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April 07, 1987 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-07

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 7, 1987- Page 3
New center to bring
finance experts to 'U'
Business leaders will teach seminars

The world of corporate finance
comes a little closer to the
University this Thursday with the
establishment of the J. Ira Harris
Center for the Study of Corporate
Finance at the School of Business
According to business school
Dean Gilbert Whitaker Jr., the
center will provide a way for
students and faculty to meet with
professionals in the field of cor-
porate finance.
The center will run finance-
related seminars with prominent
members of the business com-
munity. The center will provide an

exchange of ideas between members
of the financial community and the
school, while also providing stu-
dents with hands-on knowledge
about the procedures involved in
today's business world. Business
school faculty involved in research
will also receive grants funded by
the center.
Whitaker said classes can only
give a theoretical knowledge of the
business world. "The center is a
chance to get people together from
the real business world," Whitaker
Currently, the center is without
a director. Whitaker will run the
center until a director is found, then

he will assume an advisory
Center benefactor J. Ira Harris, a
1959 University graduate, is senior
executive director of Salomon
Brothers, Inc., a New York invest-
ment firm.
A rotating advisory panel,
consisting of the center's director,
finance faculty members, and
Harris, will meet twice yearly to
review the center's progress and to
suggest changes.
Rep. Daniel Rostenkowski (D-
Ill.), a friend of Harris', and
chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee, will give the
center's opening address at Hale
Auditorium Thursday.

Study shows varying effects

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Councilmember Kathy Edgren (D-Fifth Ward) consoles Mayor Ed Pierce last night after Pierce lost the elec-
tion to Gerald Jernigan.
Voters defeat two ballot proposals

(Continued from Page 1)
57-year-old physician would not
speculate on his political future.
City council races turned out as
expected, with Democratic incum-
bents Jeff Epton (Third Ward) and
Kathy Edgren (Fifth Ward) winning
re-election, along with new coun-
cilmember Ann Marie Coleman
(First Ward.)
Epton, surviving a strong
challenge from Republican Isaac
Campbell, took 2,150 votes to
Campbell's 1,597. Epton, a three-
term incumbent, is a strong pro-
ponent of Democratic intervention
in city departments, which Camp-
bell had strongly opposed.
Republican Phil Spear, a local
realtor, made an impressive show-

ing against Edgren in the Fifth
Ward, though Edgren won with
2,804 votes to Spear's 2,267. In
1985, Edgren was re-elected by
1,237 votes.
Coleman, who co-directs the
Guild House ministry, easily
defeated Republican Ron Witchie,
winning 1,603 votes. Witchie, who
has lived in Ann Arbor for eight
months, received 632 votes.
As expected, Republican Jerry
Schleicher defeated Democrat
Richard Layman in the predom-
inantly Republican Fourth Ward.
Schleicher won 2,753 votes to
Layman's 1,476. Layman, admin-
istrative coordinator for the Mich-
igan Student Assembly, based his

campaign on student issues.
In the Second Ward, Republican
Terry Martin defeated Mary Reilly,
a long-time Democratic activist.
Martin took 2,100 votes, while
Reilly received 1,521.
Both ballot proposals were
easily defeated by Ann Arbor
voters. Proposal A, which would
have authorized City Hall expan-
sion, received 10,839 "no" votes
compared to 7,244 "yes" votes.
Proposal B, the affordable housing
millage, was approved by 6,903
voters, but opposed by 11,709.
The proposal, which had been a
centerpiece of the Democrats' cam-
paign, would have taxed city resi-
dents to fund low-cost housing

of caffeim
Coffee drinkers, beware: that
early morning or late night jolt is
more than all the sugar and twice
the caffeine.
Two psychologists, Kristen
Anderson, an associate professor at
Colgate University and William
Revelle, a psychology professor at
Northwestern University, have con -
cluded that the drug significantly
affects ability to perform complex
mental tasks, such as examinations,
memorization,ind reading. .
According to Anderson and
Revelle's study, extroverts, who are
outgoing and make decisions
rapidly, and introverts, who are re -
served and less spontaneous, re -
spond differently to caffeine con -
In the morning, Anderson said,
caffeine facilitates the performance
of impulsive extroverts on complex
mental tasks and hurts the perfor -
mance of non-impulsive introverts.
During the evening, the reverse
tends to be true.
A boost of caffeine in the
morning helps extroverts because it'

takes them longer to wake up
mentally. But morning caffeine
hinders introverts by overstim -
ulating them, the study shows.
If the mental task is simple,
caffeine in doses equivalent to one
to three cups of coffee helps the
performances of both types of
people, Anderson added.
Chaim Bertman, a Residential
College junior, is a self-described
introvert; he said his caffeine
consumption is a nervous habit.
"Coffee is self-destructive for me
when I drink it early in the day,"
Bertman said.
Many students at the University
consume caffeine religiously.
Some, in order to wake up; some,
in order to stay up late; and some
out of habit.
Nancy Johnston, an LSA junior,

said she drinks four to five cups of
coffee a day. "It gets to be a habit...
if I don't drink it, I'll be really
exhausted," she said.
According to Robin Sarris,
health education specialist at the
University Health Service, there is
little evidence showing adverse
effects of moderate caffeine con -
sumption. Sarris has not heard of
Anderson and Revelle's investi -
Too much caffeine can produce
temporary side effects, such as in -
somnia, irritability, or nervousness,
she said. It may also have more
serious side effects, such as
gastrointestinal problems and irreg -
ularities of the heartbeat.
Anderson and Revelle's study is
based on a series of studies over
seven or eight years. Their findings
have not yet been published.

on behavior

3,000 children may


What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Interim committee to
run dental school


Campus Cinema
It's A Mad, Mad, Mad World
(Stanley Kramer, 1963), MTF,
DBL/7 p.m., Mich.
Just about every comedy persona in
the past 50 years get involved in a
wacky, slapstick search for a buried
treasure. Milton Berle, Dick Shawn,
Johnathan Winters, Spencer Tracy,
The Three Stooges, Jerry Lewis,
Buddy Hackett, Terry-Thomas...
Batman (Leslie Martinson, 1966),
MTF, DBL/9:45 p.m., Mich.
The Joker, the Riddler, the
Penguin, and the Catwoman all
menace Gotham City, and it's up to
those two wealthy, unmarried men
who live together and rarely part
company, to stop them.
Oedipus, Mom, And Freud
Movies, Eyemediae, 8 p.m., 214
North Fourth Street.
The Lead Shoes (Sidney Peterson,
1949), Mother's Day (James
Broughton, 1948), and On The
Marriage Broker Joke As Cited By
Sigmund Freud In Wit And It's
Relation To The Unconscious Or
Can The Avant Garde Artist Be
Wholed? (Owen Land, 1978)
highlight this wondrous tribute to
the man who gave us penis envy. Be
there or be anal.
Robert Utterback, Victoria
Norfleet, and Keith Graves-
8 p.m., Michigan Union, Pendelton
J. K. Bohlke- "Metasom atism
and Gold Mineralization in the Sierra
Nevada," Dept ofnGeological
Sciences, 4 p.m., 4001 C.C. Little.
Ernst Katz- "The Legend of
Pacifal and the Holy Grail According
to R. Wagner," 8 p.m., The Rudolf
Steiner Institute, 1923 Geddes Ave.

of Statistics,

Science Research Club- 7:30
p.m., Chrysler Center Auditorium,
2121 Bonisteel.
Michigan Cycling Club- 7
p.m., Michigan Union, Anderson
B,C Room.
Alpha Kappa Psi, Profes -
sional Business Fraternity-
5:15 p.m., 1320 Kresge.
Union of Students for Israel-
7 p.m., Hillel.
Campus Bible Study- 7 p.m.,
Michigan League, Room C.
TARDAA/Dr. Who Fan
Club- 8 p.m., 296 Dennison.
UCAR- 4 p.m., Michigan Union.
Rugby Football Club- 8 p.m.,
The Coliseum, Corner of Hill and
Fifth, (996-4529).
Revolutionary History
Series- "Hungary 1956: The Hun -
garian Working Class vs. The Soviet
Bureaucracy," 7 p.m., 439 Mason
Democratic Socialists of
America- "Students Role in
Building a New Nicaragua," 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union, Anderson
Room, (996-5952 or 662-8531).
UM Karate Club- Mr. Tsutomu
Ohshima will teach, 7:30 p.m.,
CCRB, Small Gym.

4 p.m., 1443 Mason

(Continued from Page 1)
necessary to implement long-range
planning programs. These programs
include establishing curriculum
revisions and faculty governance
policies, which detail operating
rules for the promotion and tenure
of faculty.
The dental school has no formal
bylaws; the committee members
hope to structure operating rules
and define the administration's role.
"My sense is that the central
administration had been feeling for
a long period that the dentistry
school should. implement these
changes," More explained. Edu-
cational systems do not react
quickly to change, he added.
"The diverse group, I would feel,
is going to look to the future with
a broader view," Kotowicz said.
Christiansen said the school has
not been faced with additional
problems but he has overseen
changes in his five-year term
Tigers over
(Continued from Page 1)
not staying long enough for a
She also missed the first
moments of excitement of the base -
ball season. Tiger Larry Herndon
smashed a triple against the right
field wall in the first inning, and
the lounge crowd yelled and cheered,
expecting a home run. The applause
died down when the ball did not
clear the fence.
"It shoulda been gone," one
student murmured.
"Good job, Dave," said another,
chiding Yankee Dave Winfield, who

Christiansen feels "it is very
healthy to change," citing examples
of other University deans who have
returned to teaching.
In the face of declining en-
rollment, the school's class size has
been reduced from 150 to 100
students and efforts have been made
to enhance faculty-student relations.
Christiansen also cited the de-
velopment of eight sister dental
schools throughout the world which
share educational programs and
sponsor student exchanges with the
University. He has established an
international union of schools for
oral health which includes 13
schools internationally.

FoOD Buys
6 pack 12 oz. cans
179+ dep.
609 E. William Hours: M-F 8-7
663-4253 Sat. 8-6

AIDS victims by 1991
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The estimated 3,000 children who will have
AIDS by 1991 face an "invisible barrier" to social and public health
services as well as abndonment by their own families, Surgeon General
C. Everett Koop said yesterday.
In a speech opening a three-day conference on AIDS in children,
Koop criticized those who he said would deny the growing number, of
children with AIDS "a normal and dignified life."
As of last week, there were 471 cases of AIDS reported among
children under 13, Koop said. As many as 2,000 other children are
reported to have symptoms of the infection, but are not counted because
their conditions don't fit narrow federal guidelines, he added.
The Public Health Service estimates that 3,000 children will have
the disease by 1991 "and virtually all will die," Koop said.
Because of the stigma of AIDS, children with the disease have fewer
foster homes available to them and also "suffer abandonment by the
mother and society," Koop said.
"In fact, the stigma has been an invisible but impenatrable barrier
between them and a whole variety of social and public health services,"
Koop said.

Send announcements of up-
coming events to "The List," c/o
The Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
4849. Include all pertinent in-
formation and a contact phone
number. We must receive an-
nouncements for Fri4ay and
Sunday events at least two weeks
before the event, and announ-
cements for weekday events





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