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March 25, 1987 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-25

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The Michigan Doily - Wednesday, March 25, 1987--- Page 5

Lawmakers yesterday presented
the state legislature with proposals"
Surging the state to withdraw
investments from companies con -
ducting business in South Africa.
Four bills, two in the house and
two in the senate, call for the
withdrawal of $2 billion in
investments which fund state
pension programs. The pension
programs aid retired state
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
Arbor) and Rep. Virgil Smith
introduced the legislation to the



Kers propose to
house, while Sen. Jackie Vaughn supporting divestment.
(D-Detroit) and Sen. Dan DeGrow LAST year's Republican con -
(R-Port Huron) presented it to the trolled state senate voted against the
senate. passage of a similar package of
The bills propose a five-year bills in December. Divestment bills
withdrawal of investments and have been proposed since 1977;
guarantee that pension-dependent none have passed.
residents will continue to receive State Rep. Claude Trim (R-
their monthly source of income. Waterford), one Republican who
If divestment causes the pension now favors the bills, said he
program to fall short of sufficient opposed previous legislation
funding, the difference will come because it did not allow the state to
from the state's general fund. continue investing in companies
Bullard is optimistic the that were attempting to implement
legislature will pass the bills the Sullivan Principles.
because more Republicans are now The principles, named after

divest from

S. Africa

Philadelphia minister Leon Sulli -
van, outline steps that businesses
operating in South Africa should
follow to integrate their South
African affiliates.
Trim supports the new legis -
lation because the Sullivan
principles have been ineffective in
achieving their goals, he said.
According to Bullard, Sullivan
has written a letter which calls for
companies to divest their interests
from South Africa because his
principles have failed.
DeGrow, one of the bills'
sponsors, feels the bills have a

good chance of passing because
popular support favors divestment.
"People think we have to move,"
he said.
"The state treasurer has got five
years to get us out of there,"
DeGrow said.
S T A T E Treasurer Robert
Bowman said divesting from
companies involved in South Africa
in five years is a reasonable request
and that any losses in the pension
fund due to divestment would be
"very minimal."
He said, "(the proposal) marries
financial concerns and moral
concerns better than any other state
that's already divested."
Smith, another sponsor of the
legislation, said Michigan State
University has increased investment
revenues since it divested five years
ago from businesses involved in
South Africa.
MSU divested when the state
legislature passed a law requiring all
state-supported colleges to divest
their holdings. The University of
Michigan still has $500,000
invested in companies that do

business in South Africa. It is now
suing the state, contending the
1982 law violated the University's
George Trainor - a spokesman
for the Ford Motor Co., which hay
holdings in South Africa - feels
the legislation will harm South
Africans by withdrawing money
from companies that could employ

Soviets permit
BY SCOTT BOWLES home April 15 af
After ten years of pleas, for a heart attack
demands, ant even a hunger strike, of his recupera
Yuri and Nelli Shpeizman have threaten their per
gained permission to leave the Adopting a
Soviet Union, possibly by this entails writing le
April. ican and Soviet
The Shpeizman's victory also pressure them
marks the second successful cam - family. But the si
paign by the University's Student decided to carry t
Struggle for Soviet Jewry further: On Nov
organization. The group sponsors members began
families, called refuseniks, that which the 50 m
have been denied permission to fasting for 24 ho
emigrate from Russia. THEIR actio
Last November, the SSSJ last Thursday
decided to "adopt" the Shpeizmans government
after the group's co-chairperson, Shpeizmans that
Yael Rubanenko, an LSA junior, the country. Th
visited the couple in Russia and hunger strike Mo
learned they wanted to join their The first W
daughter, Rita Levin, in Israel. The initiate a campa
Shpeizman's case seemed urgent, couple's behalf
Rubanenko said, because Yuri has Ritasue Charles
leukemia. Park, Pennsylvan
"I'm so happy, I'm so happy," The Charlesi
Nelli said in a telephone interview Rubanenko, bec
from her home in Leningrad. She the plight of refu
said her husband would be returning the Soviet Unio

refuseniks to emigrate

fter hospitalization
. She felt the delay
ation would not
mission to leave.
family normally
tters to the Amer -
I governments to
into releasing a
tudent organization
he campaign a step
vember 18, 1986,
a hunger strike in
embers took turns
ons were rewarded
when the Soviet
notified the
t they could leave
e group ended the
estern citizens to
aign on the Soviet
f were Gary and
stein of Melrose
teins, who knew
ame interested in
useniks and visited
in in 1981, when

they met the Shpeizmans.
The Charlestein's worked with
Rubanenko in efforts to free the
Shpeizmans. Gary Charlestein said
government pressure combined with
Yuri's ailing condition helped the
family's cause.
"Think about how cruel the
Soviets would seem in the eyes of
the world if they did not let
someone dying of cancer leave the
country to be with family," he said.
He said the couple may be eligible
to leave as early as April 22.
Aaron Frank, an LSA freshman
and member of SSSJ, said the
group hadn't expected a positive
response this soon. "We were
definitely planning to continue the
strike to the end of the term," he
The organization was established
in September 1985 by eight
students who returned from a trip to
the Soviet Union where they met
with several refuseniks. The
group's goal is to increase the
visibility of Soviet Jews so the
Soviet government will allow Jews

to emigrate.
T H E SSSJ's first adopted
group, the Bogomolnys, was
released in September 1986. The
SSSJ will decide on their next
adopted family at its meeting next
Jerry Wish, an LSA junior and
co-chairperson of the group, said
that although a hunger strike was
an effective symbolic gesture, he
doubts the group will use it again
in the near future. "If you do it too
often," he said, "you trivialize it.
Sending letters to Congressmen has
been very effective. It's also
important to contact local commu -
nities and attract public attention."
Gary Charlestein said the
Shpeizman's release indicates a
"liberalizing trend" in Russia.
"Something is going on in the
Soviet Union," he said.
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K The Roots of Terrorism
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Power shocks University community

(Continued from Page 1)
a doctor's care and was taking
medication. The medications and
treatments were helping to bring
her back."
"Every indication was that she
y had this ailment under control," he
Baker acknowledged that recent
publicity about racism at the
University may have been a factor
'in Power's suicide. "No one knows
the private pressure that anyone is
enduring, but I do know thatsthere
has been a lot of pressure upon the
University and the regents in the
[ past couple of weeks," Baker said.
"I can't speculate on what
happened - it certainly came as a
shock to me," said close friend and
State Senator Lana Pollack (D-Ann
"The University is deprived of a
regent, and I am deprived of a great
friend and colleague," said
University President Harold Shapiro
in a press release. Although Univ -
ersity regents are elected, Gov -
ernor Blanchard appoints a
successor in ifistances of sudden

V v .

POWER was first elected to the
Board of Regents in 1974, and re-
elected to a second eight-year term
in 1982. Educated at New York
University, in Paris, and at Vassar
University, she first became active
in the University in the early
Before she became a regent,
Power served as Assistant Director
of the University Commission for
Women and as Associate Director
of the University Institute for the
Advancement of Women.
"She was a very generous person
who did a lot for the University and
for women," Pollack said.
Power was also instrumental in
state and national affairs for the
Democratic party. In 1980,
President Jimmy Carter appointed
There was an error on The Greek Week page
which appeared in the March 20 Weekend
Magazine. The "Drink a Toast" ad should
have included:
We apologiszfor any incivenierce this may have caused.

her to the position of Deputy
Assistant Secretary in the U.S.
State Department's Bureau of
International Organization Affairs.
"Sarah's legacy at the University
is that she represented the
conscience of the University," said
Power is survived by her
husband and her five-year old son.
Her father-in-law, Eugene Power,
was a former regent.
No funeral arrangements have
been announced.
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