4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, January 15, 1987 The Michigan Daily 4 Capitalist and damn proud of it By Charles D. Lipsig After two and a half years at the University of Michigan, I cannot say that editorials such as John Silberman's "Socialism is Superior," surprise me anymore. However, there are still some editorials of that type which deserve a response and Mr. Silberman's is certainly one of those. Mr. Silberman asserts that the Soviet Union is superior to the United States because there is "overemployment," that is, in his words, "too many people have jobs." Too many people have jobs? That seems to mean that Mr. Silberman believes that some people should be unemployed. However, what I believe Mr. Silberman meant was that there are more jobs than people in the workforce. Frankly, that is doubtful, considering that even the Soviet government, a most dishonest government about its failures, is admitting that its economy is a mess. But perhaps overemployment is true. It cerainly seems that the Soviet Union does not have enough farmers, as they have to buy foreign grain to feed their Lipsig is an LSA senior population. And I suppose that there might be a shortage of slaves in the Gulag. From the way the Soviet government acts, there is no such thing as enough slaves. And lest one thinks otherwise, being a slave does not mean one is perfectly fed and sheltered. Try living on one meal a day and working outside in sub-freezing temperatures without shoes for over ten hours a day. If you can call that living, you are welcome to continue that lifestyle. Who knows? Perhaps living in concentration camp conditions will become chic. Not that the average Soviet citizen is that well-fed either, having to wait in lines that make the lines at Ulrich's look minscule to buy food. While on the subject of waiting, there are long waiting lists to get adequate housing. Often three or four families are crammed into apartments that were built for one family. The only way to get adequate housing or food (or most other goods and services) without extraordinary waits, is to be high-up in the Communist Party. In any case, I can certainly think of people in the Soviet Union that are unemployed. Many of those who apply for exit visas are immediately fired from their jobs. Others are fired from their jobs for such acts as disagreeing with the government or for teaching Hebrew. If there was really overemployment in the Soviet Union, they would have jobs. And how does the Soviet Union's economy manage to survive as little as it does? Through what small amounts of capitalism that are allowed. One-third of the produce produced in the USSR is grown on one percent of the land, the one percent of arable land that citizens are allowed to use for whatever they want. By that standard, capitalist farming methods are 49.5 times more effective than socialist farming methods. The Soviet government is starting to recognize the failure of socialism, although they will not admit it. The. government is now allowing small scale private enterprise, such as television repair and taxi service, where there is a need for such services. And let us not forget China's eradication of starvation, along with hundreds of thousands of people in the Cultural Revolution. Artists were sent to prison camps for disagreeing with the government;families were beaten and thrown out of their homes for owning antiques or religious scrolls - the list is nearly endless. If the socialism there is so good, it is surprising that they are now allowing free enterprise. Even more surprising, then, is that students are marching, demanding a western-style democracy while carrying posters of the Statue of Liberty. The Phillipines of Ferdinand Marcos could be considered capitalist. However, under Marcos' excesses, capitalism was for the few, not all. Under Cory Aquino, one hopes and expects that through fair capitalism, the Phillipines will gain the high standard of living that it deserves. The Phillipines need only look to their north to see an example of a thriving capitalist economy in Japan, which started from scratch and froty years later, for better or worse, is closing in on, if not already past the United States as the most successful capitalist economy. I would add that there is one statement by Mr. Silberman that I do agree with. I, too, am not a communist and do not wish to live in the Soviet Union. I am a capitalist, and proud of it, and by Mr. Silberman's standards, I would be labeled a conservative. As such, one aspect of Mr. Silberman's editorial disturbs me more than any other. Mr. Silberman implies that Mr. Klukoff and Mr. Vogel, and thus anyone who agree4 with the arguments that they presented, are in total agreement with President Reagan, Vice-President Bush and Congressman Pursell. I, for one, am a capitalist and a "conservative" who does not support mandatory drug testing and am opposed to laws banning abortion, (to use Mr. Silberman's examples) as Reag does. As such, Mr. Silberman's charges against Mr. Klukoff and Mr. Vogel for generalizing are hypocritical. I am complimented to be on the list with President Reagan, Vice-President Bush, Congressman Pursell, Seth Klukoff, and Dave Vogel, as a capitalist, but that does not meant that I am i lockstep with them on every issue, nol that they agree among themselves oi every issue. In making thi5 generalization, Mr. Silberman shows hi lack of understanding towards those wh support capitalism. And until he gain such understanding, I can only, be eithe amused or disgusted by his views. A present, I'll take the former. _ _ _ _ __ Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Lucas IN COMMEMORATION OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING is BIRTHDAY JANUARY 15 , 1929 Vol. XCVII, No. 75 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 I,+.. Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Reconsider requirements 4-~ I LSA FACULTY MEMBERS want to make incoming students in the fall of 1988 take a language competency test. The test would determine how much, if any, foreign language instruction a student should be forced to endure. Rather than expand language requirements, the University should consider doing away with them altogether. Currently all LSA students must complete four years of language study in high school or test out at orientation. If they do not test out, students must complete the equivalent of four semesters of language. Under proposed rule changes, incoming students with four years of language already under their belts would also have to test out. The justification for the proposal is that only 20 percent of all incoming first-year students with four years of high school foreign language display comp - etency equal to that acquired in four semesters at the University. The goal of these changes is to improve the language proficiency of University students. It has gained support as well among those who believe students who fail their placement exams in foreign language should not be let off the hook simply because they had four years in high school. Proponents of change on the Foreign Language Committee, a subcommittee of the LSA Curriculum Committee, argue that the changes will encourage high schools to improve their language courses in preparation for the tests. This argument is dubious. It is unlikely that high schools which do not current advise students of the four-year exemption will turn over a new leaf and inform their students of the new requirements. Much less will they revamp their language programs to prepare students for placement tests. Those schools which do inform students of requirements may gear classes toward passing tests, instead of instilling true comprehension. Certainly there are benefits to learning a foreign language. If we cannot understand the languages of other cultures we cannot communicate with them. Because of ethnocentrism, which follows from an inability to communicate, Americans are often confused and bewildered by that which seems foreign. The University should not add to this bewilderment by propagating an unnecessary language require - ment. There are a lot of imporant skills to be obtained in four years of study. Knowledge of history, a firm grounding in science, and the ability to write clearly are among them. Students, however, are not required to study any of these admirable subjects for four long semesters. Students are generally mature enough to select their own classes. There is nothing wrong with distribution requirements, if they are reasonable, . The University's 'tres difficile' language requirement just will not do. An understanding of foreign cultures and societies can be gained from history and sociology classes as well as language study. Rather than expand its language requirement, the University should consider eliminating it. 4 / iF// "Zzz ,0W,,Pf ffiiifi~'f rflrolAffAmAljrjfrrFz. Ir Im 4 Weapon researci By Rackham Student Government In the late 1960s, the University community recognized that the University has a role in society that was inconsistent with its use as a weapons laboratory. The existence of weapons research on campus was deemed morally unacceptable on the grounds that a university exists for the betterment of civilization, not its destruction. As a result, guidelines for classified research were approved. One of the guidelines addressed the concern over weapons research by containing the "kill- maim" clause. It stated: "The University in its endeavors through research to broaden knowledge will not enter into any classified research contract the specific purpose of which is to destroy human life or to incapacitate human beings." In 1983 the Faculty Senate Assembly voted in favor of extending the "kill- maim" clause to all research on campus. The Regents rejected this request. The administration and Regents apparently see such regulations as possible obstacles to the flow of money from the government to the University. The advent of Star Wars dollars has intensified their concern. So the administration has set up committees, staged forums, and commissioned studies openness) which are difficult to define instead of about the real issue of whether the campus should support research in the technologies of killing and maiming. By doing this they have ignored the faculty's concern over harmful research voiced by the Senate Assembly, and the students' concern voiced by MSA. The "Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility" report by Professor Nicholas Steneck continues the trend of de-emphasizing the question of whether the University should be used as a weapons laboratory. Prof. Steneck uses an approach based heavily on an ideo- logical notion of academic freedom, an approach which is interesting for the sake of endless philosophical arguments, but which has limited relevance to the problem at hand. Not surprisingly, his report recommends abolishing the restrictions on classified research. Fortu - nately, he recognizes that the classfied research policies serve the purpose of trying to achieve a goal, and that to just drop these restrictions with consideration of what they were meant to achieve would be academically irresponsible. So in addition to arguing that the restrictions are inappropriate, he suggests some good alternatives that the University might implement. Unfortunately, he thinks the restrictions should be abolished before these alternatives are explored. This is wrong Rackham Student Government be- lieves that for the University to ac responsibly, the classified research policies should be kept until a better method of achieving the goals voiced by the faculty and students is found. In particular the "kill-maim" clause must be kept and it should be extended to all research (not just classified) in order to address the concern of weapons research on campus. Further, RSG objects to the fact tha the presidentially appointed Ad Ho Committee has presented majority and minority reports which contain no "kill- maim" clause. Thus they have completely ignored the issue of weapons research, inspite of the faculty and students' repeated demonstrations of concern over this issue. In addition, the Ad Hoc Committee has in effect eliminated the mechanism which sees tha research contracts comply with th guidelines. This is because both th majority and minority reports provide for no review of research contracts by faculty- student committees. RSG objects to this implication that an effective enforcement mechanism is unnecessary. RSG urges the administration and Regents to stop centering the debate on smokescreen issues and instead to acknowledge the faculty and students by dealing with the real issue, weapon4 { :"Y q,'G',"}'"}' + ;a;::"y7rq".; . {,. ".{... ?{:v:"; "''v:":":":":" ? i:? { =:":ii'r{:."{}"{{{.}}:"'{y}.};: Y":}i. '?,:}}}i' : i: " :}'}: '+ ." . . '' '?'':}i " '{. {-;?+r : {;}r-+ . 4 :- .?8 ¢;.:{.j [ . v v. {r ti'r,'."}:":"}L';:: {:.v::::: }'"hf,. '{.'r "ti fi'?: v..'} ,^ti{; ".".";X} . rS. .. -..:.. " ." #K 'y .. ... .. '3::,::::".., }a+ vxv c3h'.'."£U ""'.:: : }::}:.::}:" .:..... ..........;..r:":.::{:;;{y {:, ".,,:.,o;:.at" ;x> .t;::: " ' ,.. i