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April 01, 1987 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-04-01

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 1, 1987
Roach discusses research issues

University Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Saline) said he expects
the Board of Regents to decide on
new research guidelines at their
meeting this month, but would not
reveal how he plans to vote during
a speech on classified research
Roach spoke against extending
the "end-use" clause - which
prohibits research which could be
used to kill or maim humans - to

all research, calling it impractical,
"poorly worded," and an
infringement of academic freedom.
The current research guidelines
only apply the end-use clause to
classified research. Non-classified
research has no such restrictions.
"We do basic research," Roach
said of the University. "Anyone
who can forecast the outcome of
basic research is a lot smarter than I
He said the concept of what sort

of research could be used to harm
humans could be taken to absurd
lengths. Citing an example he gave
to students in a discussion on
military research several years ago,
Roach said, "You really get to the
point of (where) you shouldn't do
research on shoes, because armies
march on their feet, and that would
assist in warfare."
Roach also said the University
shouldn't tell its scientists what
they can and can't research. "How

do you say that a given scientific
discovery... is morally right or
wrong?" he asked. He said he
trusted individual scientists to make
moral and ethical decisions on their
Roach spoke on "A Perspective
From A Member of The Board of
Regents," was the last in a series of
lectures on classified research
sponsored by the Ecumenical
Campus Center.

Vice provost
(Continued from Page 1)
the vice provost will have its own Many
staff and resources and will report member
directly to the president. Sudarka
Former Associate Vice President concerns
Niara Sudarkasa left the University adminisi
in January, and the position has upon imp
been vacant since then. social a
By elevating Sundarkasa's students.
former position to the level of vice "No s
provost, the administration hopes to have
to correct past problems of her minority
over-burdened position. you are

to oversee minority issues

students and faculty
rs were critical of
sa's attention to minority
, and are skeptical of the
tration's new emphasis
proving the academic and
tmosphere for minority
single univeristy is going
the ultimate answer (to
problems) because what
dealing with is a basic

problem of human nature," said
Billy Frye, former University
provost and current dean of Emory
University's graduate school.
According to first-year medical
student Marty Ellington, a member
of the United Coalition Against
Racism's steering committee, "We
think it's very positive, but, we're
very serious when we say that we
want to be involved in the im-

plementation of of that position."
Until the position is filled, the
office will continue to operate
without a supervisor to channel its
efforts. The Board of Regents must
approve the candidate.
"We are operating normally
without Sudarkasa's efforts, but
will welcome any new con-
tributions," said Virginia Nordby,
head of Affirmative Action.

Compiled from Associated Press reports
Judge awards Baby M to father
HACKENSACK, N.J. - A judge awarded custody of Baby M to her
father yesterday and stripped surrogate mother Mary Beth Whitehead of
all parental rights to the child she bore under a $10,000 contract.
In the nation's first judicial ruling on surrogate parenting, Bergen
County Superior Court Judge Harvey Sorkow upheld the validity of the
contract on the grounds that just as men have a constitutional right to
sell their sperm, women can decide what to do with their wombs.
Immediately after William Stern won custody in the landmark case,
his wife, Elizabeth, adopted the year-old baby, whom they call Melissa.
The child has been in their care while the case was argued.
Sorkow ordered Stern to pay Mrs. Whitehead the $10,000 agreed to
in the contract. That money had been held in escrow since the contract
was signed.
Rebels raid Salvadoran base
EL PARAISO, El Salvador - Guerrillas raided a major army base
before dawn yesterday, killing at least 43 soldiers and a U.S. military
adviser, the first to die during battle in the 7-year-old civil war.
El Salvador's military commander said the American, identified as
Staff Sgt. Gregory Fronius of Greensburg, Pa., was killed by mortar
fire near a command post.
The military said 35 soldiers were wounded by leftist rebels who
assaulted the base behind a barrage of cannon, mortar and grenade fire.
Base commander Col. Gilberto Rubio, who was slightly wounded, said
the number of attackers had not been determined.
Officials said seven guerillas died in the attack on the 4th Infantry
Brigade garrison at El Paraiso in Chalatenango province, a rebel
stronghold, and some penetrated the camp. El Paraiso is nearly 40 miles
north of San Salvador, capital of this Central American country.
Reagan hails AIDS education
WASHINGTON - President Reagan gave his endorsement
yesterday to AIDS education in schools but said children also should be
taught that sexual abstinence is the best way to avoid the disease.
"We want an all-out campaign," Reagan said, responding to
reporters' questions at a state dinner for visiting Prime Minister Jacques
Chirac of France.
Asked whether he thought children should be taught about the
dangers of the AIDS epidemic, Reagan said, "Yes, I think so - as long
as they teach one of the answers to it is abstinence."
He stressed the theme of abstinence and said that he supported
instructing children about AIDS and how to avoid it "if you say it's not
how you do it but that you don't do it."
Reagan said that education which does not offer instruction about
proper values is wrong.
Congress repeals highway veto
WASHINGTON - Fifteen of Michigan's 18 congressmen voted to
override President Reagan's veto of an $88 billion highway and mass
transit bill, as the House overturned the president's veto on a 350-73,
ballot yesterday.
Republican Reps. William Broomfield of Birmingham, Carl Pursell
of Plymouth and Paul Henry of Grand Rapids were among the minority
who voted to sustain the veto, even though all three had voted in favor'
of the highway bill when it passed the House earlier this month.
Henry said he decided to support the override in hopes that the
Reagan administration can quickly push through a better bill containing
"less fat" and more money for road work in Michigan.






Cajun craze hits the road
NEW ORLEANS - People on the go can now order alligatior to go.
That's one of the more popluar items at a jet-set carry-out called
Bayou To Go, whcih sells and packes Cajun specialites at New Orleans
International Airport.
His shop offers such Cajun delights as andouille saudage and tasso
ham, but so far, shop manager Joe Hobbs said, the most popular items
come out of the water.
"We're selling a lot of alligator meat. Shrimp, alligator, and
crawfish are our biggest sellers," he said.
City starts rock collection
BOULDER, Colo. - The city of Boulder is shopping for boulders,
large ones, that can be put into Boulder Creek to create a habitat for
"It's funny, but the darn things are hard to come by," Gary Lacy,
Boulder Creek project coordinator, said Monday. The "round, pretty
ones" are proving especially hard to find, he said.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.
01 M irlyigan*Uafl
Vol. XCVII - No. 124
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One
term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub -
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.




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Editor in Chief................................ROB EARLE
Managing Editor..........................AMY MINDELL
News Editor..............................PHILIP I. LEVY
Features Editor..........................MELISSA BIRKS
NEWS STAFF: Elizabeth Atkins, Eve Becker, Steve
Blonder, Rebecca Blumenstein, Jim Bray, Brian Bonet,
Doy Cohen, Rebecca Cos, Hampton Dellinger, Martin
Frank, Pam Franklin, Stephen Gregory, Edward
Kleine, Steve Knopper, Vibeke Laroi, Carre Loranger,
Michael Lustig, Melissa Lusigman Jerry Markon,
Andy Mills, Tim Omarzu, Eugene Pak, Melissa
Ramsdell, Kristen Salathiel, Martha Sevetson, Wendy
Sharp, Louis Stancato, Steven Tuch, David Webster,
Rose Mary Wummel
Opini Page Editors".........PETER MOONEY
OPINION PAGE STAFF: Muzammil Ahned, Tim
Bennett, Paul Honsinger, Tim Huet, Lisa Jordan,
Jeffrey Rutherford, Caleb Southworth, Arlin
Wasserman, Mark Williams.
Arts Editors.........................REBECCA CHUNG
Books........ ...SUZANNE MISENCIK
Features ........................ALAN PAUL
Film ..................KURT SERBUS
Music.........................BETH FERTIG
Theatre......................LAUREN SCHREIBER
ARTS STAFF: V. J. Beauchamp, Lisa Berkowitz,

Sports Editor......................SCOTT G. MILLER
Associate Sports Editors...............DARREN JASEY
SPORTS STAFF: Jim Downey, Liam Flaherty, Allen
Gelderloos, Kenneth Goldberg, Chris Gordillo, Shelly
Haselhuhn. Julie Hollman, Walter Kopf, Rob Levine,
Jill Marchiano, Ian Ratner, Adam Schefter, Adam
Schrager, Scott Shaffer, Pete Steinert, Douglas Volan,
Peter Zelen, Bill Zoila.
Photo Editors...........................SCOTT LITUCHY
PHOTO STAFF: Leslie Boorstein, Karen Handelman,
Dana Mendelssohn, John Munson, Darrian Smith,
Grace Tsai.
Business Manager................MASON FRANKLIN
Sales Manager.............................DIANE BLOOM
Finance Manager..............REBECCA LAWRENCE
Classified Manager....................GAYLE SHAPIRO
Assistant Sales Manager...........ANNE KUBEK
Assistant Classified Manager........AMY EIGES
DISPLAY SALES: Karen Brown, Irit Elrad, Missy
Hambrick, Ginger Heyman, Denise Levy, Wendy
Lewis, Jodi Manchik, Laura Martin, Mindy Mendonsa,
Scott Metcalf, Carolyn Rands, Jackie Rosenburg, Todd



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