the hopped-up psychopath in Blue Vel- vet. Lynch just assumed that Hopper was still, you know, Hopper. Still clutching the gun under his pillow. The public doesn't know what to think either. This is the former juvenile actor from the '50s who was black- balled from movies, then made a come- back and a fortune directing and co- starring in Easy Rider, right after which he went to Peru to make The Last Movie, with peyote stoking the fires and everyone there to record the joyride. Life's 1970 cover story began, "Furor trails him like a pet anaconda. At 34, he is known in Hollywood as a sullen renegade who talks revolution, settles arguments with karate, goes to bed with groups and has taken trips on everything you can swallow or shoot." From there it only gets more colorful. Hopper hastily writes a letter to Variety, protesting that the only thing he ever shot up in his life was vitamin B-12. The Last Movie flops, and for years he works only sporadically, and only once again as a director, taking over in mid- shoot Out of the Blue, a 1980 father- daughter drama. When we see him in a couple of Francis Coppola movies, Apocalypse Now and Rumble Fish, he looks like a human train wreck. The popular image of Hopper con- ceals another person, however, a person with some very serious views on art. Easy Rider, for instance, may now be laughed off as a period piece, but it real- ly does detail its era, and does so with gothic perfection. The hilarious stoned rap about spaceships was not an impro- visation by Jack Nicholson, but a scene written by Dennis Hopper. And how many know that the type- cast wreckage seen in Apocalypse Now flew from that movie's Philippines set to the German set of Wim Wenders's The American Friendto playjust a day later, someone entirely different? Suddenly, in 1986 and '87, he is the hardest working man in show business, with seven releases in little more than ten months, including December's Hoosiers and February's triple feature: Black Widow, Straight to Hell, and River's Edge. Of course, it all started last fall with Blue Velvet. As Frank Booth, inhaling on a gas mask as he sexually mauls Isabella Rossellini, Hopper was so damn vile and violent that just by the force of his voice and the threat of his suddenness he made the moviegoer sink down into his seat. A few actors asked for the terrible role, including, most improbably, sing- er Bobby Vinton, who had a hit with "Blue Velvet" in 1962. But it was Den- nis Hopper who brought Frank Booth to skin-crawling life. "He had been on earlier lists," admits director David Lynch, "but because of his reputation, I 16 Ampersand's Entertainment Guide never really thought about him. But stars Robert Duvall, Sean Penn and when I heard that he had cleaned up his Maria Conchita Alonso and is sched- act, I got real excited. His manager uled to start shooting in February, a full said, 'Look, please talk to the producers Hollywood production with an all who have worked with him recently, union crew. And Hopper is to be ush- they'll tell you he's fantastic. Then ered, finally, into the Director's Guild. Dennis called up and said, 'I've got to The outsider is coming in from the cold. play this part, David, because I am "He's probably in a very good frame Frank.' He has so much power, and he of mind to direct now," offers Toback. has a quality like Jack Nicholson has- "There's a point beyond which it be- that is, you can't stop watching the guy." comes clear that every act might be your last. I think that he already feels that O DO WHAT HE'S been doing, he's living on borrowed time. There the actor has to cut a deal with were X-number of occasions when he his vanity. In River's Edge he could just as well have died as lived. 'All is a biker who talks romanti- of a sudden you get a chance to direct a cally of the woman he killed, sells dope movie again, and it's a gift." to kids, keeps house with an inflatable doll. In Hoosiers he is a former small- 'M DOING THESE ROLES Sober," re- town basketball star who has become a ports a very sober Dennis Hopper. town drunk. In all three movies, he gets "I used to joke and say I was going little opportunity to say "Hey, it's only to write a book on The Six Drugs me here, Mr. Wonderful, the guy you and How to Use Them in Acting. I know and love." would drink if that would help me with We shall draw the curtain of charity a scene, I would take cocaine." over his role in Texas Chainsaw Massa- His eyes are clear and level. "I have cre Part 2. But in this summer's James no problem," he hastens to add, "reach- Toback picture, The Pick-Up Artist, ing the emotional depths without any Hopper plays Molly Ringwald's fa- artificial help. I fell back on my train- ther, an alcoholic gambler. There's ing: Strasberg, emotional memory." something hypnotic, something en- Hopper's health is reassuring. I first trancing about seeing this old dude try met him four years ago on the set of on these motley suits of clothes and Osterman Weekend. A strong dramatic stomp around the 50-foot screen. current ran through that set because it Director Toback thinks Hopper's marked the return of Sam Peckinpah chief asset is that he sees the humor in after many years battling heart ail- everything: "He's one of the few people ments, movie woes and the bottle. Hop- who has gone through those programs per had known him since 1958 when and has cleaned out his system internal- Peckinpah directed the young actor for ly and externally, and yet he is not at all the TV show, The Rifleman. In his a prosyletizer or a voice of doom. Which dressing room he was pale and thin, is frequently the case with former de- with his shoulders hunched up sorrow- generates who have reformed. fully. Reflecting on Peckinpah, Hopper Another twist in the plot for Hopper offered the doleful warning that al- in jobs like River's Edge and The Pick- though a director may be surrounded Up Artist is that young actors regard by people, he is still isolated and lonely, him as an eminence grise, a hipster an artist-hermit. The actor went on pathfinder. "He's a good spirit to hang preparing for his scene with a beer and around on the set," Toback says. a joint. He was a devoutly thoughtful Hopper's gamble on rough roles has fellow, ready to analyze anything, but already paid off. The National Society his condition did seem shaky. of Film Critics and the Los Angeles You can see the same hunched-shoul- Film Critics thought well enough of his der posture in Hoosiers, but in person uncorked portrayals to award him their Hopper is more solid. He carries a little citations as Best Supporting Actor of more weight now, and it agrees with 1986 for Blue Velvet and Hoosiers. And him. An executive-strength forehead the Golden Globe voters have nominat- looms over a craggy brow and a noble ed him as well. While there is also plen- nose. He has a strong chin and a deli- tiful talk about an Oscar nomination, it cate mouth, and the years and the is likely that the Academy will be split graying hair have rewarded his face between the two very different pictures. with a fine prairie dignity. Whatever happens, it is already clear His house is a Frank Gehry-de- that the renegade has been tenderly signed cube set down in the seedier clasped to Hollywood's bosom-for fringes of the Los Angeles beach town, maybe the very first time in his long life. Venice. Inside the cube is an angular It was even announced at the turn of blend of styles. Industrial-looking the year that, after far too long a wait- planes of gray walls and glass are set off ing period, he was to return to the direc- by a bare lumber staircase. Film maga- tor's chair. The movie, a police-vs.- zines and scripts are piled up on ancient gangs drama for Orion called Colors, wood tables, and everywhere you look