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March 09, 1987 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-09

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The Michigan Daily


Monday, March 9, 1987

Page 5



Serious stuff, folks

By Rebecca Chung
Anyone who decided not to at -
tend the Vienna Symphony Virtuo -
si's concert at Rackham last Friday
night missed out on a fun time.
This is not to say they missed out
on a aesthetically uplifting time, or
an emotionally overwhelming time,
or a brilliantly interpretative time.
Any group of serious musicians
from a musically serious town like
Vienna who would end a two-hour
performance, consisting of things
like arrangements of Die Zauberf -
lote for flute and vibraphone, with
a polka probably had no intention
of seriously sending their audience
into serious contemplation of
things the classical music lover is
expected to take seriously. There is
a place for concerts like this. They
even have a, yes, serious intent.
They make it difficult for classical
music lovers to take truly unim -
portant matters like...themselves

The Virtuosi consists of a flu -
tist, oboist, clarinetist, basoonist,
horn player, trombonist, and per-
cussionist, all of whom are mem -
bers of the Vienna Symphony.
They appeared in various combi -
nations and permutations through -
out the performance, the percus -
sionist Martin Kerschbaum playing
drum set (yes, an honest-to-God
drum set, although it was nothing
Neil Pert would admit to owning)
during Haydn's March for the
Prince of Wales and vibraphone for
most of the rest; and trombonist
Helmut Ascherl not appearing at
all until after intermission.
The program was, to put it
mildly, varied. Opening with the
Haydn, it moved through a von
Einem quintet (op. 46) written in
1971, the Zauberflote duets men -
tioned earlier, Mozart's Diver -
timento No. 8 in F major (K213),
Debussy's Le Petit Negre, Blues for
Gilbert by Mark Glentworth, Leo -

nid Schwarz's Oriental Suite, Trio ,
for Flute, Vibraphone, and Trom -
bone by John Fisher (composed for
this tour), Escapade by Manny
Albam, and the polka, which was
actually part of Denes Agay's Five
Easy Dances and included a tango,
bolero, waltz, and rhumba as well.
Remember Agay from your piano
lesson days? If you're cringing,
you do. If you don't, but remember
John Schaumn or Michael Aaron,
consider yourself fortunate- you
could have been more bored than
you thought you were.
Very few of these pieces could
be said to be a triumph of the corn -
poser's art, and it would have been
a sad evening indeed if the Virtuosi
had tried to pass it off as such. But
by the time the flutist and at-that-
point vibraphonist appeared for
their duet, the audience had been let
in on the secret. Even better- this
seemingly inane arrangement for
two instruments normally separated
by three rows of violins was ab -

solutely enchanting. So was Le
Petit Negre. So was Blues for Gil -
bert. So was the Divertimento,
and, yes, so was the polka
(although there was a bit more
tongue in the cheeks of the musi -
Most gratifying of all, however,
was seeing what could happen with
an assortment of minor, even trite

pieces in the hands of musicians
who had their priorities straight. In
the important sense, the Virtuosi
maintained its seriousness. They
kept their tempos, watched their
intonation, had their sound honed to
a penetrating clearness, played with
expression, and most importantly,
interpreted with conviction and ut -
most attention. It was wonderful to

hear Kerschbaum, all alone on the;
stage with only the vibraphone
between him and the audience, play'
the unmistakably American sound -
ing Blues for Gilbert as if he really
loved it, and refreshing to hear clean
cutoffs, good balance, and all-a -
round professionalism no matter
what the Virtuosi was playing.
I wonder if they do weddings....

Zoogz Rift and the
Amazing Shitheads
Looser Than Clams... A'
Historical Retrospective'
SST Records
Zoogz Rift is "a very strange, fat
man in dark sunglasses" who sings
songs like, "Idiots on the miniature
Golf Course" and "Lobotomy 2."
Actually, much to my surprise they
aren't just cheap Camper Van
Beethoven rip-offs. The former, like

many of the other tracks on this
album, is a cross between new
music and jazz fusion, slightly
reminiscent of Arthur Jade and
Rough Cut, or the Simon LeKirk
Electric String Quartet.
Other songs like, "Dinkle
Dance" and "Secret Marines - The
Sequel" feature genuinely funny
lyrics, as well as interesting music.
Clams, Zoogz's seventh album, is
actually a compilation of works
from his previous six. The first five

were on his own independent label,
and the one before that, Island of
Living Puke, was his first on the
SST label.
In general this record is
interesting, funny, and has some
very good and original music on it.
The Amazing Shitheads provide
smooth backup, and Zoogz's voice
is shrill and anxiety ridden. Overall
an excellent combination.
-Akim D. Reinhardt


The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
cation. Address all information to: Jule A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which admission is charged.
March 9
A-Squares--Sq dancing, 8:30-10 pm, 4073 E Engr Bldg. 668-
Comp Vision Res Lab--Sem, C Jacobus, "Three-
Dimensional Imaging & Some Applications," 5 pm, 3427
EECS Bldg. 764-8505.
Christian Sci Org--Mtg, 7:15 pm, 3rd Fl, Mich League.
Guild House--Writers Ser, A Mave & K Sleadd, 8 pm, 802
Monroe St. 662-5189.
Gay Liberation--Lesbian-Gay Male Community Open House,
8:30 pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division St. 665-0606,
Prog Judaic Stds/LSA/Ne E & N Afr Stds--Brown bag
lec, K Kaufman-Shelemay, "The Music & Liturgy of the
Falashas," noon, 3050 Frieze Bldg; film,The Jazz Singer, &
disc, M Slobin, "Jewish Musical Influences in the World of
Jazz,"7:30 pm, Rackham Amph. 763-9047.
LSA--Fac mtg, 4:10 pm, Aud 4, MLB.
Sch Music--Recitals, P Cooper, piano, 8 pm Recital Hall, &
G Stanton, organ, 8 pm, Hill Aud.
Men Against Rape Culture--Donut sale, all day, Haven
Hall Fishbowl. 763-5865.
Sch Nursing--Lec, S Donaldson, "Implications for Clinical
Studies for basic research in Skeletal Muscle," 4 pm, E Conf
Rm, Rackham Bldg. 763-9710.
*Fac Women's Club--Lunch & Listen, P McCrackin, "Can
Economic Policy Be Managed?" 11:30-1 pm, Mich Rm,
Mich League. 665-9622,971-6608.
U-M-Flint--Book review, A Matheson, "The Dollmaker,"
Alumni Rm, 3rd Fl, Univ Ctr. 762-3456.
CRLT--Workshop, K Zinn, "Using Personal Computers for
Classroom Records,"7-9 pm, 225 Angell Hall. Regis: 764-
Sch Music--Lee/recital, E Derr, "Beethoven's Opus 2: An
Organic Whole in Three Sonatas," 8 pm, Recital Hall.
Tae Kwon Do Club--Beg welcome, 6:30-8:15 pm, 2275
CCRB. 665-7399.
World Hunger Ed-Action Comm--Mtg, 6 pm, 4202 Mich
Union. 663-4301.
Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club--
Beg, 7:15 pm, IM Sports Bldg. 763-3562.
Comp Ctr --Courses, "Getting Started with MTS, Pt II
(Zenith)," 3-5 pm, 2065 Frieze Bldg, & "Using Your
Student Request Account," 7-9 pm, 120 W Engr. Regis:
Ctr Chinese Stds--Brown bag lec, R Murphey, "An Innocent
Abroad--Images of CBI & of China, 1942-46," noon, & lec,
J Domes, "The Politics of Economic Reforms in the PRC:
Policies, Results & Future Perspectives," 2 pm, Lane Hall
Commons Rm. 764-6308.
Career Ping & Plcmt --Progs: "Developing a Job Search
Network, Pt I," & "Resumes for Creative Fields," 4:10 pm,
3200 SAB. Regis: 764-7460.
Asian Stds Undergrad Assoc--1st gen mtg/film, "Travel &
Study Experiences in Asia," 8 pm, Lane Hall Commons
Rm. 763-6093.
Intl Appropriate Tech Assoc--Disc/exploration IATA Lib,
7-9 pm, 4202 Mich Union. 665-5244.
Urban, Tech & Environ Ping--Lec, A Rapoport, "The
Study of Conflict," 4 pm, Rackham Amph. 763-7205.
Tau Beta P--Tutoring lower level math, sci & engr, 7-I1
pm, 307 Undergrad Lib; 8-10 pm, 2332 Bursley Hall, & 8-
10 pm, Dining Hall, S Quad Dorm. 764-6250.
March 10
Sch Art--Pres, C Burke, "Medical Illustration: A Unique &
Rewarding Artistic Discipline," 7:30 pm, 2210 Art & Arch
Bldg. 764-0397.
CRL T--TA Workshop, D Elliott, R Ridley & G Williams,
"Preparing Graphics for Instructional Presentations," 7-10:30
pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Regis: 763-2396.
C EW--Symposium, "Change in the Lives of Educated

*Human Resource Devp--Workshop, S Keyes, "Word
Processing," 8:30-11:30 am, 1050 Ad Svcs Bldg. Scm, M
Johnston, "Mechanisms of Early Brain Injury," noon, 10th
Level, CHGD Commons, 300 N Ingalls Bldg. 764-7410.
Intl Ctr--Lee, "Organized & Documented for Your Trip
Abroad," 3 pm, 603 E Madison St. 747-2259.
Microcomp Ed Ctr--Class, "Introduction to MS Word for
the Macintosh," 7 pm, Aud 3, MLB. 764-5396.
Sch Music--Recital, string dept, 8 pm, Recital Hall. 763-
Mus Art--Art Breaks, "Max Ernst," 12:10 pm.
Med Ctr--Mastectomy Disc Grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm B1H1101.
Russ & E Europ Stds --Lec, Z Garcia, "Russian
Industrialists in War and Revolution," 4 pm, Lane Hall
Commons Rm.
Stdts of Objectivism--Mtg, 8 pm, Mich Rm, Mich Union.
Visiting Writers Ser--Poetry reading, C Gilbert, 4 pm, W
Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg. 764-0327.
Arch & Urban PIng/Nat Resources--Lec, D Marble,
"Geographic Information Systems & Computer Graphics,"
noon, 1046 Dana Bldg. 763-9832.
Comp Ctr--Course, "Introduction to Tell-A-Graf," 7-9 pm,
4003 SEB. Regis: 747-2424.
Intl Ctr--Film, Semester at Sea, 4:30 pm, 603 E Madison St.
Ne E & N Afr Stds --Lec, F De Jong, "The Shi'a Sects in
Turkey: Aspect of Their Rituals & Cosmologies," 4 pm, E
Lee Rm, Rackham Bldg. 764-0350.
Psychobiol--Colloq, R Davis, "Axonal Interactions in
Goldfish Tectum Ocular Patches," 12:30-2 pm, 1057 Ment
Hlth Res Inst. 747-0933.
Career Ping & Plcmt--Progs: "Designing a Resume:
Layout & Printing Options," (Regis: 764-7460), Lec Rm 1,
MLB; "Choosing Your Major," 2011 MLB," & The Job
Search," 3200 SAB. All at 4:10 pm.
TARDA/Doctor Who Fan Club--Mtg, 8 pm, 296
Dennison Bldg. 769-0928.
Intl Appropriate Tech Assoc--Disc/films: The Other Way,
& Man & Nature, 7-9 pm, 603 E Madison St. 665-5244.
Tau Beta Pi--Tutoring lower level math, sci & engr, 7-11 pm,
307 Undergrad Lib. 764-6250.
March 11
Am Soc of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing--
Brown bag lec, A Richards, "Dynamic Tomography &
Floral Radiograms," noon, 2032 Nat Resources Bldg. 763-
Anat & Cell Biol --Sem, R Orkin, "Hyaluronidase &
Morphogenesis," 12:05 pm, 5732 Med Sci II Bldg.
AIESEC/Inti Bus Club--Mtg, 5:15 pm, K1310 Kresge
Bldg. 747-2232.
Bioengr--Sem, D Anderson & G Leichtman, "Design
Considerations for a CNS Auditory Prosthesis," 4 pm
(coffee: 3:30 pm), 1017 Dow Bldg.
Bus Ad/Finance Club/Placement Ofc--Lec, D Horn,
"Investment Banking," 4:30 pm, Hale Aud, Assembly Hall
Bldg. 764-1365.
Commission for Women--Mtg/lee, C Dolan-Greene, 'A
Response to Questions Raised at the October 'Taking
Charge of Your Future' Workshop," noon-1:30 pm, W Conf
Rm, Rackham Bldg. 764-3423.
CRLT--Workshop, R Ridley, D Elliott & G Williams,
"Preparing Graphics for Instructional Presentations," 7-10:30
pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Regis: 764-0505. TA
Workshop, P Materka, "Time Management," 6:30-9 pm,
109 E Madison St. Regis: 763-2396.
U-M-DBN--Film, Friday the 13th Pt VI--Jason Lives, 7:30
pm, Rec & Org Ctr. 593-5390.
Disser Support Grp--8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich Union. 764-
Sch Ed--Mtg, prospective grad students, 6 pm, Tribute Rm,
1322 Sch Ed Bldg. 764-7563.
U-M-Flint--Concert, "Just Friends," Old-time & Celtic to
Ragtime & Blues, Riverview Rm, 3rd F, Univ Ctr. 762-
3456. Coffeehouse performer of the Month, A Cleveland, 7
pm, Univ Ctr Brewery. 762-3431. Poetry reading, N
Giobanni & J Minty, 7 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva. 762-3200.
Mich Gay Union --Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St. 763-4186.
Sch Music--Recital, stu harpsichord, 8 pm, Moore Hall & A
Monoz-Sune, piano, 8 pm, Rackham Assem Hall. 763-
Netherlands Amer Univ League--Lec, A Bumier & I van
Maurik, "Contemporary Dutch Feminist Literature," 8 pm,
603 E Madison St. 764-5370.
Sch Art--Lec, H Ehses, "Rhetorical Devices in Graphic
Design,"7:30 pm, 2104 Art & Arch Bldg. 764-0397.
Russ & E Europ Stds--Brown bag lec, Z Garcia, "The
Menshevik Leaders of the Petrograd Soviet in 1917," noon,
Lane Hall Commons Rm.
SIGMA--Mtg, prospective grad stdts, 6 pm, Tribute Rm, Sch
Ed. 763-4288.

Comp Ctr--Course, "Text Formatting with TeX," 3-5 pm,
(1st of 2), 4003 SEB. Regis: 747-2424.
CEW--Lec, B Sicherman, "The Making of a Progressive
Physician: Alice Hamilton," 3 pm (tea: 2:30 pm), W Conf
Rm, Rackham Bldg. 763-7225.
Hillel--Lee, F Colon, "What Am I Doing the Rest of My
Life?" 7:30 pm, 1429 Hill St. 663-3336.
*Hill St Cinema--On the Waterfront, 8 pm, 1429 Hill St.
Career Ping & Plcmt--Workshop, "Finding a Summer Job:
Strategies for the Procrastinator," 6:10 pm, 3200 SAB.
Tau Beta Pi --Tutoring lower level math, sci & engr: 2332
Bursley Hall; Red Carpet Annex, Alice Lloyd Hall; Main
Dining Hall, S Quad Dorm, 8-10 pm, & 307 Undergrad Lib,
7-11pm. 764-6520.
Women Stds--Recep, Michigan Quarterly Review's special
issue, "Women & Memory," 4-6 pm, 232 W Engr.
March 12
Acad Women's Caucus--Panel disc, "Impact of Rape Culture
on Women Faculty," noon- 1:30 pm, Dining Rooms 4 & 5,
Mich League. 763-6634, 764-1105.
Mus Art/Histof Art--J Paul Getty Fellowship Lee, L
Weingarden, "Naturalized Nationalism: A Ruskinian
Discourse in the Search for a New American Style of
Architecture," 7 pm, Aud A, Angell Hall.
Sch Art--Lee, J Moldenhauer, "Women Designers: Bauhaus to
Present," 2104 Art & Arch Bldg. 764-0397.
Mus Anthro--Brown bag lec, M Tosi, "Corners of Arabia:
Coastal Archaeology in Yemen & Oman in Search of a
Strategy," noon, Museums Bldg.
CRLT--Workshop, "Designing & Grading Tests," 7-9:30 pm,
109 E Madison. Regis: 764-0505.
U-M-DBN--See March 11.
Bus Ad--Mgmt of Tech Lee Ser, R Graham, 'The Competitive
Challenge to US Manufacturing Comanies: or The Koreans
Are Coming," 4:15 pm, Hale Aud, Bus Ad.
Evol & Human Behavior Prog--Sem, A McGuire,
"Helping in Biological & Social Relationships;" L Kyl-
Heku, "Hierarchy Negotiation;" M Symington, "Ecological
Correlates of Party Size in the Black Spider," & D Jones,
"Selfish Memes," 3:30 pm, 2053 LSA Bldg. 936-2526.
*Exhibit Mus--Feature show, "The Universe Game," 8 pm,
Planetarium, 1109 Geddes Ave. 764-0478.
Engl Lang & Lit--Colloq in Critical Theory, M Fries,
"Narrating the Homeland: Christa Wolf & Johannes
Bobrowski," 8 pm, E Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg. 764-5481.
His House Christian Fellowship--Bible study, 7:30-9
pm, 925 E Ann St. 663-0483, 665-0775.
Ctr JapaneseStds--Brown bag lec, S Ledden, "Cross-Cultural
Employment," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm. 764-6307.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship--Mtg, 7 pm, 127 E
Quad. 668-6358.
Mich League--Intl Night, Provincial France, 4:30--7:30 pm,
The League Buffet.
Sch Music--Recital, E Tomorsky, oboe, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
Concert, Jazz Band, 8 pm, Rackham Aud. 763-4726. *Perf,
Univ Dance Co, "A Gallery of Dances," 8 pm, Power Ctr.
Tickets: 763-5460.
Mus Art--See March 10.
Ment Hith Res Inst--Lec, A Reiner, "Are Retinal Neural
Peptides Found Only in Amacrine Cells?" 12:20 pm, 2055
MHRI. 764-0573.
Med Ctr--Lupmectomy Disc Grp, noon--1:15 pm, Rm
B11H101. 763-9953, 936-4300.
Scottish Country Dancers--Beg: 7 pm; intermed/advanced:
8 pm, & soc: 9 pm, Forest Hills Comm Ctr, 2351
Shadowood. 996-0129.
Univ AA --Mtg, noon, 3200 Mich Union (non-smoking), St
Mary's Ed Ctr (smoking). 764-8312.
Union Arts Progs--Arts at Mid-Day, Y Green, piano, 12:15
pm, Pendleton Rm, Mich Union.
Visiting Writers Ser--Fic reading, M Simpson, 4 pm, W
Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg. 764-0475.
WELS Lutheran Campus Ministry --Disc, "Living In
Grace," noon, Mich Rm, Mich Union. 662-0663, 761-
Women's Okinawan Karate & Self-Defense Club--See
March 9.
Comp Ctr--Course, "Introduction to Tell-A-Graf," 7-9 pm,
(1st of 4), 4003 SEB. Regis: 747-2424.
Black Med Assoc --Lec, A Mazrui, "Apartheid & Apart-
AIDS: Moral & Physical Deficiency Syndrome in Southern
Africa," 7:30 pm, Ford Amph, 1500 E Med Ctr Dr. 936-
Peace & Justice Committee--Teach-In, J Boise, D
Axelrod, T Wagner, 'The Connection Between Pentagon &
the U," 7:30 pm, 124 E Quad. 662-2028.
Inst of Pub Policy Stds--Conf, "Effects of US Policy on
Intemational Economic Development," 3-5 pm, Rackham
Amph, & dinner at Campus Inn!@#$ Reser & info: 763-
Ne E & N Afr Stds--Lec, J Clinton, 'The Near East as a
Literary Ecumene," 4 pm, E Conf Rm, Rackham Bldg.
Career Ping & Pcmt--Workshop, "Exploring Opportunities
in the Business Sector," 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB. Regis: 764-
Intl Appropriate Tech Assoc--Org mtg, 5:30-7 pm, 4202
Mich Union. 665-5244.
Tau Beta Pi --Tutoring lower level math, sci & engr: 7-11
pm, 307 Undergrad Lib. 764-6520.
Pharmacy--Sem, C Johnson, "Synthesis of Biologically
Active Polyoxygenated Cyclo-Alkanoides," 4 pm, 3554 C C
Little Bldg. 747-2224

U-M-DBN--Lec, F Hetzel, "Photo-Dynamic Therapy for the
Treatment of Malignant Tumors," 2:30 pm, 144 CAB. 593-
U-M-DBN--Film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 7:30 pm,
138 CAB. 593-5555.
*U-M-Flint--Family Times, 5-10 pm, Kid's Rec, Activity
Areas 1 & 2, Rec Bldg. 762-3441. Lee, S Chisholm, "Of
Course, Women Dare," 8 pm, Mich Rms A-D, Univ Ctr.
Guild House--Friday Noon Forum/*lunch avail, B Kritt,
"Guatemala: The Military's Program of 'Development,'
noon, 802 Monroe St. 662-5189.
Korean Christian Fellowship--Bible study, 9 pm,
Campus Chapel. 747-0120.
MLK/Rosa Parks Prog--Panel disc, J Samora, R Farley, T
Holt & S Pedraza, "The Struggle for Citizenship: Blacks &
Hispanics in American History," 3-5 pm, Anderson Rm,
Mich Union. 764-9934.
Linguistics--Lec, M Dryer, "Statistical Word Order
Universals," 3 pm, 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Sch Music--Recitals, D Van Dover, bass trombone, 6 pm, &
G Young, clarinet, 8 pm, Recital Hall. Fac Recital, E
Parmentier, organ, 8 pm, Moore Hall. 763-4726. *Perf,
Univ Dance Co, "A Gallery of Dances," 8 pm, Power Ctr.
Tickets: 763-5460.
Philosophy--Colloq, D Gauthier, "Hobbes's Social Contract,"
1 pm, & J Hampton, "Hobbes's Explanation of the State,"
* 3:30 pm, Mich Rm, Mich League.
Pub Hith Stu Assoc--Lec, R Bayer & J Lipshutz,
"US/Nicaragua Medical Aid Projects," 1:30 pm, 3042 Sch
Pub HIth. 761-3186.
Russ & E Europ Stds--Copemicus Lee, T Ash, "Solidarity
& the European Question," 8 pm, Rackham Lee Hall.
*Women's Tennis--vs Eastem Mich Univ, 1:30 pm, Track &
Tennis Bldg.
Tae Kwon Do Club--Beg welcome, 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB.
MLK/Rosa Parks Prog--Lec, C Steele, "The Psychology of
Self-Affirmation: Sustaining the Integrity of the Self," 4
pm, 6050 ISR. 747-3603.
Inst of Pub Policy Stds--Conf, "Effects of US Policy on
Intemational Economic Development," Rackham Bldg, &
lunch at Campus Inn. Reser and info: 763-2318.
Ne E & N Afr Stds --Brown bag lec, J Clinton, "Problems
& Prospects in Near Eastern Literary Studies," noon, 3050
Frieze Bldg. 764-0350.
S & SE Asian Stds --Lec/slides, A Drake, "An Analysis of
the Bornean Body Snatching Rumor Panics," noon, Lane
Hall Commons Rm. 747-2082.
AstroFest/Exhibit Mus/Aerospace Engr--Lee, J Louden,
"Telescopes: How They Work & What to Do with the One
You Bought for Halley's Comet," 7:30 pm, Aud 3, MLB.
March 14
Sch Art--Lee, H Seppa, "The Work of Heikki Seppa," 2104
Art & Arch Bldg. 764-0397.
Cont Med Ed--Conf, "Annual Postgraduate Course in
Obstetrics & Gynecology: Challenges & Changes of the
1980s," 7:45 am-4:30 pm, Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
*U-M-DBN--1890s children's prog, ages 4-9, Miniature
Farmhouse, 10 am, noon, 2 & 4 pm, Henry Ford Estate-Fair
Lane. Regis: 593-5590.
*Exhibit Mus--Family show, The Brightest Stars, 10:30 &
11:30 am, & "The Universe Game," 1:30, 2:45 & 4 pm,
Planetarium, 1109 Geddes Ave. 764-0478.
*Human Resource Devp -Workshop, C Heavenrich, 'The
Art of Living Life as an Adventure," 9 am-12:30 pm, 1111
Kipke Dr. Regis: 764-7410.
Info Tech Div/LSA--Software Fair, "Academic &
Administrative Applications of Computer Software," 1 am-5
pm, Sch Ed. 763-6060.
Sch Music--Recitals, Y Green, piano, 4 pm, A Kats/M
Powell, clarinet/conducting, 6 pm, & L Homer, piano, 8
pm, Recital Hall. 763-4726. *Perf, Univ Dance Co, "A
Gallery of Dances," 8 pm, Power Ctr. Tickets: 763-5460.
*Concert, M Andre, trumpet & L Raver, organ, 8 pm, Hill
Aud. Tickets: Univ Mus Soc, Burton Tower & 764-2538.
Philosophy--Colloq, G Kavka, "Hobbes as a Modern Liberal,"
10 am, Mich Rm, Mich League.
*Men's Gymnastics--vs Westem Mich Univ, 7 pm, Crisler
Engl--Reading, B Homback, "Yeats," 8 pm, 218 Canterbury
House. 764-6330.
Stu Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, Sess I, 9
am-1 pm, SAB. 763-4025.
LSA/ITD--Software Fair, 10 am-5 pm, Sch Ed.
March 15
Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214
Packard Road. 761-6520.
*Exhibit Mus--Feature show, "The Universe Game," 1:30,
2:45 & 4 pm, Planetarium, 1109 Geddes Ave. 764-0478.
*U-M-Flint--Family Times, noon-8 pm, Rec Bldg. 762-
3441. Concert, Univ Band & Genessee Wind Symphony
Concert, 3 pm, U-M-Theatre. 762-3377.
His House Christian Fellowship--Bible study/meal, 6-8
pm, 925 E Ann St. 663-0483, 665-0775.
Sch Music --Recital, K Loeffler, percussion, 4 pm, Recital
Hall. Concert, Mich Youth Symph Brass Ensemble, 3 pm,
Rackham Aud. Fac Buxtehude Ser, M Johns, organ, 4 pm,
Moore Hall. 763-4726. *Perf, Univ Dance Co, "A Gallery
of Dances," 2 pm, Power Ctr. Tickets: 763-5460.
Mus Art--Docent tour, "Ides of March," 2 pm.
Stdts of Objectivism--Lecs 7: "The Philosophy of
Objectivism (intro)," Rm P1004, & "Understanding



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