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January 12, 1987 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-12

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 12, 1987 - Page 5
Team to relieve shuttle workers

Cape Canaveral, Fla. (AP) -
NASA officials, reorganizing
launch operations in the aftermath
of the Challenger disaster, are
creating a standby "scrub team" so
launch managers can get adequate
rest when shuttle countdowns are
The special team was conceived
as a way to "minimize executive
fatigue that could affect (launch)
decisions," a top Kennedy Space
Center official told The Associated

Top launch officials said they
also are ordering a sharp reduction
in Kennedy Space Center overtime
- to be "rigidly observed" - as a
way of eliminating the long hours
worked by shuttle engineers,
technicians, and managers.
The presidential commission
that investigated the Challenger
explosion that killed seven crew
members last Jan. 28 was critical of
the great amount of exhausting
overtime built up by shuttle wor -
kers, mainly because the previous

'We have a new overtime policy and that's going to
be very rigidly observed, for both contractor and
government workers.'I
-Air Force Lt. Gen. Forrest McCartney

Utsman, also interviewed last week,
said, "We've got to address the
manning levels to preclude us from
getting into an overtime situation."
What about the key launch
managers who put in such long
hours when there is a postponement
late in the countdown which results
in another attempt just 24 hours
"We will have a special team
devoted to scrubs," Utsman replied.
"It will handle the scrub turnaround
tasks so we can get a lot of
management out and get them
rested before they have to come

back in on that 24-hour turnaround.
That's one way to minimize
executive fatigue that could affect
Turnaround tasks include making
the vehicle safe, making sure the
crew can safely leave, and making
decisions based on the reason for
the delay.
For the other workers, Mc -
Cartney said, "We feel we have
established a realistic work flow
without stressing the work force.
Now, make no mistake, there's
going to be some overtime."

Rate hi ke to fund
computers, phones
(ContinuedfromPage 1) help pay for a cost overrun for the
center and computer vendor dona - University's new telephone system,
tions, Foulke said. He added that the report says. Last year, the
the computer vendor would provide committee's projection for the
almost 300 computers cheaply, but system was $154,000 below actual
the University would have to buy 1986-87 costs.
additional equipment such as Foulke said the telephone
printers and external drive systems. system costs the University more
The recommended hike also than anticipated, but it includes
includes a 1.1 percent rise in raw many advantages which will prove
food costs. According to the report, "worthwhile in the long run." For
raw food makes up approximately example, part of the unexpected
20 percent of residence hall cost includes digital touch-tone
operating expenses. telephones instead of rotary dial
R E S I D EN C E hall food phones. And the extra service data
services have had difficulty hiring jack built into the new phones
and retaining student labor because allows students to plug their
of intense competition with the personal computer into the
campus area fast food industry, the University's MTS system, he said.
report says. The proposal would The proposed hike also includes
allow for a 300 pay raise over the a 0.5 percent insurance rate increase
current $4.30 per hour student to cover residence hall property
wage, said Alan Levy, West Quad damage, fires, and workers'
Building director and committee compensation, Foulke said.
member. Bob Hughes, director of housing
The proposal would also for the University, will review the
introduce a pay increase to retain proposal. If approved, it will be
§econd-and third-year student em - presented to the University
yloyees even after they move off executive officers, including Vice
campus. Overall, this portion of President for Student Services
the 1987-88 room and board rate Henry Johnson. The recommended
pcrease would be 3 percent, the hike will then go before the
eport says. University Board of Regents in
A 0.8 percent increase would

flight had a record seven post -
ponements and Challenger had five.
"At Kennedy Space Center,
numerous contact employees have
worked 72 hours per week or longer
and frequent 12-hour shifts," the
commission report said. "The
potential implications of such
overtime for safety were made
apparent during the attempted
launch of mission 61C (Columbia)
on Jan. 6, 1986, when fatigue and
shiftwork were cited as major

contributing factors to a serious
incident involving a liquid oxygen
depletion that occurred less than
five minutes before scheduled
"We have a new overtime policy
and that's going to be very rigidly
observed, for both contractor and
government workers," said Air
Force Lt. Gen. Forrest McCartney,
who became director of the Kennedy
Space Center in October.
Deputy center director Thomas


Well, not really obnoxious, just very enthusiastic about the
U of M! The College of Literature, Science and the Arts is in-
terviewing students to work for an alumni fundraising tele-
thon. The LS&A Phonothon runs five nights a week from
February 1 to April 2 - with time out for Spring Break. You
will be able to select the two nights out of the five you wish to
work with some opportunity to work additional nights.
Hours: 6:30 - 9:30
Pay: $4.00 / hr. plus bonus
LSA Students Preferred
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Calen dar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
cation. Address all information to: Julie A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which admission is charged.
January 12
LSA-Fac mg, 4:10 pm, Aud 4, MLB.
Sch Music-Doctor Musical Arts Piano Perf Ser, 8 pm,
Recital Hall.
Adult Lifestyle Prog.Fitness Over Fifty, 9 am, Briarwood.
Russ & E Europ Stds/Hist Art/W Europ Stds-Lec, G
Babic, "Serbian Art of the 13th Century: East & West,"
4 pm, 180 Tappan Halt.
*Men's Basketball-vs Indiana, 9 pm, Crisler Arena.
Tae mwon Do Club-Practice, beg welcome, 6:30-8:15 pm,
Rm 2275, CCRB. 665-7399, 996-8422.
Women's Res Club-Mtg, 7:45 pm; lec, L Wilson, "Is the
U.S. Research Support System in Transition?" W Conf
Rm, Rackham Bldg. 593-5477.
Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club-Beg
welcome, 7:15 pm, Martial Arts Rm, IM Bldg. 763-
Sch Pub Hlth-Lec, P Starr, "The Boundaries of Pubtic
Health Revisited, "4 pm, Aud II, Thomas Francis Bldg.
*Fac Women's Club-Lunch & Listen, G Ackle, "The
Ambassadorial Experience,. 11:30 am-1 pm, Mich Rm,
Mich Union. Reser: 662-3957.
A-Squares-Dance lessons, 8:30-10 pm, Anderson Rm,
Mich Union. 665-5794.
Gay Liberation-Lesbian/Gay Male Religious Caucus
Open House, 8 pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division
St. 665-0606, 763-4186.
Sch Music-Piano Perf Ser, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
Career Ping & Plemt-Lec, "Job Search," 4:10 pm, Lec
Rm 1, MLB. Employer presentations, A S Hansen, actu-
arial sci positions, noon luncheon, Bates Rm, & CNA
Insurance Companies, 4:30-6 pm, Wolverine A-C, Mich
Union. 764-7460.
*Univ Hosp-Stop Smoking Clinic, 7-9 pm, 1500 E Med
" Ctr Dr. 995-1030..
Intl Ctr-Intl Neighbors, Japanese music/dance, 9:30-11
am, Zion Lutheran Church, 1501 W. Liberty. 662-0626.
Ne E & N Afr Stds-Brown bag film, "The Empty Quar-
ter, "noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm. 764-0350.
Chemistry-Sem, X Li, "Synthetic Models for Type III
Copper Protein, "4 pm, 1200 Chem Bldg.
January 13
Eucmen Camp Ctr/Int Ctr-Lec/*lunch, D Matson, "A
Different Presepective on South Africa, " noon, 603 E
Madison St. 662-5529.
Hopwood Rm-Fiction reading, F Busch, 4 pm, Rackham
W Conf Rm.
*Cont Legal Educ-Course, "How to Prepare Witnesses
for Depositions," 1-5 pm, Ann Arbor Hilton Inn, 610
Hilton Blvd. 761-7800.

Sch Music-Recital, R Faber, piano, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
*Perf, Nail Theater of Or Britian workshop Performan-
ces, 2pm, Trueblood Theater. 764-0450.
Russ & E Europ Stds-Lec, I Fedorowycz, "The Political
Culture Behind Chernobyl, "4 pm, MLB 1.
Students of Objectivism-Recep for interested people, 8
pm, Pond Rm, Mich Union.
*Theater &mDrama-Perf/disc, Richard II, 2 pm, True-
blood Theater.
Career Ping & Plcmt-Lec, "Preparing for the Summer
Job Fair," 4:10 pm, Lec Rm 1, MLB. 764-7460. Em-
ployer pres, Mich Natl, bank mgmt trainee positions, 7-9
pm, Pendleton Rm, MichaUnion. 764-7460.
*AAFC-LeCoquille et Le Clergyman, 7 pm; Le Bonheur,
7:45 pn, & Nathalie Granger, 9:15 pm, MLB 3.
Psychobiol-Colloq, L Clemens, "Gonadal Hormones:
Who Needs Them?"12:30-2 pm, 1054 MHRI.
CEW-Women in Sci Videotape Ser, "Dentistry," noon-
1:30 prm, 350 S Thayer St. 763-7080.
Mus Art-Art Breaks, Modern Master Drawings, 12:10
*Hill St Cinema-Open house, 6:45 pm, 1429 Hill St. 663-
Chemistry-Sem, A Wade, "Minds Over Matter: Machine
Intelligence in the Laboratory, "4 pm, 1300 Chem Bldg.
Christians in Action-Mtg, 8:30 pm, Rm D, Mich League.
Computing Ctr-Course, J Knox, "MTS Resources & Pro-
grams, " 3-5 pm, 4003 SEB.
January 14
AIESEC/IntI Bus Club-Mtg, 5:15 pm, K1310 Kresge
Bldg. 747-2232.
Disser Support Grp-Mtg, $30-10 am, 3100 Mich Union.
Oral Biol-Sem, R Corpron, "In vivo Remineralization of
EnamelLesions, "4 pm, G-390, Dent Res Institute.
*U-M-Flint-Perf, B Morrissey, 8-11 pm, Univ Ctr
Brewery. 762-3431.
Mich Gay Union-Soc/disc grp, 9 pm; support group,
10:30, Guild House, 802 Monroe St. 763-4186.
Sch Music-Recital, C Kuyvenhoven, violoncello, 8 pm,
Recital Hall.
*Perf, NatI Theater of Gr Britain-Workshop Performan-
ces, 10am, Power Ctr. 764-0450.
Adult Lifestyle Prog-See Jan 12.
Russ & E Europ Stds-Brown bag lec, S Linz, "The Im-
pact of World War II on the Soviet Union, " noon,
Lane Hall Commons Rm. Lec, K Vechir, "A Night of
Ukranian Culture, "7 pm, Rackham Amph.
*Men*s Swimming-vs Oakland U, 7 pm, Mann Pool.
Students of Objectivism-Videotape presentations, "Man
in the Computer Age," "Our $2 Trillion Deficit," "Al-
truism vs Egoism" & "Inside Libertarianism," 8 pm
(recep: 7 pm), 235 Bus Sch.
Ukranian Stu Assoc/Stearns Collection of Musical In-
struments-Lec, J Kaysty, "The Ukranian Bandura, "
8pm, Rackham Aud. 763-3637.
Stu Intl Meditation Soc-Lec, "Transcendental Medita-
tion Technique," 8 pm, 528 W Liberty. 996-TMTM.
Sci Fic Club/Stilyagi Air Corps-Mtg, 8:30 pm, Mich
League Conf Rm. 994-8419.
Tae Kwon Do Club-See Jan 12.
*Theater & Drama-Perf, Richard II, 10 am, Power Ctr.
Career Plug & Plcmt-Lecs, "Resume Writing," 4:10 pm,
Whitney Aud, Sch Ed& "On-Campus Recruiting Mass
Mtg," 4:10 pm, MLB 4. Employer pres, Cigna Corn.
acturial sci & claims positions, 5-7 pm, Pond Rms,
Mich Union. 764-7460.
Grad Employees Org-Membership mtg, 7:30 pm, Kuenzel
Rm, Mich Union. 995-0221.

CEW-Women in ,ci Viddotape Ser, "Enginedring,"
noon-1;30pm, 350S Thayer St. 763-7080.
Commission for Women-Mtg, noon-1:30 pm, Conf KM4,
Mich League. 763-7080.
*Hill St Cinema-Five Easy Pieces, 8 pm, 1429 Hill St.
Chemistry-Colloq, R Tembruell, "The Applicability of
Resonant Two Photon Ionization and Pulsed Laser De-
sorption in Supersonic Beam Mass Spectrometry, "4 pm,
Rm 1200. BASF lec, J Rebek, "Studies in Molecular
Recognition, "4 pm, Rm 1300 Chem Bldg.
Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Your Student Request
Account," 7-9 pm, 120 W Engr Bldg.
January 15
*U-M-Flint-Film, Quadrophenia, 7 & 9 pm, Univ Ctr
Kiva. 762-3431.
Regents-Mtg, 1 pm, Regents Rm, Fleming Bldg.
His House Christian Fellowship-Bible study, 7:30-9 pm,
925 E Ann St. 663-0483, 665-0775.
*Mich League-Intl night, Caribbean, Islands, 4:30-7:30
pm, The League Buffet.
Sch Music-Recital, K Zabelle, violin, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
*Perf, Natl Theater of Gr Britain Workshop Perfor-
mances, 2pm, Trueblood Theater. 764-0450.
Russ & E Europ Stds-Film, A Song of the Forest, "7 pm,
Aud B, Angell Hall.
*Men's Basketball-vs Mich State, 7:30 pm, Crisler.
Scottish Country Dancers-Beginners, 7-8 pm; intermeds,
8-9 pm; social 9-10 pm, Forest Hills Comm Ctr, 2351
Shadowood. 996-0129.
*Theater & Drama-See Jan 13.
Univ AA-Mtg, noon, 3200 Union (non-smoking); St.
Mary's Educ Ctr (smoking). 764-8312.
Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club-See Jan
Career Ping & Plcmt-Employer presentations, 1st Natl
Bank of Chicago, 1st scholar prog opportunities, 7-9 pm,
Mich League Lib, & Harris Bank, bank positions, 5-7
pm, Pendleton Rm, Union. 764-7460.
*AAFC-Sheer Madness, 9 pm, Aud A, Angell Hall.
Commemoration of a Dream-Candlelight mem svc, 7 pm,
Trotter House. 747-8973, 763-9044.
Linguistics-Lec, R Port, "Speech Recognition as a Lin-
guistic Problem,"4 pm, E Lec Rm, Rackham.
Mus Art-See Jan 13.
*Perf Network-Perf, People Dancing/Whitley Setrakian
& Dancers, 8 pm, 408 W Washington St. 996-5968.
Sch Art-Lec, D Lee, "Medical Applications of Art and
Sculpture, "2107-8 Art & Arch Bldg.
Ne E & N Afr Stds-Lec, C Kagitcibasi, "A Model of
Family Change Through Development: The Turkish
Family in Comparative Perspective, "4 pm, E Conf Rm,
Rackham Bldg.
Chemistry-Sem, L Harmon, "Excimers: From Lasers To
Proteins, "4 pm, 1200 Chem Bldg.
Union Arts Prog-Arts at Mid-day, R Lovell, in full tartan,
demonstrates/skirls Scottish bagpipes, 12:15 pm, Pendel-
ton Rm, Mich Union.
January 16
*Art Students Cooperative Gallery-Benefit dance, "Danc-
ing on the Cutting Edge," 9 pm-2 am, Mich Union
Ballroom. 996-4936.
Cont Med Educ-Course, Basic Cardiac Life Support,
3:40-9 pm, Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
U-M-DBN-Colloq, D Gates, "Climate Change by Carbon
Dioxide, Volcanoes & the Sun," 2:30 pm, 144 CAB.
593-5277. Medieval Film Ser, The Adventures of Robin
Hood, 7:30, 138 CAB. 593-5555.
*U-M-Flint-Family recreation, 5-10 pm; Kid's recrea-
tion, 7-9 pm, Activity Areas 1 & 2, Rec Bldg. 762-
3441. Film, See Jan. 15.
Regents-Mtg, 9 am, Regents Rm, Fleming Bldg.
Gay Liberation-Coffee House, 8 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St. 763-4186.
Korean Christian Fellowship-Bible study mtg, 9 pm,
Campus Chapel. 747-0120.
Sch Music-Recital, C Lea, trumpet, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
'Perf, Natl Theater of Gr Britain Workshop Perform-
ances, 8 pm, Mendelssohn Theater. 764-0450.
Adult Lifestyle Prog-See Jan 12.
Russ & E Europ Stds-Sem, D Marples, "Collectivization
in the West Ukraine after World War II, " 4 pm, Lane
Hall Commons Rm & "The Economic Effects of Cher-
nobyl, "8 pm, Rm 200 Lane Hall.

Tag K *o0Do Club--Practice, beg welcome, 5-7 pm, Rm
1200,,CCRB. 665.7399,.996-8422.,-x. ..- - .
*Theater & Dram#rsPerf, Richard It, :-pm, Mendelss hn
Theater. 764-0450.
Univ Club-Annual Mtg, 11 am, Welker Rm, Union.
*AAFC-Journeys From Berlin, 7 pm, & A Joke of Des-
tiny, 9:30 pm, MLB 4.
Commemoration of a Dream-Film, US civil rights move-
ment, 6-8 pm, Law Quad. 747-8973.
Linguistics-Disting Lee Ser, R Port, "Control of Timing
in Speech Production, "noon, 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Inst for Humanities-Lec/slides, W Mitchell, "Ut Pictura
Theoria: Abstraction and Art in Philosophy, "& D Kirk-
patrick, "Paths'of Abstraction in Twentieth-Century
Art, "7-9:30 pm, Rackham Amph. 662-2280, 764-6330.
*Perf Network-See Jan 15.
Ne E & N Afr Stds-Lec, C Kagicibasi, "Social Science
Research in Turkey: An Applied Approach," (presented
in Turkish), noon, B137 MLB. 764-0350.
Chemistry-Sem, M Callstrom, "Investigation of the Zieg-
ler-Natta Polymerization Reaction with Esca," 4 pm,.
1300 Chem Bldg.
Computing Ctr-Course, B Blue, "Intensive Introduction
toMTS, 1013 NUBS.
January 17
Cont Med Educ-Course, Advanced Cardiac Life Support,
7:40 am-5 pm, Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
Sch Music-Recital, K Schrock, organ, 4 pm, Moore
Hall. *Perf, Natl Theater of Gr Britain Workshop Per-
formances, 8 pm, Mendelssohn Theater. 764-0450.
*Exhibit Mus-Family Shows, "The Brightest Stars,"
10:30 & 11:30 pm, Ruthven Planetarium, 1109 Geddes
Ave. 764-0478.
*Univ Mus Soc-Perf, P Nero, jazz pianist, 8 pm, Hill
Aud. Tickets: 764-2538.
*Women's Gymnastics-vs Ohio State, 8 pm, Crisler.
*Men's Gymnastics-vs Ohio State, 8 pm, Crisler.
*Women's Indoor Track & Field-Mich Relays, 11 am,
Theater & Drama-See Jan 16.
Turner Clinic-Book Club, 2-3:30 pm, 1010 Wall St.
*AAFC-The Last Wave, 1978, 7 pm, & The Cars That
Ate Paris, 1976, 9 pm, Aud A, Angell Hall.
Alpha Phi Alpha-Tribute to Dr Martin Luther King, 7
pm, Rackham Aud. 747-8973, 763-9044.
Inst for Humanities-Lecs, R Arnheim, "What Became of
Abstraction, "& K Walton, "The Arts: The Very Idea,"
9 am-noon, Rackham Amph. 662-2280.
*Hill St Cinema-Harold & Maude, 7, 9 & midnight,
1429 Hill St.
*Perf Network-See Jan 15.
January 18
Zen Buddhist Temple-Meditation svc, 5-7 pm, 1214
Packard Rd. 761-6520.
Cont Med Educ-Course, Advanced Cardiac Life Sup-
port, 8am-5 pm, Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
*U-M-Flint-Fam rec, noon-8 pm; Kid's rec, 2-4 pm, Ac-
tivity Areas I & 2; Rec Bldg. 762-3441.
His House Christian Fellowship-Bible study/meal, 6-8
pm, 925 E Ann St. 663-0483, 665-0775.
Sch Music-Perf, The Bryan-Keys Duo, 4 pm, Rackham
Aud. Recitals, A Videcki, voice/soprano, 4 pm & horn
studio students, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
*Men's Basketball-vs Syracuse, 2:30 pm, Crisler.
Students of Objectivism-Courses: "The Philosophy of
Obiectivism" (Intro), Rm P1004, & "Understanding
Objectivism" (advanced), Rm P1006, 7:30 on, Bus
Sch. (Cont every Sun hereafter).
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Bible study, 9:15 am; worship,
10:30 am, 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 10 am, 801 S
Forest St. 668-7622.
Residential Coll-Fac Voice Recital, J Heirich, "Songs of
War &.Peace," 4 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church,
1917 Washtenaw Ave. 764-6212, 761-2135.
Agape Soc-Mem svc for Dr Martin Luther King, II am,
Mich Union. (recep: 1 pm). 747-8973, 763-9044.
Mus Art-Docent tour, Modern Master Drawings, 2 pm.
*Hill St Cinema-The Mad Adventures of "Rabbi" Ja-
cobs, 8 pm, 1429 Hill St. 663-3336.
Hillel-Israeli folk dancing, 7:30 pm, 1429 Hill St.
*Perf Network-Perf, People Dancing/Whitley Setrakian
& Dancers, 4 pm, 408 W Washington St. 996-5968.


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