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March 06, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-06

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Ineekend Magazine.

Racism: Our University's shame * 'Hoosiers'

John Logie " Interview: Peg Lourie

The List

Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom


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sparks emotion

Hundreds watch as students testify

In an extraordinary display of
support to rid the University of
racism, 61 members of the
University community, including
President Harold Shapiro, told a
committee of state legislators about
their experiences with racism and
offered suggestions on how to
combat it.
About 800 people crammed into
the Michigan Union's Grand
Ballroom to listen as students,
former University officials, alumni,
and Ann Arbor residents testified
before the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Higher Education
chaired by state Rep. Morris Hood

(D-Detroit). Hood decided to
convene the hearing last week in
response to recent racist incidents
on campus.
The catalyst for the hearing was
the broadcast of racist jokes over
University radio station WJJX on
Feb. 4.
Hood said the hearing's primary
aim was to address the problems of
racial tensions on campus -
especially those that affect blacks.
"I understand there are a number of
what some perceive as minority
groups that would like to make a
presentation," he said. "I hope no
one misunderstands what I am
saying; I want to hear first of all

the black students."
Hood said he wanted blacks to
speak first because racial attacks are
primarily aimed at them.
Scott Wong, an Asian-American
student who was the victim of a
racial incident last year, said he felt
Hood was concerning himself
solely with the problems of blacks,
which he felt was unfair to other
HOOD responded that he hated
racism in any form but said that
because he is black he focuses on
the problems of blacks.
He also vowed that concrete
action will result from the hearing,
but said it was premature to

speculate on what action will be
The four-and-a-half hour hearing
began officially at 1:15 p.m. when
Shapiro addressed the committee on
behalf of the University.
In. a 20-minute statement,
Shapiro agreed that racism was a
campus-wide problem but told the
committee that the University is
more financially committed to
integrating a racially diverse student
body than almost any other
He presented the committee with
figures outlining the University's
progress with minority recruitment
See HOOD, Page 5.

... takes responsibility
on line
for Blue
Call Alex Trebek. Tell him to
have the theme music ready. The
Michigan basketball team is in
The.answer is: Beat Purdue at
Crisler Arena tomorrow afternoon
(4:00 p.m., CBS-TV), or pray hard.
The question is: What can the
Wolverines do to qualify for the
NCAA postseason tournament? '
F Should Michigan drop the game
to the heavily-favored Boilermakers,
it could end up with college.
basketball's version of Lee Press-
On Nails and other losing
contestants' parting gifts: a trip to
the National Invitational
"I FEEL WE'VE got to win
this game," said Michigan guard
Gary Grant. "It's on CBS, and its
" tTe last time the world can see us
(before the tournament selections).
See PURDUE, Page 11

to take action

Democrats aim
to denyfuture
aid to Contras
WASHINGTON (AP) - House that investigations of the Iran-
Democrats said yesterday they plan Contra affair must continue but that
a vote next week on legislation that he planned to turn his attention to
would shut off further aid to other matters such as arms control.
Nicaragua's Contra rebels until Reagan commented on a speech
previous aid is accounted for, to members of the National News -
including any money diverted from paper Association, one day after his
Iranian arms sales or solicited from speech in which he acknowledges
private sources. nistakes in the Iranian arms sales
"We as a party need to make a but denied he'd known in advance
statement on this issue," said Rep. about any diversion of profits to the
David Bonior, D-Mich. However, Contras.
he said aid opponents probably do Congress, after a two-year ban
anot averthenvesetiaoverideanon direct or indirect military aid to
almost certain presidential veto. the Contras, last year approved,.a
The Democrats' move was seen
as primarily an effort to focus $100 million package for fiscal
attention on the administration's 1987. Reagan is expected to f6r -
inability to account for tens of mally request the final $40 million
millions of dollars in previous aid of that package in the next few
money, an issue already raised by days, and opponents could then
last week's Tower commission re - press for a vote to disapprove the
port on the Iran-Contra affair as money.
well as by congressional inves - The administration's policy of
tigators. support for the Contras "has been
President Reagan said yesterday counter-productive," Bonior said.

Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSUN
Tiger trot
Shortstop Alan Trammell, left, pitcher Jack Morris, and the rest of the 1987 Detroit Tigers take a warm-up lap
during a workout last week at the Tigers' training camp in Lakeland, Florida. See related photostory, Page 9.

Author's papers go to 'U' library

University alumna Judith Guest, author of
L"Ordinary People" and "Second Heaven," donated her
papers to the University this month.
Guest, who graduated in 1958, visited the campus
last month and announced the gift.
"I'm very pleased and happy that the University
wanted them," she said yesterday in a phone
interview. "I was happy to get them out of my
Guest's papers include drafts of her novels and
plays, correspondence, interviews, and reviews. She is
We latest of more than 12 living literary figures to
donate papers to the Rare Books Room in the
Graduate Library, according to Robert Staring,
Coordinator of the University Libraries.
The Rare Books Room is trying to expand its
collection. The papers that come from living authors
are sent to the University when they clear out files or
are finished with a work.
H OPWOOD winner and author of "The Big

Chill" Lawrence Kasdan is on the list to be contacted.
"I invited him a couple of years ago, and he was
flattered, but said that he didn't have enough papers.
But he said that when he made his move he would
consider Michigan," Starring said.
Nancy Willard, a noted children's author; Henry
Van Dyke, an avant-garde black author; and
playwright Arthur Miller have also donated papers to
the collection. Miller's early papers have restricted
access, and his written permission is needed to see
"We have his early material when he was a
student, and those are restricted, but in the next year
or so they will be published with his permission,"
according to librarian Kathryn Beam, curator of the
collection. Miller has not been approached about
donating the rest of his papers, Starring said.
The collections are open to everyone, but are used
mainly by graduate students working on theses and
dissertations or freelance writers working up an article
or book, Beam said.

TAs picket for
tuition waiver
Nearly 100 teaching assistants picketed yesterday in
front of the Fleming Administration Building and in the
Diag to vocalize their demands for a salary increase and a
full tuition waiver to offset the rising cost of living.
Negotiations between the Graduate Employees
Organization, which represents the University's 1,700
teaching assistants, and the University continued
yesterday, as both sides strove to reach an agreement
before midnight, when the current contract was scheduled
to expire.
If the negotiating teams reach no agreement, a mediator
could be called in, said GEO President Alice Haddy. A
union meeting is scheduled for March 12 and a strike
authorization vote could be taken then. The earliest a
strike could take place is March 22.
"We're not going to agree (to a contract) unless we get
gains," said Haddy.
See GEO, Page 5

Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
Teaching assistants, demanding more pay
from the University, rally in Regents' Plaza

Students oppose


claim to projects

Students in the School of Architecture are
becoming increasingly dissatisfied with a
policy that gives the school the right to
retain students' class projects for its
archives, because students fear the projects
will be damaged there.
The school's policy is that any work
nroduced in the studios of the architecture

'You've put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into these projects,
and it kills you to see them destroyed.'
-Kathleen Jordan
Architecture School student

general standards of studio performance.
The works are retained for at least five
years, when they are reviewed and either
returned to the author or retained indefinitely.
"It is important for a college like this to
have a record of their students' work," said
architecture program chair Kent Hubbell.
"The Archive Award is in the mutual best
interest." he said.

Students should celebrate
International Women's Day in
activities this weekend.
Ex Plimsouls wunderkind Peter
Case will appear at the Ark this
17- . i % ,Y n.M ~ tn


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