Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 1, 1987
The University of
Michigan 1987
On behalf of the entire
University Community, I
wish to congratulate and
thank the winners of the
1987 Student recognition
Awards for their selfless
dedication through
cocurricular involve-
ment. Their spirit of
volunteerism and com-
mitment to causes out-
side of themselves is
Henry Johnson,
Vice President for
Student Services
'Therapy': a
chaotic success
By Sarah A. Van Tiem
Okay, let's get this straight. Jeff
Goldblum is Bruce, a bisexual in
search of heterosexual romance.
Julie Hagerty is Prudence, the
neurotic, child-like object of this
quest. Christopher Guest plays
Bob, Bruce's co-habitating lover
with a very French, over-protective,
she-bear mamam. Tom Conti and
Glenda Jackson are their therapists.
Confused? You should be.
Beyond Therapy, Robert Alt -
man's newest film, is a ball of
confusion. Very funny confusion,
but confusion all the same. What is
sanity? You may find yourself
questioning your's while sitting
through this film. So many differ -
ent things seem to be happening
simultaneously that the viewer has
to struggle just to keep up with the
movie's frantic pace. Luckily, its
tangled, fragmented interrelation -
ships tie the film together. Even
more so, the key word here is
therapy. Everything is either osten -
sibly a therapy session or rapidly,
unavoidably becomes one.
Bruce wants to meet women.
So he meets Prudence through the
personals for a seemingly innocent
lunch date. The couple is accidently
overseen by the scandalized mother
of Bruce's lover. Lunch quickly
becomes a chaotic mess, setting the
mood for the entire film, and
everyone runs to their therapists,
played with hilarious incompetence
on both Glenda Jackson's and Tom
Conti's parts. Prudence talks about
Bruce; Bruce talks about Prudence;
Bob's mother talks about Bruce and
Bob; and Bob talks about Bruce.
But who really are the therapists,
and do they really do any good?
The film's chaos effectively
portrays the mental and emotional
states of it's characters. But after a
while, the chaos becomes over -
whelming enough for you to
question the film's cinematic value.
Length aside, the film's only other
defect is its characterization, espec-
ially regarding Bob and his mother.
Christopher Guest's portrayal of
Bruce's unhappy lover is slightly
amusing, but one dimensional.
With his studied mannerisms and
voice, he is Hollywood's stereo -
typical homosexual. This cookie-
cutter character even comes with a
cookie-cutter mother, although she
is much funnier than Bob: she is a
dominating, overbearing, busybody.
This film's title accurately
reflects the mental healths of its
characters. Each of them is truly
Beyond Therapy. The film is
resolved in the restaurant where
Bruce and Prudence first met for
lunch. None of the characters has
changed in the least; they are still
the imbalanced, confused souls they
were when the film began. But a
balance has been achieve between
them and in that respect they can be
What is sanity? It doesn't really
matter, just as long as you are as,
insane as everyone else.,
ment Award
For Outstanding
Achievement in
Cocurricular Involvement
Individual Winners:
Julia Biolchini
Daniel Ginis
Lannis Hall
Ellen Jones
Suzan Lumpkin
Raphael Metzger
Michael Nelson
Kimberly Pouch
James Speta
Katherine Tate
A. Douglas Thompson
Christine Tuerk
Ximena Zuniga
Group Winners:
Alpha Chapter, Phi Delta
Chi Fraternity
Black Business Student
Minority Organization of
Award Winners
For Significant
Achievement in
Cocurricular Involvement
Individual Winners:
Marilee Aronson
Jeanne Besanceney
Julia Biolchini
Kristin Cabral
Mercedes Castro
John Corser
John Wilfred Cwikiel
Shell y Ebbert
Neil Foley
Richard Herman Freiburger
Daniel Ginis
Victoria E. Green
Lannis Hall
Ellen Jones
Sewon Kang
Suzan Lumpkin
J. Nash May field
Mary Lou McMillan
Cynthia Mesh
Raphael Metzger
Michael Nelson
Tamara Neubauer
Bonnie Nevel
Desmond Newton
Lawrence Norris
Ann-Christine Nyquist
Melissa Okun
Craig Outten
Chris Pehrson
Kimberly Pouch
Michele Anne Roehl
Yael Rubanenko
Andy Rubinson
Colin Schiller
Tobin Smith
James Speta
Lynne Stallworth
Peter Struck
Mary Sturkey
Dan Swanson
Teik-Khoon Tan
Katherine Tate
A. Douglas Thompson
Christine Tuerk
Ximena Zuniga
Group Winners:
Alpha Chapter, Phi Delta
Chi Fraternity
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,
Inc., Epsilon Chapter
Arnold Air Society
(continued from Page 7)
serves little point, for they will
undoubtedly accrue most of or all of
these songs in time.
For the casual jazz fan, whose
taste has stagnated, this album
might be a wise maneuver. Maybe
there's a little Louie Armstrong
missing from your collection ("I'm
Crazy 'Bout My Baby And My
Baby's Crazy 'Bout Me" and "Beale
Street Blues"), or perhaps you
always wanted something from the
time Count Basie and Duke
Ellington got together back in '61
("Until I Met You"). If so, then
nothing could be finer.
In any event, I'm not going to
comment on this record's quality;
hey, who can argue with Lady Day
and Satchmo? Just a word to the
wise: if you don't need it, don't buy
it. If you do buy it, have a real cool
time, and just, "Sing Sing Sing
(with a swing)."
- Akim D. Reinhardt
Adrian Belew
Desire Caught By the Tail
Belew's third LP, a completely
solo project, is his most bizarre and
rewarding effort to date. All the fun
remains, as does the eccentricity.
The primitive is put in the same
studio with the techno-pop mage.
We are offered audio collage, sound
paintings, and yes, animals, too.
"Tango Zebra" begins with an
acoustic flourish before admitting
By Rebecca Chung
It's unfortunate but true; great
concerts happen only when
everything works at the same time.
The most regrettable situation is
that of a polished artist who cannot
deliver an energetic, expressive
performance. For the young profes -
sionals of the National Arts
Chamber Orchestra, the opposite
was true, and therefore the faults
The opening piece, Beethoven's
Ouverture zu Collins Traverspiel
C o r io lo n, Op.62 held great
promise, as conductor Kevin Mac -
Mahon and the orchestra launched
into the work with unabashed
gusto. The tempo was good and the
dynamics surprisingly effective.
But the flaws appeared early on
in this piece and became more
obvious as the evening wore on.
Pitch slipped. Members missed
attacks. The strings rasped at times,
and could not hold their runs
together. The horns and trumpets
needed to control their volume,
particularly in Satie's Gymnopedies
1 and 2. The clarinets simply
needed to do some serious
woodshedding in the practice room;
there was no excuse for the poor
intonation and glitches they
NA CO gives a
faulty concert
presented to a paying audience.
In sum, the concert failed
because the members of the
orchestra lacked the control of their
instruments one grows to expect
after hearing professional concerts
and recordings. In addition, the.
ensemble did not haves the
endurance required for a two-hour
program, not to mention that
required to get through a very long
Brahms Piano Concerto No.2.
Of course, there were exceptions;
the most notable being flutist Irene
Boruszko, who played with excel
lent projection, expression, and
intonation, especially during Cheru
bini's Sinfonia in Re Maggiore:.
Cellist Cora Kuyvenhoven als-
gave a strong solo performance:
during the "Andante" movement of
the Brahms, her intensity and
expression overcoming the pitch
In addition, McMahon deserves a
hand for his adept, directed handling-,
of the respective scores. The
ensemble knew what to do and
where to go, even if they didn't
always get there.
Adrian Belew's "Desire Caught By the Tail" a strange success.
Belew's lovably familiar squeeks
and whines. It is a wondrous pagan
dance, and full ofvitality. "The
Gypsy Zurna" is a spellbinding
portrait in sound that treads the
lycanthropic ground you might
expect. Approach with caution
when the moon is full. The
guitarist's curious wit is in
evidence in "Laughing Man" with
its bozotronics. And the animals
emerge in bright new plumage on
"Beach Creatures Dancing Like
Belew's local fans will relish
this new batch of tunes; it is the
best yet. If you have never heard
Adrian Belew play guitar, and you
are the curious sort, take a giant
leap forward into the Elephant
Zone. Have fun, and watch your
-Marc S. Taras
Shape it up!
with the
Informal Workshop
"Lending a Helping Hand"
Informal discussion and handouts on suicide, the feelings
brought up by recent campus events and skills for helping a
suicidal friend.
April 2nd, 7-9 pm, 3100 Mich. Union
Call 76-GUIDE for info
Passover Meals
Passover runs from Tuesday, April 14 to Tuesday,
April 21. The first Seder is Monday, April 13 and the
second Seder is Tuesday, April 14. Hillel will serve
lunch and dinner each day of Passover. Reservations
and payment for Passover Meals are due by noon
Thursday, April 2 at Hillel, 1429 Hill Street. For more
information, call Hillel at 663-3336.
Halth & Fitness g
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