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April 20, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-20

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Last known wild
condor captured


The Michigan Daily - Monday, A pril 20, 1987 - Page 3
Rally tries 0to
ignite students
against code

VENTURA, Calif. (AP) - The
last California condor known to be
ip the Wild was captured yesterday
for a captive-breeding program in -
tended to save the giant birds from
extinction, the National Audubon
Society said.
The only other California con-
dors known to exist are in zoos in
Los Angeles and San Diego.
"The bird had sort of meandered
around the trapping area for about
an hour, bumping several eagles to
g get at the bait," Audubon Vice
President Robert SanGeorge said.
"They got the bird into a cage
and into a car, and then off it went,"
he said. "They attempt to do it with
as little stress and trauma to the
bird as possible."

The Audubon society hoped the
capture would save the species, he
"Audubon has been fighting for
the survival of the California con -
dor for nearly a half-century,"csaid
SanGeorge, reading a statement
from Audubon President Peter
Berle. "We lament the fact that no
condors are now flying free over
California. But we believe the cap -
ture of the last three wild birds in
recent months may signal a new be -
ginning for this troubled species."
"It must be understood that cap -
tive breeding is only the means to
an end - the eventual release of
condors back into the wild," the
statement said.

Regents pass new
research guidelines

Members of the Michigan
Student Assembly who organized
Friday's 'No Code' rally were anx-
ious to increase student opposition
to what they view as University
implementation of a code of non-
academic student conduct.
Although the turn-out was not
as high as anticipated, students
clearly voiced their opposition to a
panel appointed by University
President Harold Shapiro which
plans to hold a hearing to invest-
igate and recommend punishments
for recent acts of racism.
"The code is a great threat... it
violates student rights. Shapiro has
used the acts of two racists (as an
excuse) for the administration to
take away our rights," said Becca
Felton, vice president of MSA.
MEMBERS of the University
commission say their investigation
is not intended to be an implem-
entation of the code.
A code would set up a
supplemental court system within
the University to punish offenders
of a University code of behavior
with academic sanctions. Admin-
istrators say a code is needed to help
govern the University community
since the civil court system does
not do an adequate job.
Students, on the other hand, say
that to punish behavior like
protests with suspension or
expulsion will ultimately lead to a
denial of freedom of speech and

OPPOSITION to a code has
meant more than 15 years of rallies
and protests. Although the pro-
testing students may be different,
their message is the same - the
administration has no right to
punish a student with academic
sanctions for behavior outside the
In the past the code has been
defeated by student opposition and
by University Board of Regents
bylaw 7.02, which states that any
code must be approved by the
Michigan Student Assembly, the
faculty senate, and the Board of
Regents before implementation.
The University Council -
composed of students, faculty, and
administrators -has been working
on a code draft since 1984, when
Shapiro asked them to take up the
"The University is violating a
regental bylaw by trying to
implement a code without input
from the University Council," said
David Newblatt, a student member
of the council. "They are trying to
set up a precedent of academic
sanction without a formal
As a founder of the 'No Code'
movement, Ann Arbor resident Eric
Goldstein handed out spray paint to
students, and encouraged them to
deface the Diag with anti-code
stencils. "The University responds
only to attacks upon their image,"
Goldstein said. "We must drag the
University in the gutter."

(Continued from Page 1)
Assembly and graduate student, said
she will keep up the protest, even
!'if it means sitting in on every
goddamn lab that performs military
F FORMER MSA military
-esearch adviser Robyn Watts said a
protest against the regents' decision
;will take place later this week, but
the would not elaborate. "The
iUniversity has lost its moral stand.
This is hurting the University and
its principles," she said.
~ LSA junior Jackie Victor, a
student member of the Research
Policies Committee, said she would
like to take over the Administration
$uilding in protest.
But Vice President for Research
Lin da Wilson said, "The
Community would be wrong in
interpreting this as a signal in a
new direction." Wilson said faculty
researchers will not change their
ways, and that the content of
research projects will basically stay
On the same course.
James Lesch, head of the
Jniversity's Division of Research
4nd Development Administration,
added that the new process "does
Away with a very subjective and
dumbersome process" Lesch said
heedoes not expect a sharp inereasw
in the number of classified project
HOWEVER, some researchers,
including Political Science Prof.
3aymond Tanter, said they may
resubmit classified projects.
Tanter's 1985 classified project,
"Alternative Approaches to Arms
C pntrol," was rejected by the
Ikesearch Policies Committee
because he could not publish his
results within the one-year timeE
Tanter said that he may resubmit{
his proposal if his current,t
unclassified research on the same
topic requires the use of classifiedj
Because of the fewer restrictions
on classified research in the new

policy, some protestors predict
more classified dollars will come to
the University. Two of the three
classified projects currently at the
University are sponsored by the
WAGNER speculated that the
three new Pentagon-sponsored
University Research Initiative
projects, currently non-classified,
may start to use classified
information under the new policy.
The Department of Defense
funded more than $10.5 million of
the University's $182 million
research budget last year. This
amount will increase by $2 million
next year because of URI.
The previous policy required.
classified project proposals to pass
through the three-member
Classified Research Review Panel,
then the RPC, and finally the Vice
President for Research before
research could begin. Non-classified
proposals had no review format.
THE REGENTS voted to
abolish the old policy after passing
the new one, so most likely the
CRRP will be broken up and the
RPC will lose most of its
jurisdiction over classified research
Regents Paul Brown (D-
Petoskey) and Veronica Smith (R-
Grosse4lUe) opposed the new policy_
at the meeting, favoring Brown's
proposal to restrict the policy to
classified research. Brown said he
thought non-classified research
should remain free of review.
During the meeting, five
members of the audience chanted
"what about end-use?" Moments
after the chant, Brown proposed
changing "aimed at enhancing" in
the policy's introduction, to "the
end use of which is the
enhancement of." His amendment
was voted down.
The regents' decision may have
derived from the guideline review
by President Harold Shapiro's ad
hoc committee. The committee,
formed in 1985, split and drafted a
majority and minority report last
term. Both reports recommended
dropping the end-use clause.

Nice sm ile Daily Photo by LESLIE BOORTEIN
Tiffany Purnell stands outside of Ulrich's yesterday, showing off her
Easter Sunday dress. Purnell and her family belong to the New
Progressive Baptist Church.
New research guidelines
(Continued from Page 1)
agreements for research which unreasonably restrict its faculty, staff,
or students from publishing or otherwise disseminating the results of
the research.
3. The University will accept a classified research grant, contract, or
agreement if it can be accommodated without compromising the
University's pursuit of its educational mission and if its purpose is
clearly in the public interest.
4. Nothing in these provisions shall prohibit grants, contracts, or
agreements that restrict publication or other public dissemination of
classified or proprietary information supplied to the investigator by
the sponsor, as distinguished from information generated in the course
of research performed by members of the University community.
5. Where the sponsor supplies classified or proprietary information to
the investigator, the grant, contract, or agreement may include
reasonable provisions for submission of manuscripts arising form the
sponsored research to the sponsor for review prior to publication or
other public dissemination so that the sponsor may verify that no
such classified or proprietary information is disclosed.
6. The responsibility for compliance with these policies rests with the
principal investigators, the department chairs, the deans of the schools
and colleges, and the directors of the institutes and centers, and the
Vice President for Research, in the regular channels for review and
authorization of such research grants, contracts, and agreements.
7. Periodic assessment and review of the impact of these policies are
appropriate and necessary. The Vice President for Research shall
provide to the Regents, after consultation with the Senate Assembly
Research Policies Committee, an annual report on the implementation
of this policy.

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What's happening in Ann Arbor today



Campus Cinema
Mother Teresa (Ann & Jeanette
Petrie, 1986), MTF, 7:45 p.m.,
Mama T tends to the shivering,
huddled masses, while the Petries'
adept camera catches all the action.
Includes interviews.

4 p.m., Room 1200, Chemistry
Christian Fellowship Organ-
ization Meeting- 7:15, League.
SAFEWALK - Night time
Safety Walking Service, 8 p.m.-1:30
a.m., Room 102, UGLi (936-1000).


"Organismization" - Free
Association, 8 p.m.,. Performance
Network, 408 West Washington
The performance will combine
dance, original music, and
manipulation of assorted odd objects
exploring the dynamic relationship
between cultural mythologies and
processes of storytelling.
William Hatfield - "Spectral

Graduating Seniors
buy your
Cap & Gown
Mr. J. Dept.
(Main Floor)
9:30 - 6:00
M, T, W, Sat
9:30 - 9:00

Send announcements of up-
coming events to "The List," c/o
The Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
48109. Include all pertinent in-
formation and a contact phone
number. We must receive an-
nouncements for Fri4ay and
Sunday events at least two weeks
before the event, and announ-

Arlo Guthrie

May 6




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