OPINION Tuesday, April 7, 1987 Page 4 The Michigan Ddirly JLETTERS te mgd tganrt oMig Edited and managed by studentsat The University of Michigan 'God is dead' Is offensive Vol. XCVII, No. 128 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Weapons research on campus: The future of end use THE END USE CLAUSE BANS LIFE endangering research from the University. Any limitations put on the end use clause would permit people to study more effective ways to kill. The end use clause arose from student protest of lethal, inap- propriate technologies being developed at the University and used in Vietnam. Other universities around the country established similar guidelines. Since then, the regents limited the end use clause to only apply to classified research, and a review commission decides which research projects are actually life threatening by majority rather than unanimous vote. If six out of eleven people consider a project non-lethal, the research will take place. Lethal unclassified research already is commonplace. This year, the University conducted research projects on components of advanced weapons systems and effective military intervention. The CIA currently sponsors research concerning the viability of a nuclear first strike. The research review board recently approved a project on submarine warfare In response, students and faculty members as well as several citizens' groups lobbied the regents to make the end use clause more inclusive. The regents decided that the current end use clause is inappropriate. They established a committee to study the end use clause, classified research and the University. The majority report advocated voiding the end use clause. Instead of the end use clause, it advocated a ban on classified research generally. Currently, the publication time on unclassified research is one year after the end of the project. Essentially, lethal research could take place on campus and people would learn of it one year after the so called benefits - lethal benefits - of the project were reaped. All types of life endangering research could occur on campus cloaked in obscurity. . Faculty and student members of the committee wrote a minority report that advocated extending the end use clause to all research. The regents now decide whether the University will develop more effective ways of killing or not. This editorial is part of a series on the future of the end use clause. Daily is not God To the Daily: You seemed to think that your portrayal of God and Christianity was humorous indeed. But as a Christian, let me say that I found it ex - tremely offensive. You seemed to place God on a level with everything that is base in our society. Though I have found many of your other editorials disagreeable and haven't re - plied, I could not let this pass without saying something. First let me say, it was not funny. Some may accuse me of not having a sense of humor, but if everything that made your life worth living was being subjected to the abject scorn that you have shown to God, would you find it funny? Second, even though I am not Catholic, I do not think that your jabs at the Pope were even close to nice. We all have our traditions, Blacks, Asians, Whites, Christians, Jews, and the list goes on and on. Even in Christianity there are different traditions and ceremonies. But as the Daily has pointed out so often in the past, just because something or somebody is different should not make it/them an object of scorn. If something is wrong, say it is wrong. Don't skirt around the issue. If you have something against Christian- ity, don't hide behind a curtain of jokes. If you decide to use the tactics like this, don't be surprised if you are placed in groups with others who used such tactics (e.g. racist poster placers in Couzens and Mojo.) And last, if you had attempted this sort of humor at the expense of any of the minori- ties on this campus, there would have been an uproar, and rightly so. If you will remem - ber, when WJJX tried their hand at "humor" with a bit of off color jokes, they were closed down. Now, I'm not suggesting that we close down the Daily, but I do think that you should at least try to make the Daily a respectable paper, instead of lowering it to this level of "humor." -James L. Cox II April 3 Daily insensitive To the Daily: As a black alumnus of the University of Michigan, I followed the events surround - ing the recent racism debate with some interest and was pleased that the Daily con- demned the blatantly racist "humor" which sparked the protests. Now, in the name of humor, the Daily printed "God is dead." I couldn't believe that a supposedly progressive and sensitive paper could print such an insensitive article. It was not funny; it was insulting to all people who believe in God. Furthermore, as a Roman Catholic, I am very highly in - sulted at your treatment of Pope John Paul. You owe an apology to the entire Uni - versity community for your irresponsible use of humor and insensitivity. -George Williams April 3 Daily will get what it deserves To the Daily: I am sorry that you didn't think twice before printing the "God is dead" article. I don't think you understand that April Fools Day is not an excuse to mock God, his existence or the Pope. The article displays an extremely warped sense of humor and human pride that is utterly disgraceful. Do we consider it our right to put ourselves higher than God and write articles that attack speci- fic people in such an offensive manner? The article has it backwards, and if you want the truth, I challenge you to print this from God's word: "So listen to me, you men of understanding, Far be it from God to do evil, from the Almighty to do wrong. He repays a man for what he has done; he brings upon him what his conduct deserves. It is unthinkable that God would do wrong that Almighty would pervert justice. Who appointed him over the earth? Who put him in charge of the whole world? If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust." Job 34:10- 15 Demands apology and dismissal To the Daily: In response to the "God is dead" editorial, a committee called "Students Against Reli- gious Intolerance" has been formed to protest the offensive and intolerant nature of this editorial. We demand: 1)That a written apoloy appear in the same column wa the editorial which ackno*- ledges: A. That this editorial was intolerant and bigoted. B. That this editorial should not have appeared in the news- paper. C. That this type of religious intolerance is no less serious than the racial slurs recently aired over WJJX. D. A pledge that this type of religiously intolerant article will not be printed again. 2)That the individual(s) responsible for this editorialbe dismissed immediately from the staff of the Daily. -Thomas W. Prichard Mitchell L. Seitz April 6 A Appalling -Claire-Lise Baldwin April 3 Nicaragua exploits city Big Brother at the door COVERT ACTIVITY IS NOT a tactic the government reserves solely for the international arena. The U. S. government has used and continues to use infiltration and other so- called "counter-intellegence" tech - niques on domestic political opposition. The extent of such practice sometimes reaches laughable, if frightening, extremes - even involving the seduction .of nuns. Seducing a nun is one of the things that Frank Varelli said the FBI asked him to do while he was one of their paid agents. Linda Hajek, former nun and current head of the Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) chapter in Dallas, was the object of a government- sponsored blackmail plot, according to Varelli. The FBI admits that Varelli was employed by the agency from 1981 to 1984 but disavows the extortion scheme. What the agency does admit is that Varelli was paid to infiltrate and spy on groups opposing the administration's Central American policies. Varelli, who appeared before the House Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights on February 20, compiled what is called a "terrorist photograph album" of pictures and dossiers on critics ranging from U.S. congressmembers to Mexican bishops. The part of Varelli's testimony which may have the most far- reaching consequences is his assertion that two FBI agents broke into the Dallas office of CISPES. This may help explain a nationwide series of break-ins at the offices and homes of those opposed to the administration's Central America Such behavior on the part of the FBI is not unprecedented. Break- ins, phone-tappings, and group infiltration were common FBI practice during the 60s and early 70s until they were exposed by a congressional investigation. Some feel that under an administration favorable to covert activity the FBI is returning to its former ways. One of those who feel this way is Robert White, former U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador. As White tells it, he knew of the diversion of funds to the Contras before it was announced by Attorney General Meese. White learned of the diversion from inspecting flight logs of Southern Air Transport, obtained by the International Center for Devel - opment Policy. White called several reporters with the story but did not get any response - at least not the response he was hoping for. Four days later, the diversion was announced by Meese; three days after that, the International Center was broken into and the flight logs stolen. White believes that "somebody in the White House learned that we were on to the scandal and decided they had to find out just how much we knew." While White's suspicions may never be confirmed, it is beyond doubt that the government is spying on its critics. The Old Cambridge Baptist Church, a center of foreign policy critics, was told that release of FBI files on it could "reveal the identity of an individual who has furnished information to the FBI under confidential circumstances." Fur - thermore, in last year's prosecution of religious people for "illegally" aiding refugees from- El Salvador, the anverrnment' nc r t- To the Daily: "Sibling City Strangled." Gosh, that's horrible! We can hardly sleep at night knowing that such an atrocity can happen in our own progressive, liberal-minded Ann Arbor. The question is, who is strangling whom? Isn't Proposal A the neatest? For almost an entire year, Juigalpa has graciously allowed the intelligent, world- wise, citizen statesmen taxpayers of Ann Arbor to shower this Central American paradise on earth and its simple, wholesome folk with "humanitarian" aid in many forms (mostly monetary), including what every budding Nicaraguan town dreams of-a sleek, shiny new garbage truck. And, best of all, it is not like we didn't get anything in return! Why, just recently, the taxpayers also got to pay for a delegation of our beloved Juigalpan siblings to visit Ann Arbor (I sure hope the people of Ann Arbor weren't so rude as to make them fly coach class). Since we already have a garbage truck, they couldn't bring us one of those. Not merely wanting to be on the receiving end of such generosity, the Juigalpans allowed themselves to be entertained free of charge at the highly acclaimed Fiesta de Juigalpa. What a deal! Hopefully at least a few concerned citizens learned to say "Hi, I am from Ann Arbor. Hsve some more money!" in Spanish. Maybe a few lucky people were even able to make a small donation on the spot. Sure, it's nice to send Mayor Pierce and a planeload of essential personnel down to Nicaragua to shell out the dough and other goodies, but it must really be a special thrill for an Ann Arbor taxpayer to hand over a ten or a twenty in person. "Con permiso, would you like the rest on account or gift certificate?" However, four evil and ignorant people on the Ann Arbor City Council (Republicans,yno less!) are trying to "strangle" our sibling. These cruel, cold, heartless, imperialist-capitalist- warmongering dogs refused to vote for the continuation of Proposal A, even after seeing with their own eyes the enriching, rewarding, beautifully symbiotic relationship that Ann Arbor has nurtured with Juigalpa: money, free trips, and garbage trucks for them; the Fiesta de Juigalpa for us. Are they blind or what? Only an idiot couldn't count the enormous benefits we reap from this exchange. And besides, does Ann Arbor want to be outspent by the Soviet Union, whose contributions to Nicaragua this year alone will total several hundred million dollars? I hope not. If the people of Ann Arbor rally now, perhaps these four despicable tyrants, who seem to believe they can voice their opinion or exercise their elected right to vote to strangle siblings around the world, perhaps they can be ousted from office at the next election in one great, glorious People's Liberation Vote. With a little luck and a lot of money, Ann Arbor can look forward to Fiesta de Juigalpa II next year. -Kevin Singer Bob Bold Jason Young Jim Burly April 2 Outraged To the Daily: I am writing to you to express how surprised and outraged I was that you printed the opinion entitled "God is Dead" (Daily, April 1).' The author of the article apparently initially directed his/her efforts against believers of all faiths, by writing "God- a.k.a. Buddha, Allah, etc.-has passed away," yet this author quickly zeroed in on Christians and Christianity with references to Jim Bakker, the Pope, Mary Magdalene, and Christs' resurrection. Yet it is not whom this author targeted, but the fact that the Daily chose to print an article denigrating any faith, that shocks me. Obviously, you realized that readers would be offended, and apparently felt that calling this article an "attempt at humor" and that "the sincere opinions of the authors" excused you from your responsibility to avoid libel and offense. I do not agree with this estimation of your responsibilities, and I believe an apology would be an appropriate response to all whom you have offended. -Deborah Anderson 0 April 3 Vulgar! To the Daily: The editorial that appeared in your April 1 edition entitled "God is dead" was outrageous and vulgar! As a Catholic I am personally offended and angered that in the name of "freedom of the press" you believe you have the right to attack my beliefs. The level of journa - lism I saw in that article was childish. What would have happened to you had you "joked" about Blacks or Jews in the same way you showed my beliefs. After all the talk we hear from the Daily Opinion Page staff about protecting the rights and beliefs of others, all you show is hypocrisy. -Donald F.J. Kaufman April 2 To the Daily: I am enraged by your editorial "God is Dead" (Daily, April 1). This "attempt, at humor" is absolutely appalling and distasteful. Just a few weeks ago another attempt at humor-a black racist joke- caused a radio station to,,be' shut down. Although this "joke" was directed -at Christians, not Blacks, the situation is not that different. I am a Catholic Christian and was especially offended by the slanderous statements written about the Pope. The whole article was written in bad taste and I expect an apology as well. as an act of reparition to. be forthcoming from the Daily and the author immediately., -Wendy Lennop April 3 Accept GEO terms To the Daily: Dear Doctor Shapiro:. I am writing to express my concern over the imminent strike by the Graduate Employees Organization. As:I will be graduating in May, my worries stem from my role as "prospective alumnus" rather than as student. However, in the interest of the University, I urge you to accept the GEO terms -- not to avert a strike -- but to enable the University of Michigan to compete with comparable institutions to attract and retain superior teach- ing assistants. Averting the strike will be a happy con - sequence of a more far-sighted policy. I believe that finding the funding to meet the requests of the GEO is simply a matter of priorities. If attracting quali fied instructors for our under - graduates is a low priority, we need to reconsider the purpose of this great institution. I want to underscore the fact that I support the University on this issue; but in this case I do not support the admini- stration. I hope that our com - mon loyalty to the larger University community will lead you and your colleagues to accept the terms of the GEO. . -Scott Dales April 6 Wsiw~vprman