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March 31, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-31

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tC r4 1at
Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom

'by Orange
Smart, a junior college transfer,
scored 17 of his 21 points in the
second half, including the game-
winner with five seconds left last
night to give Indiana a 74-73
victory over Syracuse. The win
gave Indiana coach Bobby Knight
his third national basketball title.
Smart also intercepted Derrick
Coleman's floor-length desperation
pass as time ran out.
Syracuse had a chance to win but
Howard Triche missed the second of
two free throws with 38 seconds
left, and Coleman missed a one-and-
one with 28 seconds remaining.
"I felt confident. There wasn't
any emotion," Coleman said.
"When I released it, I knew it was
off to the right. I wasn't nervous. I
knew it could be the game. After I
missed it, I just tried to play
In between, Smart, a quick 6-1
guard, grabbed the rebound of
f Triche's miss and drove for a goal
to cut the Orangemen's lead to 73-
72. He hit the game-winner from
just inside the three-point mark at
the baseline as the Hoosiers
finished the season with a 30-4
"The play was designed to go to
Steve, but he was heavily covered,"
said Smart. "Daryl did the smart
thing, I guess, by dropping it back
to me."
See SMART, Page 12


Second racist
flier sent in Mojo
A second racist flier was slipped under the door of
a black student's dorm room in Mosher Jordan Hall
last Friday, according to Cortez Jones, Mosher
Jordan's minority peer adviser.
The recipient of Friday morning's flier was also
the recipient of last Monday's flier, according to
Jones, who also suspects the same perpetrator in both
cases. Both fliers were done on a computer in verse,
and the second flier made reference to the first.
After the incident, Patty Duch, Mosher Jordan's
Building Director, distributed 300 copies of a
statement "reaffirming housing policy and our stand
against racial and sexual harassment." Duch's antiL
racist letters were put in every student's mailbox
Friday morning.
"As far as I'm concerned, this (racist flier) was
done without provocation," said Duch. Friday's racist
flier contained terms which were "deragatory to
Blacks," she said. Last Monday's flier threatened death
by hanging to Blacks, said Jones.
Housing security is investigating both incidents,
Duch said.
Duch said she also met with Sean Brown, a
Mosher Jordan resident and member of the United
Coalition Against Racism.
Brown said he suggested a teach-in against racism,
a workshop on racism in the dorms, and further
education of staff members to Duch.
Barbara Ransby, a UCAR member, said UCAR
has discussed the flier. She was not sure what action
UCAR would take because "the victim has been
hestitant to make the issue public." Ransby said she
would "like to see the victim make it public and file a
police report."
The most recent flier was the third in a series of
racist fliers. In January, a facsimile of an Ohio
hunting license declaring "open season" on Blacks
was slipped into a Couzens Hall lounge where black
women were meeting.

MTS users find
tasteless humor
A category designated for "disgusting, obscene"
jokes in the Meet Students computer conference
network, part of the Michigan Terminal System, has
been criticized recently for promoting sexist and
otherwise offensive remarks.
Item 118, entitled "Bad Jokes", is one of 259
items in the Meet Students network, an electronic
conference system where students can discuss issues
ranging from the Super Bowl to suicide.
Jokes about sexual preference, dead babies, lepers,
and AIDS victims are commonplace in the "Bad
Jokes" item. Recently, jokes about the late Regent
Sarah Goddard Power have also been prevalent.
"To have jokes like that on a conference that
ostensibly anyone on campus has access to is not a
good thing," said Richard Layman, administrative
coordinator of the Michigan Student Assembly.
Planners of the conference network think item 118
is a valuable mechanism through which students can
freely express themselves. They liken the item to an
open forum for graffiti, and announce, "Dead babies,
Helen Keller, moderate racial overtones may all be
deemed fair game here."
Todd Bakal, an LSA sophomore and creator of
"Bad Jokes" said, "While the thing is distasteful, it is
appropriate for an all-encompassing conference."
University officials are reluctant to take action
against the item because they think it is a legitimate
form of free expression and by restricting it they
could be practicing censorship.
"I think the tough problem is what the balance is
between free speech and free expression and taste,"
said Doug Van Houweling, Vice-Provost for
Information Technology.
Computing Center Director Carolyn Autrey-
Hunley said, "I don't like what is in there at all but I
see a bigger issue of censoring... I would like to see
the sponsors of Meet Students take action on their
See COMPUTER, Page 5

Gay rights Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
An unidentified graduate student stands on the Diag yesterday to
promote Gay Awareness Week. The student said the writing on the bag
tells how other students have forced gay and lesbian students to live in the
closet. See story, Page 5.

SACUA elects new chair, vice-

chair for upcoming ter

The nine members of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) elected Aerospace and Electrical.
Engineering Prof. Harris McClamroch as
their new chair and Assoc. Prof. of Social
Work Beth Reed as vice chair yesterday.
McClamroch recently completed his
second year on SACUA. He served on the
Research Policies Committee from 1981 to
1983, and was a member of the Committee
Pon the Economic Status of the Faculty

from 1983 to 1985. This year McClamroch
served on SACUA's Budget Priorities
. Reed has served on SACUA for one
year. She was a member of the Committee
on the Economic Status of the Faculty for
seven years and chair for one year. This
year Reed was a member of the Academic
Affairs Advisory Committee to the
Both were elected to one-year terms.
As McClamroch accepted the gavel from

outgoing chair William Stebbins, he
recognized outgoing SACUA members
Dale Briggs, chemical engineering pro -
fessor and Jean Loup, librarian and vice
chair, both of whom completed their three-
year terms.
"I want to recognize the enormous
contributions they have made to the faculty
governance system," McClamroch said.
The major items on SACUA's agenda
for the next year, McClamroch said, are the
University's plans for interdisciplinary re -
See SACUA, Page 3

Best Supporting Actress
Dianne Wiest shows her Oscar won for Best Supporting
Actress in "Hannah and her Sisters" at last nights 59th
annual Academy Awards ceremony. See story, Page 7

Senators, citizens
discuss collider

At a public hearing at the
Dennison Building yesterday,
Monroe County residents and Uni-
versity scientists testified for and
against allowing the world's largest
particle accelerator to be built in
Gov. James Blanchard announced
two weeks ago that Michigan
would compete for the Department
of Energy's $4.4 billion atom-
smashing "superconducting super
collider," which would bring 2,500
permanent jobs and over 500
visiting scientists to its host state.
Michigan's proposed site for the
52-mile long ring-shaped under-
ground accelerator is an 8,000-acre
area in Monroe and Lenawee
Counties, about 30 miles south of
Ann Arbor. More than 150 res-

idents could be displaced from their
homes if the accelerator is built in
A number of those residents
were at yesterday's panel hearing
before three state senators to speak
against the accelerator. "I, for one,
am not willing to put up with it.
Everybody else will reap the
benefits, and Monroe is going to
get the shaft," said Faye Vajner, a
resident of Raisinville Township in
Monroe County.
So far 1,800 Monroe County
residents have signed a petition
against building the collider at the
proposed site, Vajner said.
Monroe County resident Jean
Seibarth called the super collider "a
true environmental assault, an
assault to my way of life and my
See CITIZENS, Page 2

Flaw may
be found
in physis
University physicists have
discovered a contradiction in the
intricate, highly-successful 40-year-
old theory of quantum electro-
dynamics (QED).
"This might cause a rethinking
of the structure of the theory - it
could have profound significance
among physicists," said Physics
Prof. Arthur Rich. He added,
though, "I don't predict anything
The discrepancies, although
minor, Rich said, were first
discovered in 1982 by Rich and
Physics Prof. David Gidley. But the
most recent contradictions were
discovered this year and outlined in
an article by Chris Westbrook, a
physics graduate student, Ralph
Conti, a research investigator,
Gidley, and Rich, in March 30
issue of Physical Review Letters.
The contradiction involves the
decay of positronium, which
consists of an electron and a
positron. Positronium can be called
the artificial matter-antimatter
atom, because the positron is the
positively-charged antimatter com-
plement to the electron.
Positronium is an unstable
See PROFS., Page 2
The Immigration and Natural-
ization Service will discriminate
by prohibiting AIDS victims
from entering the US.
Before entering the real world,
fine arts graduates get a chance at
fame here in Ann Arbor.

Daily Photo by SCOTT IITUCHY

John Mogk, president of the Michigan Energy and Resource Research Association, addresses a panel of state
senators and aides about the proposed $4.5 billion "superconducting super collider." Mogk said Michigan had
a one in ten chance of winning the collider.

City mayoral candidates address the media

Ann Arbor Mayor Edward Pierce
said he voted for the rezoning of the
Burns Park neighborhood because
fraternities are destroying the
TTV 30)i

When questioned about the
rezoning of the Burns Park
neighborhood, which made 40
homes unavailable for fraternity or
sorority use, Pierce said he didn't
want any more multiple student
housing in the area, and that the
unruly fraternitiy parties cost the
city $1,600 in overtime police pay.

used as large group homes
anyhow," said Jernigan.
Jernigan said the city and
University need to work together on
finding additional student housing.
"My guess is that it will take the
form of privately funded, high
density housing units close to
campus." He added that the

have been opposed to further hiring.
Pierce said cuts in the Federal
budget will force the city to use its
money more carefully in the next
budget year.
Pierce has argued in the past that
hiring more police will not solve
the problem, and advocates
reorganization of the existing force.

The creation of the task force
was passed by all wards last April,
receiving 61 percent of a city wide
The mayor, who is a task force
member, proposed an extension last
month because he said the group
has aided Juigalpa, Nicaragua. The
task force has raised more than

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