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March 23, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-23

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Ube idto a r
Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom
_ _ _ _ _ /'Tl 'Tw~COP Y RI 1 H A T 1987, T THE I t T\ 1NTTA\




. 1987


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Shapiro to
meet BAM

After anti-racism protesters
disrupted the University's Board of
Regents meeting Friday, University
President Harold Shapiro and
several regents met with protest
leaders in a closed meeting and
agreed to hold two more meetings
this week.
The first meeting is scheduled to
take place at 7 a.m. this morning
with leaders of the Black Action
Movement III. University officials
refused to comment on the meeting,
but a BAM III organizer, Charles
Wynder, a first year law student,
said Shapiro had agreed to negotiate
BAM III's 11 demands.
Wynder said the meeting will
differ from previous encounters
because of its focus on the
implementation of the demands,
rather than on campus racism in
general. "It's a step in the right
direction that Shapiro wants to
meet in a negotiating stance,"
Wynder said.
Wynder also said that after

today's meeting his group will re-
evaluate their threat to "shut down
the University with BAM III."
A SECOND meeting with
leaders of the United Coalition
Agairnst Racism was also tenta-
tively planned for some time this
See SHAPIRO, Page 5
speaks at
Hill toda
Rev. Jesse Jackson, a renowned
civil rights leader, will speak at
Hill Auditorium today at 4:30 p.m.
A rally will precede his speech.
According to Whitney Bell, an
LSA sophomore, Jackson planned
his visit in response to a press
conference yesterday held by
See JACKSON, Page 5

Daily Photo by SCOTT LiTUCHY
UCAR member Barbara Ransby addresses University President Harold at the Union. Ransby and other UCAR members demanded the ad-
Shapiro and the Board of Regents at the regents' monthly meeting Friday ministration take action on the recent demands of UCAR and BAM III.

At the Stanley Kaplan Educational Center on
East Hoover, several students are sitting at
banks of cassette players, listening to study
tapes. In the lobby, a woman receives one of
the home study kits included in the $495 fee for
a Stanley Kaplan course.
Like many would-be graduate students, Ann
Arbor resident Debbie Lloyd came here in
search of the 'edge' she hopes a test preparation
course will give her. Lloyd is studying for the
Graduate Records Examination (GRE) in an
attempt to get into the University's doctoral
program in education.
"You have to have a good score to get into
the program, so I want that score," Lloyd said.
THE TEST preparation business .has been
around almost as long as standardized tests.
* Educational Testing Service first offered the
GRE in 1937 and the next year Kaplan opened a
test preparation school in Brooklyn, N.Y.

flood test prep. sites
Since then, Kaplan imitators of all stripes, one-third or more of admissions criteria,
an avalanche of testing books, mock exams, according to many University graduate school
and now a sophisticated computer program, admissions officers.
have appeared to calm fears and boost scores. "Whether we're thrilled with the idea or not,
AND AT the University - whichtproduces the LSAT is a better statistical predictor than
more graduate students than any other school in grades," said University Law School Admis -
the nation - the test preparation business is sions Officer Alan Stillwagon.
booming. THE IMPORTANCE placed on test
At the Student Counseling Office more scores causes many students to think of the
students are asking for test preparation tests as life-or-death matters. Some students
information than ever before, and the office think that a test prep course is necessary just to
plans to offer a variety of test preparation books be competitive. "Everyone else is taking it,"
to students according to Office Co-Coordinator said LSA Senior David Friedman, who took a
Marcy Cozzone, an LSA senior. Kaplan course for the LSAT. "If you don't take
The GRE, the Law School Admission Test it, you're kind of behind."
(LSAT), the Graduate Management Aptitude Lou Rice, director of pre-professional
Test (GMAT), the Medical College Admission advising at the University, says many students
Test (MCAT), and the Dental Admission Test come to him with the idea that their entire
(DAT) are the most popular graduate admission future is riding on their entrance exams. "Add to
exams. the internal condition of being a competitive
And the results of these tests often count for See ANXIOUS, Page 3

Conference focuses
on medical ethics

The 15th Conference on Ethics,
Humanism, and Medicine, held
Saturday on the medical campus,
presented discussions on four topics
integral to the area of medical ethics
to an audience of more than 200
medical students, faculty, and
Participants in the first
discussion on alternative programs
in medical education stressed the
importance of incorporating ethics
and analytical thinking into medical
school curricula.
The discussion focused on the
lack of integration of the social and
ethical aspects of medicine, and
examined examples of alternative

medical programs from Michigan,
State and Harvard Universities.
Gus Swanson, director of the the
department of academic affairs at the
American Association of Medical
Colleges, said medical students are
not being taught to be independent,
creative thinkers. Instead, emphasis
is placed on rote memorization of
the basic sciences.
The speakers said medicine
should be a science-based social
calling which integrates critical,
analytic abilities, along with the
basic sciences by creating
interdisciplinary teaching programs.
The second topic focussed on
whether surrogate motherhood is in
See PANEL, Page 3

Loving Daily Photo by KARENHANDELMAN
University student Tasha Westland, left, and P. J. Felows embrace as,
part of the Public Display of Affection Friday. The event was sponsored
by the Lesbian and Gay Rights on Campus group.
Speaker vreimmber-s'
Holocaust, Nazi*s

Beate Klarsfeld, a German-born
Christian, has dedicated her life to
the moral rehabilitation of Germ-
any, and in doing so, has become
one of the foremost Nazi hunters in
the world.
Klarsfeld gave the keynote
address for the Eighth Annual
Conference on the Holocaust to an
audience of more than 200 people
last night at Hale Auditorium. She


Asians unite t
A new group for Asian American and Asian
students has formed to fight racism against Asians, a
prejudice that often pegs that minority group as 'too
One of the University of Michigan Asian
American Coalition's (UMASC) main goals is to
dispel the myth of Asians being a problem-free
"model minority."
"The model minority myth might seem good. It
might seem like praise to Asian people. But if you
look at it c1nselv it's reallv being wued against them.

)fight racism
people make 10 to 15 percent less money."
Much of the racism against Asians takes subtle
forms according to LSA senior Julie Sasaki, former
president of the Asian American Association and a
member of UMASC. She said "Asian Americans run
across the problem of people questioning their
citizenship all of the time. Like 'Where were you
born?' and 'Where are you from?' and 'You're not
really from Michigan are you?"'
The stereotype of Asian Americans can be used to
create resentment between Asians and other

explained, in a strong German
accent, how "national amnesia" in
Germany concerning the events of
the Holocaust prompted her become
a Nazi hunter.
Klarsfeld located and exposed SS
Captain Klaus Barbie and Kurt
Lischka, former head of the Gestapo
in France, so that they could be
judged for their actions during
World War II.
See NAZI, Page 2
Last year's MSA government
proved ineffective.
The Beastie Boys taught the
crowd a vulgar lesson in sex
education at the Fox Theater this
past weekend.
The men's tennis team pushed
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