Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 11, 1987
Stdnt disadvantaged
(Continued from page 1)
new professors than in a
profession such as clerical help,
where the University has been more
successful in recruiting minorities.
Because of the relatively low
turnover rate in, faculty, the Uni-
versity cannot put as much pressure
on departments for quick change,
said Affirmative Action Director
Virginia Nordby. "You have to take
a longer term view," she said.
NORDBY ALSO pointed out
that the Affirmative Action office's
budget has been cut by 15 percent
over the last five years, and the year
before that, in 1981, the office's
budget was slashed by 17 percent to
clear up money for creating a new
position to oversee the University's
overall recruitment and retention
program for minorities. Nordby said
she hopes to get back at least some
of that money.
Despite slow progress, Nordby
says that the University's efforts
have prevented the numbers from
dropping even more.
She noted that, compared to the
University's so-called "peer
institutions" - mostly Ivy League
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schools and public universities such
as the University of California-
Berkeley - the University's
numbers aren't so bad.
"I think that we're very much
outhin front, which is by no means
to say that we don't have a long
way to go," she said.
But Mario Borunda, a worker in
the Affirmative Action office at
Harvard University, said that
leading a handful of other schools is
nothing to be proud of. "All the
universities are doing so poorly in
this area that 8 or 9 percent
(minority faculty) is going to rank
you up the ladder. And those are
abysmal figures to have," he said.
Currently, about 9 percent of the
University's faculty are minorities.
One reason many students and
faculty members are disappointed
by the University's efforts to recruit
black faculty members is that "there
aren't many black professors for
black students to look up to,"
McGee said. But the real problem
goes further than that, McGee and
others say.
Morris said, "It is not simply a
question of increasing black faculty.
It's a package deal. You recruit
black undergraduates; you recruit
black graduate students; you recruit
black faculty."
The problem eventually becomes
circular, Morris said. Noting the
I by lack of
drop in black enrollment in
University graduate schools, he
said, "This University is not doing
what it should be doing to train the
next generation of black and mi-
nority professors."
More importantly, Morris said,
the dearth of black faculty members
at the University robs all students,
black and white, of exposure to a
broad education. Recruiting black
faculty members is "crucial to the
mission of the University, not just
black students," he said.
Students, faculty members, and
administrators all seem to agree on
that point, but critics of the
administration charge that the Uni-
versity simply pays lip service to
the virtues of "diversity," then
channels its resources into other
Although they admit that the
University should be doing more to
recruit minorities, Nordby and other
University officials emphatically
deny those charges. They say that
they are in fact extremely frustrated
by the University's slow progress.
"I see it as a slow process. We have
tried everything we can think of,"
said Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Saline)..He added that the regents
and the administration welcome
constructive suggestions on how to
do better.
NORDBY SAID it is dif-
ficult, if not impossible, to quickly
black profs
increase the number of black faculty
members at the University because
of the low number of available
The University bases its goals
on the number of minority Ph.D.
candidates coming out of a given
field. Thus, the goals in a field such
as physics, where there are very few
black Ph.D.s, are lower than the
goals for hiring in a field such as
sociology, where there are more
black candidates.
Morris said that while the
University makes some efforts to
attract minority faculty, it "is not
doing anything that departs from
routine to recruit black faculty. I
don't know of any bold or vigorous
"There are associate professors
out there who are qualified to come
to Michigan, but they are not
recruited," he said. "I was not
vigorously recruited by the Uni-
versity of Michigan."
One suggestion Morris made
was for departments to be less strict
in hiring people for specific areas.
Often when a position opens up in
a department, there are few minority
candidates who fit that specialty.
There may be many, however, who
fit into a similar or related
Tomorrow: The perspective of
minority high school and junior
high school students.
Compiled from Associated Press reports
U.S. plane reportedly downed
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras - A U.S. registered DC-3 airplane
piloted by an American was shot down by the air force after it entered
Honduran airspace on an apparent drug mission, the government said
yesterday. All three people aboard were killed.
The plane was probably carrying narcotics from Columbia to an
unknown destination, said a statement issued by the, armed forces
yesterday night.
The aircraft was shot down at 11:30 p.m. Monday in western
Honduras after failing to answer repeated requests to identify itself or to
land on a specified airstrip, the statement said.
No drugs were found in the burned wreckage "but it is believed the
cargo was thrown out by the crew shortly before the plane was
intercepted and brought down," the statement said.
Vatican condemns artificial
births, surrogate motherhood
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican warned against "unforeseeable and
damaging" consequences of artificial procreation yesterday, condemning
surrogate motherhood, test-tube births, cloning, and experiments on
living embryos.
In setting out the Roman Catholic church's position on rapidly
developing techniques of fertilization, the Vatican also called for laws
against embryo banks, attempts to fashion animal-human hybrids and
the planting of human embryos in artificial and animal uteruses.
It left the door open to research on fertilization techniques in use or
development that neither substitute for marital intercourse nor result in
deaths of "spare" embryos.
Walsh wants immunity delay
WASHINGTON - Lawrence Walsh, the independent counsel
investigating the Iran-Contra affair, asked Congress yesterday to wait at
least 90 days before granting limited immunity to key witnesses.
He vowed to challenge in court any attempt to act sooner. "The
danger is substantial," Walsh said, that his probe would be
compromised by any effort to move quickly to grant immunity to
former National Security Adviser John Poindexter or his fired aide, Lt.
Col. Oliver North.
Key lawmakers in the House and Senate have said in recent days they
hoped to move quickly to grant limited immunity from prosecution to
Poindexter and North in order to compel their testimony.
Babbitt declares candidacy
MANCHESTER, N.H.- Former Gov. Bruce Babbitt of Arizona,
drawing applause when he criticized "amateurs in charge of the White
House," declared his candidacy yesterday for the 1988 Democratic
presidential nomination.
Moving quickly to try to separate himself from his rivals for the
nomination, Babbitt proposed increasing the tax on Social Security
benefits for higher-income Americans, capping the mortgage interest
deduction, and writing new rules for world trade.
The 48-year-old former governor also pledged he would "never trade
anything of value for a hostage," even if it meant some would be killed.
"For years we've heard courageous words about terrorists from a
president who sends them missiles forrasomand then he pleads am-
nesia when he's called to account" Babbitt saidi
Frustrated moose makes
money for Hereford herder
SHREWSBURY, Vt. - A lovesick bull moose's courtship of a
Hereford cow brought him nothing but fame, but the cow's owner
hopes to find fortune in the unconsummated affair.
Larry Carrara says he hopes to cash in on the fact that his farm was
the site earlier this winter of the moose's much-publicized, 76-day vigil
at the side of Jessica the cow.
Carrara and his spouse Lila say they've hired a lawyer and book
publisher to exploit the fruitless romance.
The couple has recently filed a copyright claim for the cow-and-
moose logo that adorned shirts, hats, and bumper stickers they sold
when the moose drew national attention before leaving in mid-January.
They've formed a corporation to market moose products and
registered a name for the moose as a trademark with the Library of
When the moose drew media crews and curious spectators, most
reporters who chose to give the animal a name chose "Bullwinkle,"
after the moose of cartoon fame.
But "Bullwinkle" was already copyrighted, so Carrara has renamed
the moose "Josh."
Vol. XCVII -- No. 109
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the- city. One
term-$ 10 in town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press andsub
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
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