w w w w w w w w -1w _Iqw- -W 3 -1w -1w- -1w -1p,-- -qmv- I =---I z J 0 Z z Q 0 D Joy Conway of The Cat's Meow. Continued from Page 9 BEST PLACE To STUDY: The Graduate Library The nocturnal creatures often seen flying around the Reference Room fascinate some people, while others cited those cute little study rooms with the great graffiti as the reason The Grad is the Best place. The Law Quad took second place, and no wonder. It doesn't have bats, birds or cubicles. BEST EXCUSE FOR A LATE PAPER: Lost in the computer We had a really funny blurb for this category, but it got lost in the Daily's new Macintoshes. No matter. Technology gave us the wheel, the toothbrush, and now the most plausible excuse ever for not getting those term papers in on time. Since there's no way to tell your profs that the dog ate your homework (what with no pets allowed in the dorms), just tell them that the computer did. BEST PERSON IN ANN ARBOR: Shakey Jake This man never goes out of style. He's a musician. He's an academic. ("I help students with their homework," he told the Daily. "I show them how to write and relax... Everytime I help them they get A's and B's, good marks.") He's a dancer. ("When I get on that floor it's like a ball of fire.") He's a celebrity. ("I meet 2,000 people, I sign 2,000 autographs a day. But I don't let fame go to my head.") But most of all, he's "On the move!" BEST THING ABOUT ANN ARBOR: The 'U' You really had to strain your neurons to come up with that one, huh? BEST (FILL-IN-THE-BLANK): Marred by scandal! Some unscrupulous store owners attempted to use this category to get themselves an award, because their particular business didn't have its own category. One clumsy effort involved photocopying ballots and attaching a note to each one telling people how to vote. Shame! The genuine responses to this one were varied and pretty insipid, so we'll leave it at that. Continued on Page 11 Continued from Page 22 BEST QUOTE: Purdue Basketball Coach Gene Keady "You know what fucking pisses me off? Why doesn't fucking Michigan play like that every fucking game? You know why? It's because they got no fucking character," Keady said after Michigan defeated the Boilermakers, 104-68, in the regular season finale. What else could he complain about? The refereeing? WORST QUOTE: Antoine Joubert "The program was down in the dumpster when I got there. What else do they want me to do? I turned the program around," said the senior guard. MOST REPEATED QUOTE: Baseball Coach Bud Middaugh "It's their World Series when they face Michigan," says the eighth-year Wolverine coach regarding non-conference opponents. BEST FEUD: Bill Frieder and Bobby Knight Frieder says his stormy relationship with Knight is overblown. Don't believe him. _ night stormed off the Crisler Arena court with his fist th ast in the air, rubbing in the victory. To say the least, Fried(r wasn't pleased. Continued on Page 25 z z 0 z w Y w Oft-quoted Bud Middaugh. I GALA PAPER TOWELS 594 }, 2- z w Y W Exnires 4-26-87 The (Very, Very Funny) Gargoyle Is Now On Sale. Get 'em for a buck at the Student Publications Building. Or else. if ,y , £Dwat ~ FLOWERS INC. Flowers for Special occasions... or no occasion at all i 1--i i S TUDEN LEAVWNG ANN4 M L ShOppe 111107 i L 9 dW r The South Quad Cafeteria. The MAIL 323 E. William Ann Arbor, MI (Between 5th Ave 3 minutes from ce CANDY ASSORTED I,$100 BARS FLAVORS j Expires 4-26-87 SPECIAL THANKS to all those on the Daily and Weekend Magazine staffs who helped in the substantial task of tabulating the Best of Ann Arbor poll results: Dov Cohen, Rebecca Cox, Amy Eiges, Michelle Ketcham, Steve Knopper, Josh Levine, Phil Levy, John Logie, Carrie Lorrranger, Andy Mills, and Peter Mooney. BLOOM COUNTY 1.. Watch for it in hi M l-tin 1 uWI u 3 convenient locations... one of them near you. ANN ARBOR 2754 Plymouth Rd. 769-2250 ANN ARBOR 2135 W. Stadium 769-9100 YPSILANTI 115 W. Michigan 483-0225 I, [1 ic- x. xx tt U 208 S. First, Ana Arbor 996-8555 This Week at The Blind Pig: Apr. 17 Map Of The World 18 Steve Nardella's Rock & Roll Trio 19 DanHicks&His Acoustic Warriors 20 Cowboy Junkies 21 Birdsongs Of The Mesozoic 22 Frank Allison and The Odd Sox 23 Wild Woodies 24-25 Tracy Lee & The Leonards Drink Specials Every TOES: $3 Labatts Pitchers WED: $1.50 Margarita Mugs THU: $1 Watermelons BLUE FRONT Packard at State LOWEST KEG PRICES IN TOWN! 10% OFF ALL WINES ON SATURDAYS 665-6671 The Mail Shoppe will PI your clothes, typewril stereo components, c framed pictures, books, " Professional, experienced pa (over 35 years postal experience) " Handling UPS and US Mail (foreign and domestic) We also ship to foreign countrie * Packing supplies available: B of all sizes available " We also ship pre-wrapped pa * Package pick-up service avail e ACTUAL RATES CHAI (plus package surcharge) We are the only shop in town cha Extended hours for April Mon.- Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat Sunday Noon - 5p.n OUR BOXES AND SHIPPIA THE LOWEST IN ANA ,i!I FREE CUP TDK SAZPe MINE. Expires 4-26-87 $397 OF COFFEE Expires 5/3/87 Ir 1 I l I. uinlEs I.I II II II , IPIIII !Ipi' I IIII III 'Ii ''; ifdi h Yq'j'! ,II ' 11i'l I I PAGE 10 WEEKEND/APRIL 17, 1987. WEEKEND/APRIL 17, 1987 PAGE 23