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January 16, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-16

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SMoonies: Back on campus * John Logie " The Lis
InSckenL The best of '86 film, music - Interview: Jane Self


Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom



Forget the revenge motive.
Forget the interstate rivalry. Forget
the lack of artistic quality.
The Wolverines desperately,
r° needed a victory over Michigan
State last night at Crisler to stay in
contention for the Big Ten title.
They got it by a score of 74-70,
but it wasn't pretty. Michigan's
record now stands at 2-3 in the
conference and 10-6 overall.
"IT was a big victory for us not
just because it was Michigan
.State," said Michigan head coach
Bill Frieder. "But because it was a
home game, and we're coming off a
loss. We're fighting for
respectability and survival in the
conference so you have to win your
home games."
The Wolverines repelled a
second-half Spartan rally that tied
the game at 59 midway through the.
See Artless, Page 12






Research awards from outside
sponsors have increased by 25
percent during the last fiscal year
according to the University's Vice
President for Research Linda
Wilson told members of the
Board of Regents the increase
stemmed from an intensified effort
to seek external revenue sources by
researchers. She said there were
more proposals from sponsors, and
more faculty members were
interested in research.
The value of the 537 awards
during the fiscal year 1987 increased
by 36.3 percent - or from $38 to
$52 million - according to figures
released yesterday. The figures were
drawn from the Division of
Research Development and
Administration's annual report on
Proposal and Award Activity.
"I'm not surprised that (the
number of awards) is greater,"
Wilson said, complimenting the
"strong deans working with faculty
members for research."
Wilson said research projects in
all areas increased, and that the
defense budget remains relatively
But four people spoke during the
public comments session at
yesterday's meeting advocating the

elimination of military-related
"The time is right to publicly
state that we (the University) will
not contribute to military research,"
See RESEARCH, Page 5
Old Main's
It's official - Old Main will be
no more. As anticipated, the
University's Board of Regents
authorized the demolition of the Old
Main hospital complex at
yesterday's monthly meeting.
Destruction of the historic
complex is part of a master plan for
expansion of the new medical
center, approved by the regents in
1980. Also included in the plan is
the controversial demolition of the
University Terrace housing for
graduate students.
Although James Brinkerhoff,
See FEW, Page 2

Vigil Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
Rev. Prentice Tipton speaks at a candlelight vigil for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. yesterday at Trotter
House. Tipton hoped to inspire listeners with concern for the future.
Faut dorm

Group searches for retiree campus housing

If a group of faculty and staff
have their way, University retirees
will have the option of living in
affordable campus housing.
A group of faculty and staff, as
yet unnamed, hopes to create a
settlement for retirees near Central
or North Campus. The group
envisions the settlement as a place
where they can interact and also
have access to campus facilities.
Faculty and staff seem interested
in the idea, according to a telephone

survey of faculty and staff over the
age of 55, said Harold Johnson,
Dean of the School of Social Work,
who helped conduct the survey.
The University tentatively
offered the group of faculty and staff
a site on North Campus, behind the
Art and Architecture Building, said
University Planner Frederick
Mayer. Another site offered for the
project was near the University-
.owned Radrick Farms on Geddes
Road, Mayer said.
The group of faculty and staff

originally rejected the two proposed
sites because of their distance from
campus. But Johnson said the
University sites will still be
considered along with other private
sites. "We are continuing our
discussion with the University and
private developers," he said.
Central campus sites are not
available because they are reserved
for future dormitories or academic
facilities, Mayer said.
"We don't want to say 10 years
down the road that there's not room

for student housing since we gave
the land away," he said.
A housing project may not be
the University's responsibility,
though, according to Industrial
Relations Professor Lee Danielson,
a member of the Financial Affairs
committee of the Senate Advisory
Committee on Academic Affairs.
"Once they're (faculty and staff)
retired, I'm not sure that the
University has much of an
obligation," he said. Danielson said
See GROUP, Page 3

U' anniversary


Panel proposes
By JERRY MARKON The commissio
More off-campus lighting and students, citizens,
improved crime analysis are the and city officials,
primary recommendations of a summer by Ann
special city committee created to Council member Se
fight off-campus crime. Second Ward).
The Off-Campus Crime scheduled to be d
Prevention Committee, in the first City Council next
of four reports, urges brighter lights "These recomr
on streets, sidewalks, and parking very important to
lots in student-populated areas. It anyone who live
also proposes that the Ann Arbor through the off-car
Police Department modernize its commission me
computers to better analyze crime Richter, a local resi
data. "The commerci

bright off-campus lights

n, composed of
and University
was formed last
n Arbor City
eth Hirshorn (D-
The report is
iscussed by the
mendations are
the safety of
s in or walks
mpus area," said.
mber Donna
al areas of the

city are well-lit, but when you
leave them you feel like you're
walking into sort of a black hole.
That can be a very daunting
experience," said Richter, who lead
the committee's discussions on
Richter and other committee
members said they discovered many
flickering or broken street lights
when they took a walking tour of
the off-campus area. The tour,
which members agreed was their
most useful session, covered South
University street, North Burns

Park, and surrounding areas
populated by students.
"A program should be
established by the city, enlisting all
city departments with mobile units,
to identify and report non-
functioning street lights," the
committee's report said.
But the city already efficiently
reports broken street lights,
according to officials at Detroit
Edison Co., which owns nearly all
off-campus lights.

This year marks the 150th
anniversary of the University's
move to Ann Arbor and the
founding of the state of Michigan.
The events will be the focus of a
year-long birthday celebration.
A series of lectures, exhibits,
theatrical performances, and parties
will also honor the bicentennial of
the ratification of the U.S.
Constitution and Northwest
'The Northwest Ordinance, passed
in 1787, allowed areas of the
Northwest Territories - including
Michigan - to become states.
The December re-enactment of
the Frostbitten Convention of 1836
kicked off the celebration of
Michigan's sesquicentennial. In
December 1836, delegates from

across Michigan convened in Ann
Arbor to ratify a Congressional
compromise ceding Michigan's
claim to Toledo in return for the
westernahalf of the Upper
Accepting the compromise
eliminated the last obstacle to
Michigan's claim for statehood,
which was enacted by President
Andrew Jackson in January 1837.
On January 26, the University
will throw a "Birthday Ball" at the
Michigan League at 8:00 P.M. The
party will feature musical
entertainment by the Ann Arbor
Chamber Orchestra and theatrical
There will be a second
celebration at the Michigan Theatre
in March.
The University was originally
located in Detroit and was called
Catholepisteniad of Michigania.
In the fall The Museum of Art
and the Clements Library will host
special exhibitions, and the
University will sponsor an essay
-contest. "Education has helped
created a democracy that we're so
proud of," said Cobb, adding that
student interests will grow.

'Bookworms eat
library 's collection

Stressed-out students laren't the
only ones who crave sugar and
books. Microscopic bookworms,
dafter devouring the crumbs from a
Twix Bar, will move on to Kafka's
"Metamorphosis" as the main
Bookworms are actually the
larvae of various kinds of beetles
and cockroaches that feed on sugar,
leather, and parchment. "Crumbs,
drips, and drops of protein can
attract all kinds of bugs and mice
and things that can destroy a
kollection," said Nancy Elkington,

opened a conservation lab and
microfilms books to assure that the
library's collection will continue
circulating well into the 21st
A conservation lab was opened
in 1983 to handle the repair,
restoration, and protection of
materials in the Grad. Lab
treatments include rebinding, leather
cleaning, fumigating insect-infested
books, and de-acidifying books.
The Preservation Office has also
joined the Research Libraries Group
in an effort to save items published
in the United States between 1870
anr 190n The orrrin e

Opinion greets interim
Presidents James Duderstadt's
proposal to Improve University
life with cautios optimism.
Arts talks with Blues Troubador
John Hammond.

z 1
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