In Weekend Magazine:
Special issue: Spring Style 1987 " John Logie
Interview: Professor Vivian Shapiro 9 The List
e t t tX
Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
win MSA
The Students First party, led by
LSA juniors Ken Weine and Becca
Felton, won a sweeping victory in
this week's Michigan Student Ass -
eembly election. Weine and Felton
secured the positions of president
and vice-president with 2,598 of the
5,309 votes cast.
Felton attributed the landslide
victory to a personalized campaign
which involved speaking to various
student groups as well as putting
candidates' pictures on posters. "I
think it helps a lot if people can
associate a name with a face," she
The closest contenders, David
Newblatt and Charles Heckstall of
the Bigfoot party, followed with
1,235 votes. The Blue party re -
ceived 1,026 votes, and the FLASH
party trailed with 450 votes.
ELECTION Director Ann
Shanahan said a split of the more
conservative students between three
parties - Bigfoot, Blue, and
FLASH - may have causedthe
boverwhelming victory for Students
First, a more liberal party.
Sixty-nine percent of voting
students approved a hotly debated
refundable fee system to finance -the
Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan through MSA. The
PIRGIM ballot question drew 6,194
votes, while the ballots cast for
president and vice-president totalled
only 5,309.
According to Shanahan, an LSA
< sophomore, approximately 6,500
ballots were cast in the election
overall, comprising19.5 percent of
the student body. This is the
highest turnout in at least five
Kurt Muenchow attributed this
turnout to PIRGIM's voter
mobilization efforts, the good
weather, and excellent
administration of the election.
Muenchow said he was pleased with
the election results.
"I feel good about Students First
winning because the Code will be a
big issue next year, and Ken has a
good track record in dealing with
it," Muenchow said. "He will need
that next fall."
The Students First party also
See STUDENTS, Page 5
In a surprise move, the
University's Board of Regents
yesterday decided to go against
regental policy and grant an
honorary degree in absentia to
imprisoned South African leader
Nelson Mandela.
Although the regents maintained
that recent student outrage against
racism did not influence their
decision, student activists called the
measure their first victory against
"In no way do we feel that all
the rhetoric has influenced our past
indecision," said Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Saline).
For the past year and a half,
regents refused to discuss a degree
for Mandela because he could not
attend commencement - a vio-
lation of regental bylaw 9.03. But a
recommendation from the Honarary
Degree Committee to grant the
degree despite the violation of
regental policy, sparked bitter
debate at yesterday's meeting.
T H E Honorary Degree
Committee, consisting of faculty,
students, and administrators, decide
which individual's accomplish-
ments merit the honor of a
University degree. Mandela's degree
will be granted at the May
See REGENTS, Page 3
'U' report
Amidst attacks that the
University is failing in its efforts to
effectively recruit minorities, the'
minority students report declares
minority enrollment reached an all-
time high this year.
In her annual report of minority
Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
Kenneth Butler, LSA sophomore, holds a sign among other students at yesterday's sit-in at the Fleming Ad-
ministration Building. The United Coalition Against Racism organized the 24-hour sit-in which will end around
4 p.m. today.
UCAI stags sit-in at
Fe-,ming building
Pledging "no more business as
usual" students yesterday began a
24 hour sit-in at the Fleming
Administration Building to protest
what they see as a lack of
University action on 12 anti-racist
Members of the United
Coalition Against Racism yesterday
said because the administration's
failure to act on their proposals
submitted two weeks ago, they
would shut down the University
until they received "adequate
response" to the demands.
Students may be arrested for
trespassing this morning, upon a
"corporate decision" by the Uni-
versity's executive officers, ac-
cording to University Vice Pres-
ident for Student Services Henry
Johnson, who was at the protest
late last night. Officials were not
planning to open the building this
morning. Students were planning to
stay until 5 p.m. today, possibly
later, and were willing to risk
Regents yesterday approved an
honorary degree for jailed South
African activist Nelson Mandels,
which ws one of the students'
demands. University President
Harold Shapiro met with UCAR
members Wednesday afternoon to
discuss their demands.
"What we are talking about
teaching a lesson to the people who
run this University," said Graduate
student Barbara Ransby, a UCAR
spokesperson. "We are going to do
it peacefully, but we are going to
do it forceably, and I challenge
everyone- standing here in
guaranteeing that there is no
business as usual in this building
S T U D E N T protests are
following several racist events on
campus, including a racist flier
threatening black students and racist
jokes on student-run radio station
Students associated with the sit-
in made strong statements about the
nature of their protest. Carl
Anderson, a second year law student
and UCAR member said, "The
minorities on this campus are
going to move forward, and if you
aren't going to move with us then
move out of the way."
Ransby said, "We are not going
to let progressive whites get off the
hook about racism... If you look
like President Shapiro you don't
have to act like President Shapiro."
See UCAR, Page 3
Reporters question
Reagan on arms deal
President Reagan said anew last night
he was unaware of the apparent di -
version of funds to Contra rebels un -
til shortly before it became public,
and added that Americans held host -
age in Lebanon may have been freed
by now if word of the Iranian arms
sales had not leaked last fall.
"I would not go down that same
road again," he said of the affair that
has dominated his presidency in re -
cent months.
Speaking at his first news con -
ference in four months, the president
stressed that he wants all the facts of
the Iran-Contra affair to come out,
and pointedly told a questioner that
for some time, "all you knew was
what I told you."
Asked whether disclosure of the
affair had complicated efforts to free
remaining hostages, the president
turned the question around.
"The day that the information
leaked it was my understanding that
the other two were due to get out in
the next few days," he said.
"If it hadn't leaked, I don't know
... whether we would have gotten
more out."
Reagan opened the 39th news con -
ference of his presidency by uttering
a "rock solid" pledge to veto any at -
tempt inCongress to raise income
tax rates. And he called on the House
and Senate to adhere to the require -
See REAGAN, Page 5
'U' groups clarify research rule proposals
By STEVE KNOPPER University Affairs, the Michigan Student committee, and the minority report, repo
The University's Board of Regents took a
step yesterday toward creating a new policy for
all funded research conducted on campus, but
the final policy decision is not expected until
next month.
The regents discussed research policy
proposals with the three main campus groups
concerned with formulating new policy.
Regents heard statements from members of
the ad hoc committee that reviewed the current
guidelines, the Senate Advisory Committee on
Assembly spoke for more than an hour in the
Michigan Union's Anderson Room.
The groups' representatives reasserted and
clarified positions they had assumed last term.
Current guidelines prevent researchers from
doing classified research that has the potential
to kill or maim human beings. This "end-use"
clause has been in effect since 1972. Non-
classified research has no such restrictions.
Both the majority report, signed last July by
nine of the 12 members on the ad hoc
mended by the other three members, suggest
removal of the kill-maim clause.
The majority report replaces the clause with
an "openness requirement," which would force
researchers to publish results within one year of
completion of the project's funding period,
except in special cases. All research contracts
would also be made public, and such rules
would govern both classified and non-classified
See REGENTS, Page 2
Jernigan criticizes Pierce for
City Councilmember and
Mayoral Candidate Gerald Jernigan
of city bui
need for an increased police presence
downtown; Are they in favor of the
housing millage; and Is there a need
for a natural features ordinance,
which could require landowners to
get city approval before making
landscape changes.
L-r;.. ciann i themaorn was
revenue sharing has been cut off,
and Ann Arbor does not have funds
to pay more police.
In January the council authorized
a study of the city's job
classifications at a cost of $60,000
- $100,000. Councilmembers felt
thenti wnca m ee cnrv to o
The Regents' conferral of an
honorary degree to Nelson Man-
dela may be a ploy to divert
attention from other anti-racist
Anton Fier talks about his work
with The Golden Palominos,
who play at Rick's tonight.
The Women's Swimming team
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