EDUCATION -qpr, Continued from Page 7 One of my white colleagues had just come back from a visit to a number of Black colleges. She was very impressed with achievements of the students at these colleges, their subsequent success in graduate and professional schools, as well as their contributions to their communities. Her question to me was, "What's the difference between the Black students attending those colleges and the Black students attending the University of Michigan?" My response to her was that there were no differences between the students, but that there were differences in the institution. Those Black students entering the Black colleges were received in a climate and corporate culture that clearly indicated to them that regardless of your test scores, or grades, you are somebody, and will be successful here and in life. On the other hand, for Black students at the University of Michigan, even those with high test scores and exemplary records, there is a climate and corporate culture that says your are a "special admits," standards were lowered for you to be here, you took the place of a more qualified white. You and your contribution to the community are not of much worth. There is much in the research literature that indicates that our expectations determins how we treat students, which in turn impacts student achievement and the transferability of those achievements. There is a need for the restructuring of the climate and culture of schools and schooling. The need is an outgrowth of our interdependence in a global ecomony and a change in the willingness of individuals who belong to minority groups and women to accept their previously assigned adult roles in this country. With all of the reform efforts taking place in the country today, we must make sure that they are promoting inclusion and not exclusion, and that they are not perpetuating the sorting and sifting purposes of schooling, which in the past made the assigning and accepting of roles for certain groups and countries easier. - Schools and universities must truly value diversity. Black students must not be expected to assimilate into the white culture, thus losing their cultural heritage and identity. The celebration of Dr. King's Dream and Black History Month should mean that each of us, as individuals and collectively as an institution, is working to ensure equity and excellence for all students in 'all schools. These celebrations will also mean that the following statement is rejected and its attendant practices are eliminated; "It is the business of the school to help the child to acquire such an attitude toward the inequalities of life, whether in accomplishment or in reward, that he may adjust himself to its conditions with the least possible friction." -Frank Freeman, "Sorting the Student," Education Review, 1924 This essay is excerpted from the workshop presented during the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Com- meration Activities here. RACISM Continued from Page 9 monetary solutions, expressing sentiment and tabling action until graduation only demonstrates efforts to alleviate immediate tension. We need long range solutions. The administration needs to implement racial harassment policies in its by- laws and standard procedures guide. Give us a "Tell-Someone" program for racial harassment as well. The students at the University are demanding justice! Martin Luther King Jr., wrote in a 1963 letter, "I have reached the regrettable conclusion that the negroes' great stumbling block in (their) stride toward freedom is not the white citizens' counselor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace, which is the presence of justice." U Our Ads Get Results. FYI VOLUME 5, NO. 18 thbe AMidpgan 19atgL qw f- mw M A G A Z I N E f 44 PAGE 12a- WEEKEND/MARCH 6,1987 PluS: Kim Wilde- 'Hoosiers Interview: Peg Lourie