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March 05, 1987 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-03-05

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Price to switch jobs

The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 5, 1987- Page 5
RHA helps housing searches

(Continued from Page 1)

include reviewing the research
funding requests, coordinating with
the Biomedical Research Council.
He will be working under Medical
'School Dean Joseph Johnson and
Associate Dean John Sheagran.
The new position was created
last December offered to Price last
Currently, Price oversees
biomedical research at Vice
president for Research Linda
Wilson's office. Assistant Vice
President Jacquelynne Eccles and
Associate Vice President Andrew
a'gy, both appointed in January,
handle the social science and
physical science-related research
areas respectively. Olsen will take
over the biomedical research area.

"I've benefitted a lot from the
Vice president's office in the past,"
Olsen said. "And I'm from the
school of thought that says if you
take things, you've got to put
something back."
Olsen said he plans to promote
the development of interdisciplinary
research -research which involves
study from several, University
departments - relating to
Price has worked in the Vice
President for Research's Office as
an Assistant Vice president and an
Interim Associate Vice president
since 1981. He graduated from
Florida State University in 1964
and received his Ph.D. in
biochemistry at the University of
Minnesota in 1968.

University housing officials, the
Residence Halls Association, and
residence hall staff have joined
together to guide frustrated students
during the annual scramble for off-
campus housing.
The three groups have been
organizing programs in the
residence halls with information
tables, presentations, and speakers
since February.
"If a student is going to spend
$700 a month for rent, I want it to
be the best choice possible," said Jo
Rumsey, assistant director of
housing information.
Rumsey and Sherie Veramay, a
housing advisor, began a plan in
December to increase awareness of

students' housing options, rights,
and responsibilities.
Kate Sisslin, LSA sophomore
and RHA coordinator for the
program, said RHA representatives
staff the information tables during
dinner hours in residence halls.
Sisslin said the goal of the
program is to inform students of
their different options in off-campus
housing so they can make wise
Sandy Lee, an LSA junior and
Stockwell resident advisor, is
helping coordinate the program in
her residence hall tonight. She said
the program will be helpful to the
residents on her hall who are "really
confused" about searching for off-
campus housing for next fall.

Lee said an information table
will be set up outside the cafeteria
in Stockwell during dinner hours
and housing information pamphlets
will be available. At 7 p.m.,
Veramay will speak about choosing
and dealing with roommates,
landlords, and signing leases.
To avoid being taken advantage
of by landlords, Lee said, students
need to know what questions to
ask, and where to get help from. A
housing information program was
conducted last night at Couzens
hall. Rumsey discussed facts about
off-campus housing.
Veramay said programs are held
about every ten days in a different
residence hall.

... moves to med. school


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