest. It all adds up to $18,000-or more -for college for just a little of my time. And that's a heck of a better deal than any car wash will give you. THE GUARD CAN HELP PUT YOU THROUGH COLLEGE, TOO. SEE YOUR LOCAL RECRUITER FOR DETAILS, CALL TOLL-FREE 800-638-7600; OR MAIL THIS COUPON. *In Hawaii: 737-5255; Puerto Rico: 721-4550 Guam: 477-9957; Virgin Islands4 (St. Croix): 773-6438; New Jersey: 800452-5794. In Alaska, consult your local phone directory. c 1985 United States Government as represented by the Secretary of Defense. All rights reserved. When my friends and I graduated from high school, we all took part-time jobs to pay for college. They ended up in car washes and hamburger joints, putting in long hours for little pay. Not me. My job takes just one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Yet, I'm earning $18,000 for college. Because I joined my local Army National Guard. They're the people who help our state during emergencies like hurri- canes and floods. They're also an important part of our country's military defense. So, since I'm helping them do such an important job, they're helping me make it through school. F I I I MAIL TO: Army National Guard, P.O. Box 6000, Clifton, NJ 07015 O M OF NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP US CITIZEN. 0]YES U NO AREA CODE PHONE 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 4 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER BIRTH DATE IOCCUPATIONe I STUDENT U HIGH SCHOOL U COLLEGE I PRIOR MILITARY SERVICE U YES U NO I BRANCH RANK AFM/MOS Guar|l THE INFORMATION YOU VOLUNTARILY PROVIDE. INCLUDING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER WILL BE USED FOR RECRUITING PU9 POSES ONLY YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER l LC L WILL BE USED TO ANALYZE RESPONSE TO THIS AD AUTHORITY IOUSC-50I3 - - - - - - - - - - mnrunnm I