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April 17, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-17

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e Best of Ann Arbor Reader Poll results - The List
In W eeken M agaz ine. Best graffiti, photos, sports, mistakes John Logie
Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom


Po OLUE XVII --NO 136'




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to rise s
Both in-state and out-of-state students
may face a 6 to 10 percent tuition increase
next year, according to a report to the
University's Board of Regents yesterday.
Vice President of Academic Affairs and
Provost James Duderstadt told regents that a
significant student tuition increase will be
needed to meeting the University's growing
Although Duderstadt said such tuition
increases are being implemented at virtually
all of the University's peer public and
private schools, this will be the largest
tuition hike in over four years. Last years
tuition hike amount to a 4.3 percent increase
for in-state and 8 percent out of state
"We will be facing many difficult chal-
lenges in the coming year with difficult
decisions for student tuition and resource
allotment," said Duderstadt.
In September, Duderstadt began the an-
nual budget process by requesting $45
million in funding, or an 11 percent
increase, from the state. Since then, leg-
islative budget committees have debated how
much funding will be sent to the state's
universities and colleges.
Out of the $45 million requested,
Duderstadt predicts that at best $14 million
increase will be allocated to the University.
A final decision is expected in June.
According to Duderstadt, because the
University receives a smaller percentage of
state-fundingthan, manyof its peer
institutions nationwide, much of the
University's financial burden falls upon
students. He attributes some of the
University's rising needs to new University
initiatives, inflaltion, and new financial
obligations to the University's graduate
Some regents expressed concern about the
rising tuition rates.
"It's easy to see why tuition has become
a major obstacle for many who want to

attend this University," said Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Saline). "Support to state schools
has become a great public policy problem
for our state and country."
In other developments, the annual
Affirmative Action report was presented by
Virginia Nordby, head of the University's
program and an executive assistant to
University President Harold Shapiro. Most
significantly, the report cited a Brown
University survey that found the University
employed a higher number of Black, female,
and minority faculty than that of any other
See REGENTS, Page 5
Fc ulty
dec. reuse
University salaries have decreased
considerably during the past few years and
some faculty members are unhappy about it.
According to a recent study, average
salaries of faculty and staff are 7 percent less
than private universities, compared' to only 2
percent ten years ago. Salaries are 1 percent
more than public universities, compared to 7
percent more than a decade ago.
The survey, presented at the University's
Board of Regents meeting yesterday, was
conducted by the Committee on the
Economics Status of the Faculty, a group
under the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs.
See PROFS., Page 2

Daily Photo by ANDI SCH REIBER
University students rally yesterday in the Diag in commemoration of the 1982 murder of Vietnamese-American Vincent Chin. The
students also rallied in support of the upcoming trial for one of Chin's two accused murderers. See story on page 3.
Pessimism may result in high grades

With finals approaching students find
different ways to deal with the pressure:
some cram at the last minute, some
hibernate for days, and some admit
defeat before they've even begun to
Although psychologists' research has
shown an optimistic outlook is better

for mental and physical health, a recent
University study says pessimism can be
Nancy Cantor, associate professor of
psychology, and Julie Norem, a doctoral
candidate in psychology, have evaluated
"defensive pessimists" - students who
predict failure then "ace" their exams -
in a study called "Defensive Pessimism:

Harnessing Anxiety as Motivation."
Through questioning, Cantor and
Norem established an experimental and
control group of people with high
GPAs who were determined optimists or

Ralliers lobby regents



About 180 people filled
Regents' Plaza yesterday to express
their views on the University's
"end-use" clause at the "Vigil for a
Weapons Research-Free Uni-
versity,"' a scene reminiscent of
anti-military research demon-
strations that took place 20 years
ago on campus.
The end-use clause prohibits
classified research at the University
which can be applied to killing or
} maiming human beings. Non-
classified research has no such
restrictions. The current guidelines
were drafted by the Board of
Regents in 1972.
The regents may choose a new
research policy at the second day of
their monthly meeting. Their
options include extending the clause

to all research, elimina
clause, or maintaining
The vigil, sponsored
Michigan Student Ass
Peace and Justice Co
Women's Action for
Disarmament, and six ot
groups, was held toc
regents to maintain the
Supporters of the claus
the University, as an a
institution, does not have
to support research that ca
to harm others.
"Our theme is creat
destruction," said LSA so
Robyn Watts, one of the
and MSA's former
Research Advisor. "The U
is denying its role in t
race." She added that the U

sting the should be "declared a weapons-free
current institution, a life-giving and
enhancing leader of action."
1 by the The Department of Defense
sembly's funded more than $10.5 million of
mmittee, the University's $182 million
Nuclear research budget last year. This
her local amount will increase by $2 million
convince next year because of the Pentagon's
end-use University Research Initiative,
which started sponsoring three new
e feel that non-classified projects this year.
the right Watts stood next to a large,
n be used paper-mache model of a missile.
The missile, she said, was
ion, not "symbolic of the 50,000 missiles
)phomore that exist right now, which is
speakers enough to destroy the world 67
Military times over." The paper missile was
Jniversity eventually cut away to reveal a tree.
the arms "The student body must take the
Jniversity See RALLIERS, Page 5

Doily Photo by SCOTT IITUCHY
Ann Arbor Quaker Paul Tinkerhess, singing at the Vigil for a Weapons Research-free University, is interrup-
ted by LSA sophmore Belinda Pett, a member of the Voice of Freedom.

RC holds forum to discuss problems


In the Residential College's 20th year of
existence, students, faculty, and staff met in
East Quad yesterday to discuss the future of
the college.
The forum, the first of its kind in the RC
for six years, attracted about 150 people.
Faculty and students voiced their concerns

Students in the RC think that the college
is losing its autonomy and "uniqueness" by
being mainstreamed into the LSA. "Cross-
listed" courses, those that are offered in both
the RC and LSA, are a prime concern, as are
faculty members who teach in both the RC
and LSA - known as joint appointees.

stimulating questions, the fact sheet said.
Most joint appointees were chosen by the
But students say that joint appointees
weaken concentration programs within the
college because the professor has LSA
commitments which detract from the amount
of time devoted to the RC.

ip when the course meets the next semester.
These changes, students said, cause the
RC to lose its uniqueness which has been a
trademark of the college since its inception
in 1967. Classes, for the most part, are
taught in East Quad, which is where RC
students are required to live during their first
two years at the University.

Lax U.S. security measures lure
Soviets to spy on Moscow
Six University Masters of Fine
Arts show their stuff at Slusser
Gallery today through April 29.




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