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April 08, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-08

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom

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agreement to

inc lade
By ANDY MILLS vote, bu
The University and the Graduate made the
Employees Organization averted the Both
threat of a teaching assistant strike Universi
yesterday after mediated reach the
negotiations resulted in a tentative The te
contract agreement. includes
Union members and non- percent it
members filled MLB Auditorium 3 in 1988
last night as TAs voted, by a wide wanted a
margin, to send out the tentative next year
agreement reached in Detroit to the The c
general membership. The contract any salar
will officially take effect only if the a provisi
general membership approves it in take effec
a mail ballot. The results will be The u
known in two weeks. to impl
Earlier, union members class size
authorized a strike in a 626 to 96 In adc



t yesterday's agreement
authorization moot.
the GEO and the
ty made concessions to
,ntative contract agreement
a tuition waiver of 78
n 1987-88 and 100 percent
-89. The TAs initially
full waiver to take effect
contract does not include
y increase, but does include
on for paid TA training, to
ct in 1988-89.
union failed in its attempt
ement departmentally-set
e limits.
dition, the University agreed

to certain "union rights" demands,
including a guarantee of improved
communications between the
University and the GEO, and
improved grievance procedures.
In a written release, University
Vice President for Academic Affairs
and Provost James Duderstadt
described the pact as "the best kind
of agreement - one in which both
sides make gains."
Future changes in the tax law
will affect TA take-home pay.
Currently, any tuition waiver
amount in excess of $5,250 is
taxable. This provision is set to
expire December, 1987.
See TAs, Page 5

Teaching Assistants crowd into MLB 3 as GEO officials inform them of the tentative contract agreement
reached yesterday in Detroit. Although there will-be no immediate strike, the contract still must be approved
by the general membership.

Prof. designs NASA *
.3 t0

Hundreds of miles from home,
and you've got a splitting headache.
What do you do? That's easy, just
run out and buy some aspirin. But
what if you're hundreds of miles
above home? You can't hop in the
shuttle and head for the Stop-N-Go.
Pharmacy Professor Chuck
Lloyd is in charge of figuring out
which drugs astronauts should stow
and which ones they should blast
off without for the Space Station.
The station will be under
construction in 1994 and ready for
habitation in 1997. It is an
observation satellite that can
support four to 16 crew members
for 90 day periods.
parts of the station in a space
shuttle, piece by piece, to construct
it in outer space.
Choosing the drugs is only part
of the problem. Someone must
decide what form the drugs should
take - pills, powders, or liquids.

Not all pharmaceuticals are in pill
form, and in any case, how in the
world - or rather, out of the world
- do you fill a syringe in zero
And since there's no drugstores
Out There, where do you go for a
prescription refill?
"For example, I don't want to
busy my life with your headache,"
Lloyd explained, imagining himself
in the place of a space station
pharmacist. "I really don't. I know
that I have things to do, but your
headache is impeding your
performance and I appreciate that. I
come over and look at your systems
and I say, 'OK, I've made a decision
to give you some Tylenol.' But I
prefer to give you 10 or 12 tablets
in this little Ziploc Baggie which
will give you a day or so of relief."
AS if choosing drugs and dosage
methods isn't difficult enough, try
squeezing a remedy for every
conceivable illness into 320 cubic
feet of space, with a weight limit of
1200 pounds.
The purpose of the Health
Maintenance Facility Pharmacy,
contained in the Space Station, is
See SPACE, Page 2

accepted by
VP Wilson

University Vice President for
Research Linda Wilson yesterday
approved a controversial classified
research project. It will be the third
classified research project currently
taking place on campus.
The project was designed by
Theodore Birdsall, a professor of
electrical and computer engineering,
to detect sonar signals underwater.
Research will begin "immediately,"
Birdsall said.
Wilson's decision followed a 6-5
vote to approve the project last
Friday by the Research Policies
The project was rejected two
weeks ago by LSA senior Anne
Jellema, a member of the Classified
Research Review Panel. Jellema
said it could be applied to anti-
submarine warfare, and therefore
violated the "end-use" clause in the

classified research-guidelines. The
end-use clause prohibits classified
research at the University which can
be applied to killing or maiming
human beings.
Wilson said she felt the purpose
of Birdsall's research is not anti-
submarine warfare. Its intent, she
said, is to understand the oceans.
Birdsall's project, funded by the
Office of Naval Research, is
classified because Birdsall must
have on-board access to restricted
Navy ships to conduct his research.
He said his results will be
The project will extend Birdsall's
35-year ocean-acoustic tomography
research for another two years. He
had a similar research proposal
rejected by the RPC in 1985, but
then-Vice President for Research
Albert Sussman overruled the RPC
and accepted the project.

Pharmacy Professor Chuck Lloyd is developing the Health Maintenance
Pharmacy for the NASA Space Station. The station, to be completed in
1997, will be brought into orbit piece by piece by a space shuttle.

Republicans gain power on city council

Republican Gerald Jernigan's
election as Ann Arbor mayor
should equalize power within the
city council, although Democrats
still control seven of the council's
11 seats.
Jernigan, who defeated
Democratic incumbent Ed Pierce
Monday night, will have veto
power over council resolutions and
control of appointments to city
boards and commissions. Since
eight votes are needed to override a
mayoral veto, Democrats will bei

forced to negotiate with
Republicans and perhaps
compromise much of their political
SINCE 1985, Democrats have
controlled the council and the
mayor's seat, allowing them to
fund food and housing programs for
the poor, stiffen the city's domestic
violence laws, and initiate a pay
equity study.
"Either we'll be able to do some
compromising, or nothing will get
done," said Councilmember Jeanette
Middleton (R-Third Ward). "We're

willing to work with the
Democrats. I hope they're willing
to work with us."
Jernigan said he hopes to
compromise with Democratic
councilmembers, and will only use
his veto power as a last resort. He
said Republicans will lobby for
more police officers and increased
staff for city departments when the
two sides negotiate the city budget
later this month.
JERNIGAN has already set up
a preliminary meeting today
between the two sides, which has

encouraged Democratic
councilmembers still recovering
from Pierce's unexpected defeat.
"I think we can work with
Jerry," said Councilmember Kathy
Edgren (D-Fifth Ward). "People like
to see the mayor and city council
cooperating - not at each other's
throats." She acknowledged that the
Democrats may have to cut back
some social programs.
Edgren, who narrowly won re-
election in the Fifth Ward after

Governor may name new regent soon INSIDE

Governor James Blanchard may
appoint Regent Sarah Power's
replacement some time this month,
according to Blanchard's Director of
Personnel, Greg Morris.
"It's possible he'll make the
appoinment before May. I could not
imagine it going any longer than
May," Morris said.
POWER committed suicide on

Michigan. It's going to evoke a lot
of interest," Morris said. He said
the applicants come from a broad
range of professions including
educational, business, legal, and
According to Morris, Blanchard
has no requirements for applicants.
"He's looking for some who will
be helpful to the university,"
Morris said.

slowed down (because of Power's
death). It doesn't have to be done
right away," Roach said.
He said he has ideas on who he
feels is qualified for the position,
but declined to give their names.
"All sorts of names have been
mentioned," Roach said.
Saginaw Mayor Larry Crawford
said he considered applying for the
position, but nrobably will not.

TA's explain why the University
should accede to their demands.
Blue's legend B.B. King talks
about his career, life on the road,
and the new blues resurgency.
Former Wolverine Richard

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