Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom VOLUME XCVII - NO. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1987 COPYRIGHT 1987 THE MICHIGAN DAILY radio station to reopen By EUGENE PAK Vice President for Student Ser- vices Henry Johnson said campus radio station WJJX can resume' transmissions beginning today. The decision came after radio station members protested at Johnson's :office yesterday. Johnson closed the station Feb. :19 when members of the United :Coalition Against Racism played back a broadcast of racist jokes that ;had been aired over a student disk: ;jockey's call-in program. WJJX program director James :Lamb said he was glad the station was reopened, but was "disap- :pointed that it took a month to do it, and I'm disappointed that it was :taken off the air in the first place." He said WJJX should begin transmissions on Monday. Asking that the station be reopened, Lamb and about 30 staff members complained that the Uni- Versity was making WJJX a "scape- goat." During the protest, Johnson .commended Lamb on his work, but C Dily Photo by DANA MEND stood by his original decision to Ccr penguin .close WJJX, saying Lamb. and LSA senior-penguin Amy Markowitz passes out fliers yesterda others were partially responsible for Diag, advertising East Quad's Alternative Career Fair. Sh( See WJJX, Page 3 friend's mother created her costume. *Physicist forges trail for women en neers BAM delivers ultimatum By WENDY LEWIS Organizers of the third Black Action Movement have given University President Harold Shapiro until next Monday to respond to their list of 11 demands for im- proving life for Blacks on campus. The organizers have threatened further strike actions if Shapiro doesn't respond. The group's initial strike actions begin today with a 24-hour economic boycott of the Michigan Union and a march from Rackham to the Diag at 11:30 a.m. The Black University students' demands are as follows: -The establishment of a per- manent and completely autonomous yearly budget of $35,000 for the Black Student Union. -The immediate endowment of $150,000 for the Monroe Trotter House to insure that the integrity of the African-American Culture will be preserved. -Appointing Blacks as depart- ment heads of 30 percent of all academic departments by the Uni- versity administration and Board of Regents. -The immediate addition of a racial harassment clause in the University rules and regulations to punish those who perpetuate, motivate, and participate in any type of racist activity. -Full participation of the Black Student Union Executive Board in the formulation and implementation of any reform, program, or policy that implicitly or explicitly affects the Black community at the University or in general. -Extending President Shapiro's $1 million initiative to improve the recruitment and retention of Black students to $5 million for a five- year initiative. At the end of the five-year period the initiative would be evaluated and possibly extended indefinitely. Two other Presidential initia- tives are scheduled for funding by the University in subsequent years, but the administration has been. unclear on the future of the minority initiative. "In order for the University to be effective in the improvement of the retention of Black students, there has to be a further commitment," said Barron Wallace, a spokesperson for the third Black Action Movement. -The establishment and devel- opment of a permanent Black music program and Black affairs program at all University-owned radio sta- tions. These programs are to be run by Black students for Black stu- dents. -The use of the upper case "B" in references to the Black race in all University publications. Using the lower case "b" degrades Blacks, the group says. -The uncompromised ratification of the United Coalition Against Racism proposals. One of the UCAR proposals demands granting an honorary degree to jailed South African activist Nelson Mandela. Last night, the Michigan Student Assembly passed a resolution endorsing the retraction of a bylaw which prohibits the University from giving honorary degrees in absentia. The resolution will be sent to the Board of Regents before Thursday. -Total amnesty for all reprisals incurred by students during BAM III. Spokespersons for the move- ment stress that these demands are See BAM, Page 5 Students ELSSOHN y on the e said a By MICHAEL LUSTIG According to Mary Lynn Brake, "A lot of people say you can't be a mom and a scientist. I say there's no difference from any other work- ing mother." Brake should know: She is the only female faculty member in the department of nuclear engineering, which has just 90 graduate students Profi e and 40 undergraduates. Brake, an assistant professor of nuclear engineering, divides her time between her job as a scientist and raising her 3-year-old son, whose pictures sit on her desk and in front of her computer in her Cooley Building office on North Campus. At home, Brake spends most of her free time ''playing with my little boy," who stays with a babysitter while she is teaching. Brake is awaiting the birth of her second child this summer and expects to return teaching in the fall without difficulty. Part of the reason so few professors in the College of Engin- eering are women, Brake believes, is because few women get under- graduate degrees in engineering, and then even fewer earn Ph. Ds. She thinks the situation for women in engineering is different than for women in LSA; she has found college faculty supportive and has "never felt out of place." They don't differentiate between the work of male and female scientists, she said. Brake came to the University in 1983 to do post-doctoral work and joined the department of nuclear engineering in the fall of 1984. A native of Lansing, she received her bachelor's and master's degrees in physics and her Ph.D. in mechan- ical engineering from Michigan State University. Brake studies a type of plasma, an ionized gas "sometimes called the fourth state of matter" along with earth, water, and air. Plasma is found in outer space, Brake said, and exists in the sun, lightning, and stars. It affects radio and electrical waves in the iono- sphere by bouncing them from transmitters back to earth. Without plasma, she explained, radio waves would shoot out into space. The major application for the study of plasma physics is in fusion energy. The difference be- tween fission energy, which is the type of energy used in nuclear reactors, and fusion energy is that fusion tries to combine very light See SCIENTIST, Page 3 lobby against aid Cuts By STEPHEN GREGORY An estimated 400 students, including nine University students, lobbied congressional represen- tatives in Washington, D.C. yesterday and Monday, asking that they vote against President Ronald. Reagan's proposed student aid cuts. Both the House and the Senate are scheduled to vote on the pro- posal toward the end of the month. Reagan's proposal calls for cuts in Pell Grants, the College Work Study Program, and Guaranteed Student Loans. It also asks for reduced funding for programs which aid handicapped and economically disadvantaged students. Circe Stumbo, vice president of the United StatesgStudent Association - the group that organized the lobbyists - said the students' efforts will have a definite impact on swaying legislators to vote against the cuts. Last week, MSA representatives collected 1,000 postcards from University students -protesting the aid cuts. The post cards were mailed to congressional representatives Monday. "It was a perfect time to have lobby day," Stumbo said. She said legislators in both the House and the Senate will begin discussions on the budget proposal today. See GROTRIAN, Page 5 INSIDE Daily Photo by DANA MENDELSSOHN Nuclear Engineering Prof. Mary Brake is the first and only woman faculty member in her department. .. ..... .... ., a. ..a i Program stresses student involvement Public Policy adds prestige to 'U' By REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN The University's Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) is not only one of the nation's most prestigious, but was also the first center of policy studies formed in the United States. But few people have heard of the program, located in Lorch Hall. "Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, University of Chicago, Princeton, and a number of other major universities in the country all formed after we did in 1968, and I still feel that we are with the best," said Paul Courant, director of the institute. IPPS is currently ranked third or fourth in the nation in such programs, he said. "(The other institutes) may be bigger now, but that in no way means that they are better," Courant added. Although there are only about 125 students and faculty in the two-year graduate program, the institute is gaining an increasing amount of attention for its efforts to academically address current problems of society. Public policy concentrates upon using the traditional social sciences such as economics and political science to solve some of society's current problems. IPPS uses academic resources to develop See IPPS, Page 5 Sculpture depicts gender roles By FRANCIE ALLEN Gender roles have changed since the 19th century, the period depicted in the relief sculpture, "Dream of the Young Girl - Dream of the Young Man" on the LSA Building. But Marshall Fredericks, the artist A few years ago, the sculpture was object of controversy, accord- ing to Evan Maurer, director of the University Art Museum and art history professor. Maurer had served on an advisory committee to the director of censorship." "I think it's important to discuss these things," said Maurer, "and it is appropriate when dealing with an image that is part of the general campus which we all share, but it's also important to look at it within Students should speak their minds at this week' s crucial regents meeting. OPINION, PAGE 4 Harlequin romance or popular dance band? Book of Love appears at the Nectarine Ball - room tonight. ARTS, PAGE 7 i .I