Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom
Funding formula
Daily Photo by JOHN MU
Protesting intolerance
Members of Students Against Religious Intolerance protest the Daily's April 1st "God is dead" editoria
front of the Student Publications building yesterday. See story, Page 2.
Princeton considers
Special to The Daily propo
LANSING-State Management the la
and Budget Department officials or $4
yesterday presented a formula to the H4
House Subcommittee on Higher fundir
Education that the state could use to are tc
distribute $15 million among the consi
public institutions. indivi
Gov. James Blanchard set the is not
y , sum aside for the legislature to comm
distribute for special projects. But He
subcommittee Chairman Morris the bt
Hood (D-Detroit) said the formula the 1
was announced too late to be becau
considered in House deliberations havet
over Blanchard's proposed $51.5 there
million higher education budget togeth
increase. The house is expected to Ly
vote on Blanchard's entire budget budge
proposal at the end of the month. prese
The formula groups each of the chose
UNSON public institutions with peer that
institutions from around the nation enro]
d in and proposes they receive state curric
appropriations comparable to what stude
Weber said.
odel Shapiro has not announced any
interest in pursuing the presidency
Daily of another university, but his
nian. sabbatical at the beginning of the
year indicated that he may be
growing restless with his current
es form position.
s, while In addition, when interim
tudents, president James Duderstadt ann-
orm the ounced several major initiatives dur-
Weber, ing Shapiro's absence, speculation
ian, the arose that Duderstadt is being
s been groomed to inherit Shapiro's pos-
han the ition.
elled to Shapiro has served as University
before president since 1980, working Pres
previously as vice president for bum
being' academic affairs and head of the Pent
iversity economics department. He was
ersity," unavailable for comment yesterday.
peers receive. The plan
ses that the University receive
rgest share of the $15 million
,.3 million.
OOD has criticized formula
ng plans because he feels they
oo inflexible. He advocates
dering each university's needs
idually. "To talk of formulas
t acceptable to myself or any
nittee member," he said.
also said he is skeptical of
udget department's choice of
5 colleges' peer institutions
use he feels all institutions
unique goals and problems and
fore cannot be grouped
ynne Schaefer, one of the
et department officials who
nted the plan, said peers were
en statistically by computers
considered such factors as
[lment levels, range of
ula, graduate and undergraduate
nt ratios, levels of spending on
University President Harold
Shapiro may be under consideration
as a potential candidate for the pres -
idency of Princeton University.
Although the selection process
is secret, several Princeton faculty
and administrators have speculated
that Shapiro - a highly respected
Princeton graduate of 1964 - is a
likely successor.
"We are conducting a wide-open
and nationwide search for a succes-
sor to our current President," said
John Kenefick, head of the search
process and vice-chair of Prince-,
ton's executive officers.
ACCORDING to the Daily
Princetonian, Princeton's student
newspaper, Princeton alumni who
are top academic officials at other
'Shapiro is definitely being considered as the me
university president for a state university.'
- Thomas Weber, reporter for the I
universities are prime candidates in
the presidential search. In modern
history, all Princeton presidents
have been selected from the alumni
Two presidential committees
have been conducting a search since
January, when Princeton President
William Bowen announced that he
would give the university until
January, 1988 to find a successor.
Bowen will assume the presidency
of the Allen Mellon Foundation
after he leaves Princeton.
The 40 Princeton truste
one of the search committee
an advisory committee of s
faculty, and administrators f
other. According to Thomas
a reporter for the Princeton
advisory committee has
meeting more frequently t
trustees,-and may feel comp
make some sort of decision
summer break.
"Shapiro is definitely
considered as the model un
president for a state univ
ident Reagan holds. up a
per sticker, yesterday, at the
instruction, research programs, and
public service.
Roberta Palmer, a University
official for government relations,
disagrees with the choice of peer
institutions. The University of
California at Los Angeles, Ohio
State University, The University of
Iowa, and the University of Arizona
are among the 20 peer institutions
the computers picked. "They're
generally not the institutions we
regard as our peers," Palmer said.
Palmer feels a better sampling of
the University's peers would
include such private institutions as
Stanford, Harvard, and Princeton
and other public schools like the
University of California at Berkley.
She maintains that the University
competes more with these ins-
titutions for students, faculty, and
research projects than those chosen.
Schaefer said the statistical
analysis that sampled 600 colleges
See HOUSE, Page 5
hold class
at home,
A typical classroom for some
University professors does not nec-
essarily include a blackboard, un-
comfortable desks, and stuffy cram-
ped quarters. Rather it consists of
paintings hung on walls, couches
and chairs, and plush carpeting.
Fred Bookstein, associate prof-
essor of geological sciences, teaches
a seminar to first year students in
his living room. Bookstein, who
lives on Washtenaw near Hill, said
he prefers to teach in his home
because he has easy access to his
library and enjoys serving cookies
and coffee.
In his home, he said, everyone
can sit in a circle without a
designated discussion leader stand-
ing in front. "People see me as a
family man, they see my books and
English Prof. Bert Hornback
also teaches seminars in his house.
"It's convenient for me to stay at
home. It's more comfortable and
less formal," he said. Hornback said
that when he was in college, faculty
members invited him to their
homes. "I grew up that way and
thought it oughta happen here."
"We talked about everything
under the sun, from nuclear war to
Joseph Stalin to aging," Hornback
said. "When we get together we get
together as human beings, not just
as a class. That doesn't happen
enough around here."
Some professors bring students
into their homes not just for class,
but also for social events.
At the beginning of each semes-
ter, Edward Stasheff, commun-
ication professor emeritus, invites
his classes to his house. Stasheff
said he pretends that it's a formal
class meeting. Each class is invol-
ved in activities which Stasheff
calls "the application of media, but
UCAR comments on progress
- or lack thereof - with re-
gards to their 12 demands
- 'Female Parts' is a wholly diff-
erent experience
The Michigan softball team
cmp Anr, innhPabPr frjnm Tnl
K mart plans
'to keep Ann
Arbor's Kresge
In 1899, Kresge's slogan read
'Nothing Sold over 10 Cents." Last
week, K mart Corp. announced it
would sell all Kresge and Jupiter
stores. The five-and-dime image, it
said, no longer fits into K mart's
marketing strategy.
The Troy-based corporation is
selling 76 stores in 21 states to
McCrory Corp., which will pur-
chase them for about $30 million
beginning in late June.
But fear not. Come next year,
the Kresge store on the corner of
State and North University will not
be sold. So why is the Ann Arbor
variety store, in addition to only
three other Kresges, being spared?
"The problem was with the lease
arrangements," said Leslie Kota,
corporate spokesperson for K mart.
"In some cases, the landlords did
not what to transfer the lease over
to McCrory Corp."
"I think it's great. Kresge is an
institution," said LSA junior
Robert Gwizdala. "This cafeteria
thing is so old it reminds me of
Lava Lamps and Grape Nehi."
"It's like a security blanket. It is
always here when you turn the
corner," said Jennifer Wells, LSA
But not all students were con-
corned with the plight of the
neighborhood five-and-dime.
Staci Hymans, an LSA Senior,
said, "I don't think it's the most
useful store. That space can be
prime for a dance bar. I don't think
the Ann Arbor community relies
too heavily on Kresge because they
have K mart off campus."
The chain of Kresge stores,
which at one time numbered 783,
began in 1899 with Sebastian
Spering Kresge's single store on
Woodward Avenue.
See KRESGE, Page 2
A "20 Questions" survey to the
8,000 University students who live
in residence halls is part of the
Michigan Student Assembly's cur-
rent drive to improve constituent
According to LSA sophomore
Michael Phillips, who developed
the survey, it was created in res-
ponse to student complaints voiced
last semester about MSA access-
"A lot of people were saying
MSA didn't know what students
wanted,". Phillips said. He added
that the petition circulated by
Involved in Michigan Political
Action Committee last term, which
asked MSA to refrain from dealing
with issues on the national and
international level, helped prompt
the survey.
"We want to learn exactly what
the students want us to do at MSA
- whether or not they want us to
lobby at the state, national, and
international levels3" Phillips said.
"I think more will be done from
this survey than from complaining
at a later date."
The survey asks students how
they feel about MSA, the Daily,
and campus issues such as a code of
non-academic conduct and classified
research. Each MSA committee
submitted at least one question, and
committee chairs will be the
responsible to act on the responses.
Whether or not students returned
Daily Photo by
LSA Junior Jenny Melluish studies yesterday at Kresge. Melluish, like
several other students, utilizes the cafeteria to catch up on her
Ruling encourages affirmative action
A recent Supreme Court decision upholding
affirmative action in the workplace is a "real
clear rejection of substantive goals of the Reag -
an Administration," according to law school
mative action plan for hiring and promoting
qualified women and minorities, which the
agency voluntarily adopted in 1978.
Tamara Learned, a graduate student lecturer
in the political science department, said the
THE CASE is also significant in that it is
the court's first definitive ruling involving
affirmative action for women.
The ruling came as a blow to the Justice