OPINION Thursday, March 12, 1987 The Michigan Daily 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVII, No. 110 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. New leaders, old oppression HAm RECENTLY "celebrated" the one year anniversary of Jean- Claude Duvalier's ouster. Last February, the United States press greeted the ex-President-for-Life's departure with grand announcements of "victory for democracy" in on-location reports from "liberated Haiti." Yet, one year after Duvalier and the news crews have left, misery and oppression remain the reality of this poor country's existence. The removal of Duvalier has not proved sufficient to alleviate the suffering of the Haitian people. This results in part because the dictator left "his people" a legacy of corruption and staggering poverty. The government which now rules the island nation is headed by Duvalier's former Army Chief of Staff and contains many of the Dictator's old henchmen. Familiar patterns have begun to resurface with the disappearance, harassment, and imprisonment of government critics. But Haiti's most pervasive form of oppression is economic. This Carribean country was already poorest in the Western hemisphere anal conditidns seem to '=be worseing. The Haitian population. continues to be divided between the few living in splendor and the vast majority struggling for survival. Some have described the present situation as "Duvalierism without Duvalier." In some ways this is a more insidious system than the old regime. Duvalier had become so extravagant and conspicuous in his exercise of power that he was a publicity liability. For countries, such as the United States, who had supported Duvalier and profited from their relations with Haiti, it became increasingly costly in terms of image to be associated with the dictator. It was also feared that building protest might lead to a revolution more serious than the change of guard which eventually occurred. Instead, Duvalier has been. conveniently removed, allowing United States aid to increase and the bleeding of Haiti to continue. Haiti's experience follows a recent pattern. Two other examples lie to Haiti's south, Guatemala and El Salvador, where more or less cosmetic changes in leadership have belied greater hardship and facilitated more extensive United States support. The similar experiences of Haiti and other countries should serve as a forewarnin g i nat-rore significant action than perssnnel change is necessary to relieve a people's suffering. Associated Press A native woman walks past a grafitti-marred painting on a building in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, recently. The painting depicts the United States, Canada, and Japan against a reversed U.S. flag as they drink the blood of Haiti, where the departure into exile of a year ago of President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier resulted in increased u.S. aid. Today the United States is viewed with distrust by many Haitians. 4 Against a tax rollback CDLA By Roberto Javier Frisancho Recently, I was quite amused to read an article by someone who said that "despite its recent disavowal, the Coalition for Democracy in Latin America (CDLA) supports the mercenaries, known as the contras, who are trying to overthrow the Nicaraguan government." (Daily, 1/19/87) His evidence for making this claim, was that he attended one of the meetings of CDLA last term. QpX of the members was quoted as saying "We support the contras." This was the member's opinion * only and not the group's. CDLA has no official stand on them, while its members may. The important point to make is that the group consists of liberals and conservatives (some who support the rebels and some who don't) who have one thing in common: they want democracy in Latin America. Thus, no label can really be placed on CDLA except that it is consistently biased against undemocratic regimes. Then he stated that I "also supported the contras but could not say so." I think he has a bit of a comprehension problem. To clarify my position on the Nicaraguan resistance, let me begin by saying that I, like the author, also support revolutions but, unlike him, with certain conditions of which one of them is a degree of respect for human rights. This reserva- tion, unfortunately is not shared by the author. Though he denies it, in my opinion he supports the "glorious" rebel movement of the Maoist Sendero Luminoso in Peru who are trying to overthrow the democratically elected' government of the popular Alan Garcia. Now President Garcia isn't exactly a Reagan Administration puppet. In fact he has harshly criticized the U.S. as being "imperialist" and openly supported the Sandinistas. The point is that Sendero Luminoso is so far to the left that any government, right of the foul line in left field, to them is fascist. Also, they have been condemned by all human rights organizations as ones who hold no respect at all for human rights and make the Nicaraguan contras look like they are out on a Sunday school picnic. Only the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia have been Roberto Javier Frisancho is a sophomore in the College of Engineering and President of the Coalition for Democracy in Latin America. wants democracy compared to them in their tactics of rumored that a civilian leader of the ruthlessly exterminating anyone who gets Nicaraguan resistance, Arturo Cruz, a in their way. Sendero Luminoso also is former Sandinista Ambassador tq against the current government of Deng Washington, intends to resign (Cruz has Xiaoping in China not because he hasn't recently resigned - ed.). So, until made enough democratic reforms but serious reforms are made, I will not even because he has made one reform too start to think about supporting them. many. In other words, Sendero However, all this information about, Luminoso wants China to go back to the the rebels is trivial because he couldn't; days of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolu - care less whether they were Hell's Angels, tion where the sky was red with blood. or the Sisters of Mercy. He is more During the period of Mao's reign of upset that they want to confront the' terror, millions of Chinese were extermi - Marxist Sandinistas in the first place. nated not only by the usual way of being Citings of contra brutality are just= murdered, but also as a result of excuses to avoid the topic of the ones at unrealistic Maoist agricultural policies, the cause of the conflict in the first place:, which produced the famine of 1959-60: the Sandinistas. "By a conservative estimate, 30 million Now, if this author must label the people died of starvation in the dreadful "front" I belong p, he might as well get Three Bad Years." (The Nation, July it right. I rconsider myself a neoliberal or 5/12, 1986). more specifically a "Scoop" Jackson Democrat. Proceeding from redefining Since he supports Sendero Luminoso, the front that I supposedly fake for the it is not surprising that he says Deng group, he says that I am secretly trying, Xiaoping is a "fascist" [the person in "to get the Michigan Student Assembly question denies this and other assertions to finance the visit of a prominent contra by Frisancho about his opinions - ed.] leader to campus by posing as a liberal." Plus, to top it off, he has had made racist Not that of course he would have any remarks about the Chinese saying, "they problem with a rebel of the left-wing E don't want freedom or know what it is." persuasion, say a member of the (author referred to denies this statement Communist NPA, who caused 1000 - ed.) These are the same Chinese who people to be killed in the first 1.00 days of in recent months, by the thousands, have the Aquino government (this was down taken to the streets carrying signs having compared to the previous year in that,, the words of "freedom" and "democracy" time period), and are trying to topple it.. on them. They, like Sendero Luminoso, But to address this accusation, the Nicara - do not like the Deng Xiaoping guan that I was referring to is Humberto government but for very different reasons. Belli, a former Marxist and collaborator They want democratic liberalization while with the Sandinistas who became ;a Sendero Luminoso wants a society in convert to Christianity in 1977 and later which millions of people would be worked as an editorial page editor of La enslaved and have to carry out the master Prensa, the only independent newspaper, plans of the rich bourgeoisie like this in Nicaragua (that was closed in June of author. 1986). He left his country in 198, Now, to get back to the topic of the because of the total imposition of Nicaraguan rebels, I support them in censorship in March of that year. This' theory because the Marxist Sandinistas man is not exactly a former Somoza have betrayed the revolution that supporter or a contra. But then agair, overthrew the vicious dictatorship of from the point of view of the author and' Anastasio Somoza. But in reality, I the Marxist Sandinistas, anyone who is cannot support them because of their cur- against the revolution (contra la rent makeup. For them to gain real sup - revolution) must be a "contra." Now one port, they must make serious reforms sees how easy it is to assume things. + such as getting rid of all the former While I am not saying that the author Somocistas like Enrique Bermudez is a Marxist or a Maoist (no, not me of (former commander of the National course, I would never even have such Guard) and also Adolfo Calero who has thoughts) <--SUBTLE HUMOR, he is been implicated in a plan to kill the great not fooling anyone when he tries to Eden Pastora (who I may add is a real pretend that he supports "peace" and" Sandinista). Also, all human rights "justice." violators should be punished or at the Persons attacked in this article for, very least made to leave the rebel holding certain beliefs deny that they hold movement. It is because of this lack of them. The editor published the article as progress on these issues that it has been an opinion about other opinions. T HE 1987 FEDERAL TAX reforms provide a $170 million windfall for the states, leaving the lawmakers in Lansing with the privilege of deciding how Michigan's taxpayers will receive the benefits. Governor Blanchard should use these funds to invest in a brighter future, rather than simply reduce taxes. Blanchard's program is to slash taxes and should be opposed for its regressivity. Seemingly beneficial to all, the proposed tax cut will result in higher taxes for more than 100,000 taxpayers, most of them being in low income brackets. Among these low income tax - payers paying more would be many senior citizens, dependent minors with part-time jobs, and the blind. In addition, the tax cut shows no appreciation of Michigan's past problems. In light of Michigan's recent history of deep recession, fiscal drought, and program cuts, Governor Blanchard should advocate holding the tax rate steady for higher income brackets while using the windfall to finance needy state programs and decrease marginal tax rates for lower income taxpayers. Governor Blanchard and other lawmakers seem to have forgotten the problems of the early eighties . Only a few years ago the state was mired unemployment and fiscal difficulties. The University, lacking state funding, was forced to chop programs and enact other austerity actions. Further, the history of the business cycle and the flight of industry overseas, not to mention the current federal debt crisis should reason enough for any lawmaker with foresight to support programs to guard against future difficulties. A "rainy day" fund would help rectify inevitable future revenue deficits. Many present needs require Governor Blanchard's attention and deserve monies from the federal windfall. In a time when higher education's coffers are shrinking at an alarming rate, Governor Blanchard should direct a significant portion of these rebated tax dollars to Michigan's universities and colleges. Students could benefit from lower tuition increases next year, as well as better funding for more professors and research. Other worthy causes which desperately need funding are welfare and programs for the homeless, reconstruction of the state's highway, and retraining and relocation programs for displaced auto workers. Governor Blanchard should pay careful attention to the present needs of his constituents, remem - ber past hard times, and see eco - nomic traps on the horizon. His proposed across-the-board tax decrease would hurt the poor who need assistance the most. Governor Blanchard should reconsider his plan and opt instead to hold tax rates constant for most taxpayers while allocating the federal dollars to the many needy state programs. -.L:z LETTERS Teach-in looks at T'' To the Daily: Each student at this university is a participant in the escalation of the Arms Race, through the University's policy of accepting funding for "defense related" research. The are today, in "peacetime," as dependent on DoD funding as they were in 1967 at the height of the Vietnam War. Active community concern over U of M's involvement in weapons research resulted in military and of M has progressed to less, In respo from being the second highest and the recepient of DoD funds in 1967 consens to being the twelfth highest will be recepient in 1986 (New York 7:30 in Times, Sat. 2/28/87). The lure Speaker of URI funding threatens this Universi U, nse to many questions,' quest for a student us -on this issue, there, a teach-in tonight at', room 124 East Quad; rs will focus on the' ity's connection to theI i