OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, March 3, 1987 The Michigan Daily Focus on By Kurt Muenchow I , too, believe that the role of student government is to advocate student interests. The point on which I disagree with many is the scope of our advocacy. I firmly believe that MSA should be involved only in CAMPUS issues, and that we should limit our participation on outside issues. I feel, that the appropriate forum for the expression of the sentiment of the student body on extra-campus issues is the various student groups which actively support or oppose various world events or policies. Let me make it very clear that I do not necessarily disagree with the content or political bent of many of the resolutions MSA has adopted in the past. I, too, believe that US involvement in Nicaragua is totally inappropriate. I also believe, however, (as I am convinced that most of the students on the campus do too) that MSA is the incorrect forum for addressing these concerns. I think that student organizations such as Latin American Solidarity Committee (LASC), College Democrats, College Republicans, etc... are the appropriate, and most effective forums for addressing extra-campus issues. MSA is the most appropriate forum for addressing CAMPUS issues. Because MSA has limited resources (both time [people power] and money), we should concentrate those tesources on campus issues. THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY is an axiom which we tout quite often in the school of Natural Muenchow is the president of MSA Resources, which I belicve in, applies to this argument. government is expected toc issues of immediate student co any action we take should alloK JOSEPHINE) STUDENT to a following question for his/her s How does (this MSA action the quality, or ease of atta education (or better my existe 4 (or however-many) years here Any action we take for whi a concrete, and DIRECT ansv question, is appropriate for the. (Here I would like to poin concievably, the price of lima fresh grapes] in upper slobobia a tenuous, indirect effect on citizen of the USA, and m maybe, on me as a student her of M) When discussing this is important to note that there a key distinctions to be made arguing CAMPUS vs. NON- issue involvement, NOT s non-student issue involvem MAY be a student issue may campus issue. What MAY 1 campus issue may be a stud Examples of the first argu situations such as Nicaragua, fresh grapes, the price of graba in Afghanistan. Examples campus, student issues are fin town re-zoning, and issues student, and which education (whatever their geographi Student origin within the United States). deal with oncern ..... Therefore, we have a clear distincti w JOE (or which allows us to deal with issu inswer the which DO provide an answer to the abo' elf: question above, while still allowing us focus our resources. Further, this alloy n) improve us to steer clear of issues over which, aining my have no effect. nce) in my e at U of M While presenting arguments I discu 'resources'. I mean not only the tangib h tresources such as paper, computer tim ic there is man(woman)-hours, ink, etc..; I me wer to this also the intangible cost to MSA in t Assembly. currency of credibility, in the currencyc t out that effectiveness, in the currency of imag abeans [or Why is it that MSA has such a 'bad', a may have 'mis-understood', or 'unknown' reputati n me as a ? How has it developed ? Why ? Why aybe, just it so hard for MSA to accomplish vario re at the U concrete goals, carry out producti projects ? I am not suggesting that a lo of RESOURCES due to only NO] sue, it is CAMPUS involvement is solely1 are several blame. I would, however, contend that . We are CAMPUS-focused MSA would be mo CAMPUS highly productive than any previo tudent vs. Assembly has ever been. And producti ent. What in a way which would actually begin NOT be a. build and stockpile resources rather th be a non- piddle them away. ent issue. ument are If you're still reading by now, eith California you're: anzo beans 1) fascinated about how I ramble on. of non- 2) curious about what I have to say. ancial aid, 3) so bored with class you ha of higher nothing better to do. issues cal 4) running in the upcoming I elections for a seat on the Assembly on es I agree that student interests muse ve made aware to local, state, and nati to leaders. Exactly. STUDE ws INTERESTS. Those concerns wk we when addressed by the Assembly, pro an answer to our constituent stude question above. Many times, in respo 1ss to my arguments, the jump is made fi )le student interests of campus concern re, zoning, state and national student aid) an student, non-campus concerns (Cei he America and California fresh grape: of divorce the issues into the above sL ge. catagories of campus-related and r or campus related; and suggest that we on MSA deal with the former. I fui is suggest that LASC et. al. deal with us latter, and that those who are dealing ve the latter in the Assembly, are, in )ss doing the students and themselve N- disservice, both by wasting to Assembly's resources (there's that ; t a again), and by not gaining the most e re on the non-campus issue thatt us concievably could through other stu ive organizations. to an Pick your battles, and choose the r advantageous ground to fight them her MSA is the best arena for campus isst and can address them with unbrid legitimacy. Other student organizati can do the same for non-campus conce ve I certainly agree that if we (MSA) urged idly by twiddling our thumbs while Mayor Pierce re-zones Burns Park and - Gov. Blanchard denies sufficient financial aid, we ARE doing ourselves a great,- injustice. It is our place to address such issues of campus, student concern. 4 If we fail to address any "state or national leaders ... implementing policies which restrict living space, deprive them of money for school, or threaten our lives" then we have done the students an injustice. We do not ignore these things, nor would I want us to ignore them. This does NOT mean, however, that you can automatically generalize the financial aid argument to include the Nicaragua argument, as is often done in discussions of this issue. Finally, Student government prepares students for life outside college. By actively advocating student, campus concerns, we teach many how to be effective on extra-campus concerns. I agree that ... if a student government is to be effective, it cannot hide from issues and events which effect students lives ... I hope the discussion of MSA's role in campus VS. non-campus issues is thoroughly discussed in MSA's upcoming election campaigns. I also urge you to take the time to vote for the candidates and party which echo your own sentiments on this important issue. I I I Eie Manaedbyt an atilg Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Black Vol. XCVII, No. 103 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Deaf ears By Joshua Ray Levin Something really scary happened in my history class last week. During a conversation about the Progressive era, a student raised her hand and asked who was W.E.B. DuBois. I was suprised that someone in an Honors U.S. History class was not familiar with such an influential American figure. One person's ignorance is hardly scary; the discussion which followed her question, however, was. During this discussion, it was revealed that the overwhelming majority of my class had little or no previous knowledge of DuBois, or Booker T. Washington, or their great debates about the direction of the earlytwentieth century civil rights movement. Further discussion showed that almost none of my classmates had any education in black history at all. In fact, I was only one of a handful of students present who even knew it is Black History Month. Levin is parliamentarian of the campus chapter of the NAACP. history 1 I found this shocking. These students, almost all of whom had taken Advanced Placement U.S. History, had gone through twelve years of education without ever realizing the tremendous accomplishments and contributions blacks and other minorities have made to American history and culture. And these weren't just sheltered suburban rich kids, either. In-staters and out-of-staters, privately and publicly schooled, suburban and city raised-people from all kinds of backgrounds-and most of them were completely ignorant of black history. This is not meant as a condemnation of my fellow students, or to make me sound less ignorant than them. What this means is that American children are being deprived of a true understanding of real American history. Even the most advanced students in this field are leaving high school with a whitewashed version of our past. This is a crime. Students at all levels are being cheated out of a complete education, and this lack of education leads to the gross lack of understanding gnored between blacks and whites. The greatest problem facing race relations is not hatred, but ignorance-and by not addressing this problem, the University is indirectly contributing to the ignorance of its students. Something .mus be done. Although the University cannot dictate what primary and secondary schools teach, the university community can greatly influence it. History professors who publish their work should include more minority contributions in their texts. Students going on to become teachers could take with them a more complete education, to be passed on to their students. And the University of Michigan must strive to improve the education of its students by including more minority history in its curriculum. The ignorance of most Michigan students with regards to black history is dangerous. If the University is indeed committed to the complete education of its students, it must take steps to improve interracial understanding. IN THE COMMERCIAL, WHEN EF Hutton talks, people listen. They stop whatever they're doing, put their hands to their ears, and strain to hear every word. If only student opinion was greeted with the same heightened interest by the University administration. In the case of the recent medical school calendar change, the administration did not even pay the students the courtesy of allowing them to speak before discounting what they had to say.1 On February 5, the medical school's executive committee voted to start its year one week later in August which would mean that fall semester would end a week later in December. The proposed change cut a week off winter break and 3 days off the study time for finals. Students had hoped to make a presentation in opposition to the change at the executive committee meeting but were told the discussion of the issue was to be postponed a week. Then, to the students' surprise, the decision was made by the committee without student input. James Taren, associate dean for academic programming, explained that "the executive committee didn't wish to get student opinion at that time." Students had important objections to register. The typical medical student is under a lot of pressure in a highly competitive atmosphere which makes the winter break particularly important as a chance to rest from a grueling semester. By cutting the exam study days the proposed changes would only increase the pressure on the students. The administration argues that the calendar change is necessary in order to make it easier for professors to teach both undergraduates and in the medical school. Also, they argue it would benefit those students in other schools and in the inteflex program who take classes in the medical school. In addition, the adminis- tration says that the students were given a chance to express their views prior to the executive committee's decision. This argument makes no sense. Should students be denied the opportunity to state their objections to the executive committeesimply because they were allowed to state them at a preliminary stage? The students expressed outrage over the way in which the decision was made at the February 12 executive council meeting. Perhaps out of embarrassment over the way they had originally handled the situation, the executive voted the cut the semester by two days in order to provide extra study days before finals. For the medical students, this decision was a "bittersweet" victory at best. The proposed change in the beginning and end of fall semester was left intact and a precedent was created to exclude students from future executive committee decisions. LETTERS: 'University gives students coping skills To The Daily: "The problem here is that you never registered for the course," replied Dean Goetz in answer to my question of why I did not receive a grade in the Aerospace Engineering course that I had attended for a full term. "But Dean Goetz," I replied, " I was told by the professor that everyone on the wait-list got in." What I did not realize, however, is that in order to be officially registered for the course, I had to go through CRISP again. "Well, Mark, this is exactly the kind of thing we try to stress at the University of Michigan. No one is here to look after you. The responsibility is yours to make sure that everything is on order." I could not believe it. I was actually being chewed out by the head man himself. But, as I later came to realize, he spoke words of wisdom as he was lecturing me oa the stupidity and carelessness of my actions. An education from the University of each student is also given the chance to develop a winning attitude that will carry him through the most troubling of times later in life. Most students at the University of Michigan have gone though a period when they felt that the Undergraduate program was one of the worst in the nation. But as time goes on, most of these students realize that the only reason for their dislike is because they are afraid of the unknowns here. When they finally realize that they are in control of their lives, it is then that they begin to develop a keen sense of responsibility. They start to see that it is imperative to get things done that they may have let slide before. Sometimes even their physical health can prompt them to accept some responsibility and take action to prevent problems. The students at the University of Michigan also seem to have no problem developing a sense .. .. ...... ...., - I -.. .,_ .3 most students seem to come to+ realize that they are not dumb either and achieve confidence in the things they undertake. But perhaps the mostr valuable facet of an education1 here at the University of Michigan is the development,1 through dealing and finding: solutions to everyday problems,j of an attitude that will help each student get through the toughi times by allowing him to see. things in their true perspective. The leading cause of depressions in college students is thee misconception of the severity of one's problems. It is through learning to see through the Apologize. To The Daily: I am writing in regard to the letters published on February 11 (Daily, 2/11/87) regarding the behavior of a "select group" of protesters who displayed their displeasure with the visit difficult times that a person can truly do well on the outside,, world, for if he lets too many problems get him down, he will most likely let it happen once he gets out of Ann Arbor also. An education from the University of Michigan is certainly one of the best in the nation. The academics are top notch in many departments. But, it is through facing and overcoming the everyday problems and pressures that students can truly say they are educated. -Mark Douglas Siddall 4 February 5 for eggs * apology to former President Ford. If the beliefs of any group, conservative, liberal, or radical, K are to be taken seriously, we must prove that our viewpoints are made on mature decisions. The throwing of eggs only rr.I n *W I - - . -