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March 24, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-24

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom

By EUGENE PAK administration and black leaders.
"A limited victory," said United Jackson and Shapiro commended
Coalition Against Racism member each other and the students for their
Barbara Ransby. work. Shapiro said he did not feel
"Progress," said BAM III pressured into the resolutions, but
organizer John Simpson. "extraordinarily helped in the
That's what two student leaders situation."
called six major resolutions Uni- BAM III and UCAR members
versity President Harold Shapiro said the resolutions ,did not mark
announced yesterday to increase the end of their work, and they will
black student and faculty enrol- continue to push and monitor the
lment. The resolutions are designed University's progress.
to increase the numbers to more Most agreed that Jackson's help
accurately reflect the state's 12.9
percent black population and to l snip o eterca t op eeo
Shapiro announced the reso- By WENDY LEW
lutions just before the Rev. Jesse and DAVID WEBSI
Jackson's speech at Hill Audi- The Rev. Jesse Jackson culmina
torium. University yesterday by urging mem
Black students leaders, faculty, collectively take a stance against th
administrators, Shapiro, and other forms of discrimination which pen
administrators agreed upon the government.
resolutions after hours of Jackson, an associate of the late
negotiations this afternoon in King Jr., spoke to a standing-room
Shapiro's office. Jackson was Hill Auditorium yesterday aft
present during the negotations, University President Harold Shapi
serving as a facilitator between the and black student leaders throughout

ers reach

expedited the agreement.
"I don't think anyone could have
done it other than him," said Barron
Wallace, a BAM III negotiator.
Wallace said the establishment of
timetables, goals, and mechanisms
to achieve them were a significant
component of the agreement.
Shapiro declined further com-
ment on the resolutions, which are
still in the draft stage, but is
expected to release a more complete
statement during the week.

The resolutions are:
-Presidential recommendation to
the Board of Regents to establish a
vice provost position for an Office
of Minority Affairs. The vice
provost will be a senior, tenured
professor in charge of minority
student and faculty recruitment and
The vice provost office will be
provided with a staff and an
autonomous line item budget
See BAM, Page 2

addresses 'U' racism

ted his visit to the
bers of all races to
he institutionalized
meate society and
Dr. Martin Luther
n-only audience at
er meeting with
ro, administrators,
the day.

He said institutional racism has manifested itself in
both the university setting and government policy due
to conservative political trends brought on by the
Reagan administration.
"My mixed emotion is that we're on the right cause
when we fight racism and fascism, but in 1987 it's the
wrong agenda," Jackson said. Instead, students should
now concern themselves with putting an end to
"economic, educational, and environmental violence."
Many students agreed with Jackson's views that
combating racial bigotry is a national priority and
See JACKSON, Page 2

Doily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks to a standing-room only crowd at Hill
Auditorium on combatting racism both at the University and in the world

Ann Arbor police are in-
vestigating the rape of a University
student that occurred last Thursday
night, according to Sgt. Jan
The victim, identified only as a
woman born in 1965, was at a
fraternity house on Oxford Street
when she was assaulted by a male
fraternity member she was
acquainted with, Suomala said.
Suomala said the man forced
himself upon the victim and
forcible penetration occurred.
Detective Mary Smith, who is
investigating the case, refused to
comment about the case, but she
said a suspect might be arrested
Suomala said the victim had
been at the fraternity house prac-
ticing a dance routine for Greek
Week before the incident occurred.
She was taken to University
hospital for medical treatment and
was released.
Suomala added the suspect
probably would be charged with
first degree criminal sexual conduct.
First degree CSC differs from the
other three degrees of CSC in that
it involves sexual penetration by
force. First degree is a felony which
carries a maximum penalty of life
Police will not reveal exactly
where the rape occurred - or any
other information about the case -
unless a suspect is charged.

GEO calls for
strike ballot
TAs may walk if talks
with 'U', mediator fail

Cheek to cheek Doily Photo by SCOTTLTUCHY-
The team of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Kappa Psi fraternities twist and stretch their
way to victory over the team of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and Phi Gamma Delta and Theta Delta Chi frater-
nities in the annual Twistermania challenge in the Diag Yesterday.
Council1 Dem-s, Republicans
spIt on task force extension

Members of the union that re-
presents all University teaching as-
sistants voted yesterday to send
strike ballots to their general mem -
bership beginning today. If the
strike measure is approved, the
Graduate Employees Organization
will call a strike beginning April 8.
The measure, which passed 95 to
2, calls for a strike only if the GEO
bargaining team and the University
fail to reach a tentative agreement at
mediated talks on April 7.
GEO President Alice Haddy said
members at the meeting were stau-
nchly behind the decision. "There
were a lot of people who felt that
we weren't acting fast-enough," she
Haddy contrasted the sentiment
at yesterday's meeting with that last
fall, when the teaching assistants
were also considering a strike. "The
membership present didn't express
any real fears about going out on
strike. In the fall, people were
fearful (of a strike)," she said.
The results of the vote will not
be known until just before talks
restart April 7, so members will
have as much time as possible to
send back their ballots, Haddy said.
At the meeting, GEO Vice
President Diane Meisenhelter
encouraged the crowd to give strong
support to a strike authorization
vote approved at an earlier meeting.

Ann Arbor City Council
Republicans and Democrats last
night were divided once again on an
amendment to extend the life of the
Central America Sister City Task
In the past, the four council
Republicans have refused to concern
themselves with international
politics, so the seven Democrats

could not attain the eight votes
necessary to extend the life of the
task force.
At last night's council meeting,
Ann Arbor Mayor Ed Pierce charged
that the Republicans were making a
serious mistake by not voting to
extend the life of the task force. A
vote will not be taken until the new
council takes office in April.
The task force was created last

April when a ballot proposal passed
with 61 percent of the vote.
Third Ward Republican candidate
and task force member Isaac
Campbell urged the council to
extend the life of the task force. He
said that he has been impressed
with the $20,000 the task force has
raised to send a garbage truck to
Ann Arbor's sister city, Juigalpa,
See TASK, Page 3

Hadd v
...leads TA union
But during discussion, the motion
was amended to allow for actual
"A 'yes' vote would be tre-
mendous leverage for the bargaining
team," Meisenhelter said. "It would
show (the University) that we mean
As the situation stands, the GEO
is asking for a full tuition waiver
for TAs (the current waiver is 56
percent of resident tuition); a salary
increase of 8 percent next year and 6
percent the following year; paid
training for new TAs; and
departmental-set class size limits.
The University's most recent
offer proposes a three year contract
See TAs, Page 3
Shapiro should pay heed to the
majority of BAM III 's de-
Zydeco heir Simien Terrence and
his Playboys perform at the
Blind Pig tonight.
The Wolverine baseball team

. Protesters' rights should be protected, statement says

The University should take care to ensure the effectiveness
of demonstrations and the rights of protesters, a statement
from the University's Civil Liberties Board says.
The statement, which was discussed yesterday by members
of the faculty Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, urges the University to avoid calling police to
protests unless there is a "clear and present danger" of
infringement on the rights of others.
1 The statement, called "Remarks on the Rights and Limits

protesters enter the building, and arrested many of them when
workers in the building said the interviews were being
"A protest of NBC News's coverage of Central America
when the Today Show came to campus in October 1985. The
University restricted the protest to an area where the
demonstrators could barely be heard on TV.
*A protest during Vice President George Bush's visit to
the University to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the
Peace Corps in October 1985.

the statement was went too far in protecting protesters and
not far enough in protecting the targets of protests.
"We want refined behavior at a University," Briggs said.
SACUA chair William Stebbins said the statement is
necessary because it expresses the "University's attitude
towards people who protest and the rights they should
enjoy." Stebbins said the previous statement of the board in
1977 "said very little."
The Civil Liberties Board decided to revise its 1977
statement on freedom of speech because of the treatment of

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