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Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom
Code debate brews
First in a three-part series.
.Why Code?
Despite a virtual disappearance of
campus protest against the University's
proposed code of non-academic conduct,
the code is far from dead. This
controversial issue will likely be acted
upon before the summer's end, predict
those active in the code process.
The code - a set of rules to govern
student behavior outside the classroom -
has pitted students against administrators
for at least 15 years. But if you ask
students to describe this ominous code,
many probably could not come up with a
clear answer.
ALTHOUGH the Michigan Student
Assembly has attempted to raise student
concern about a code, it is widely
publicized only during the MSA
elections. The spring rallies and protests
in the Diag have died down, and it is rare
to see the "NO CODE" stickers that once
covered the campus.
Student protest has so far blocked
enaction of a code, and many see
continued dissent as the only way left to
battle its passage.
A code would create a judicial system
within the University to regulate student
behavior. The greatest source of
controversy is that the University could
then use the leverage of academic
penalties for "crimes" committed outside
the classroom.
STUDENTS who actively oppose
the code say using academic sanctions,
such as expulsion or suspension, will
repress student rights.
Administrators say the U.S. civil court
system does not provide adequate
protection from destructive students, and
that academic sanctions are needed to
control unwanted behavior. Currently the
tnder sI
University reserves only the right to kick
students out of University housing, but
not out of the University without a
Presidential order.
"With a code, many would probably be
afraid to protest because it could end up
on their transcipts, their future," said Ken
Weine, a member of MSA's Student
Rights Committee.
"With the civil court system, the
worst that can happen is that I will be
arrested, and fined or forced to do
voluntary service," he said.
FOR years, a core of determined
students have waged a war against what
they see as the administration's attempt
to control student behavior.
They are also fighting increasing
student ignorance about the code, and are
trying to revive student concern for an
issue they see as crucial to student
Those who have taken part in the code
debate fear that student silence will signal
acceptance, and the University
administration will approve their version
of a code.
Much of the code controversy
See STUDENTS, Page 2
State rep. plans
racism hearing
From staff and wire reports
State Representative Morris Hood (D-Detroit) will
bring a legislative panel to the University to hold a
special hearing on racism this Thursday.
Hood has been openly critical of the racist incidents
which have occured here lately as well as the failure of
the University to reach the ten percent black student
enrollement it promised to reach by 1974.
UNIVERSITY students, faculty, and staff will
speak about racism at the hearing which will be held in
the Anderson Room of the Michigan Union at 1 p.m.
Hood announced the hearing last week in response
to recent racist incidents, including the airing of racist
jokes on a WJJX program' which reached state
The representative said he has received calls from
University students as well as students from other
Michigan colleges expressing concern about racial
problems on campuses.
"As long as (students) are being threatened, I don't
think a student can do the best they can in the
classroom," Hood said.
H O O D heads the House Appropriations
subcommittee on higher education, which determines ,
how much money the University receives from the
state government. But Hood said he would not punish
the University by withholding funds because-this
would hurt students too.
Gov. James Blanchard supports the hearing. "Racial
incidents at any; public institution are a cause for
concern," Blanchard said Wednesday. "We will not
tolerate any form of racism in Michigan and every
effort will be made to keep incidents such as the one at
the (campus) radio station from occurring again."
Richard Kennedy, the University's vice president for
government relations, said recent publicity on racism,
and coverage of Hood's hearing may hurt recruitment of
black students.
KENNEDY said, "Creating the impression there is
some massive racist environment here - that's hardly
conducive to a young person who is trying to decide
where to go to college."
See STATE, page 3
Crime increase
Ann Arbor's crime rate jumped
17 percent in 1986, making
prevention of violent and property
crimes a major issue in next
month's mayoral election.
The number of robberies shot up
53 percent last year while rapes
increased by 27 percent, according
to the Ann Arbor Police
Department's annual report on
T H E report, which will be
presented to the city council
tonight, shows increases in all
major crimes except murders, which
fell from four to three. It does not
break down which neighborhoods
are most susceptible to crime
because the police lack the
necessary computer analysis
capability, said Patrol Division
Commander Walter Lunsford.
But Lunsord said his "general
impression" is that more property
crimes occur in off-campus areas
because many students don't lock
their doors. Reports of violent
crimes like rape, he said, are no
more common off-campus than
they are throughout the city.
City Councilmember Gerald
Jernigan (R-Fourth Ward), who is
running for mayor, blamed the
crime increase on incumbent Mayor
Ed Pierce and other city council
Democrats. "I don't think Pierce is
putting enough priority on crime
issues," Jernigan said. "A safe city
is worth spending a little money
JERNIGAN said the council
should add more police officers to
the city budget, and he promised to
establish a crime task force
composed of citizen groups and
crime experts if elected mayor.
Pierce also pledged to establish a
task force if he is re-elected. "I have
to find out if there are solutions to
the crime rate. I need help finding
out," he said in a recent interview.
"Citizens don't like having their
homes broken into."
Pierce added that he regrets not
See CITY, Page 3
Greeks to
The University's Greek system
will make its final appeal to the
Ann Arbor City Council tonight to
prevent rezoning of 40 lots in
North Burns Park, but the council
appears likely to approve the
controversial proposal.
According to Mary Beth Seiler,
advisor to the PanHellenic
association, more than. 100
fraternity and sororiety members
will argue against the proposal at a
public hearing at 7:30 in the city
council chambers.
The proposal would change city
zoning laws to forbid group
housing in the area south of Hill
St. and west of Washtenaw Avenue,
See COUNCIL, Page 3
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
The shanty, built by members of Free South Africa Coordinating Committee to protest
apartheid, was torn down twice by vandals during Spring Break. After the first attack,
FSACC members rebuilt the shanty Wednesday, but it was wrecked again Friday.
in Mexico
Special to the Daily
290 sun-starved University students
Spring Break meant journeying here
in search of warmth, waves, and
fun. Most found all three, but also
discovered a disturbing degree of
poverty which some students said
began to wear on their compassion.
Babies lying naked on filthy
sidewalks, children begging for
money, old women desperately
trying to sell cheap trinkets - this
r was not the Acapulco most students
Many students were surprised at
the depth of poverty, and reactions
ranged from sympathy to disgust.
LSA freshman Wendy Brenner said,
"We're so naive in America, we
don't realize how poor some people
really are."
Lydia Grand, an LSA
sophomore, felt both. "On the one
hand, you feel bad for them. On the
other hand, they drive you crazy.
'U' profs surprised by critical
tone of Tower panel report
The Tower commission report on the Iran arms
scandal was surprisingly hard-hitting, thorough, and
damning, say University political science experts.
President Ronald Reagan appointed the three-
member panel, headed by former Republican Sen.
John Tower, to examine his administration's handling
of the affair.
THE report, released Thursday, criticized Reagan
for failing to ride herd over a staff which kept him
The report was a "devastating indictment of the
administration, Reagan's management style, and the
people around him," said Prof. John Kingdon. "When
a President appoints a commission like this, you
expect them not to say things that are critical."
Prof. Raymond Tanter, a former staff member of
Reagan's National Security Council, called the report
"damning, but not as hard as I would have been. The
analytic conclusions could have been tougher about
the President's irresponsibility."
THE commission concluded that the laid-back
style of the President puts a burden on his staff to
keep him informed. "The Tower Commission put
more blame on the staff, and I put more blame on the
President," Tanter said. The President has to get more
involved in the workings of his administration, he
Tanter suspected the Reagan's policy will become
more moderate as he tries to recover from his
weakened position. Protectionist legislation,
concessions on the Strategic Defense Initiative, and a
less assertive foreign policy may result.
Prof. Michel Oksenberg thinks the President's
policies may also become more moderate as Howard
See PROFS, Page 5
Panel investigates
WJJX broadcast
A special fact-finding panel will
investigate the airing of racist jokes
over campus radio station WJJX.
The panel was appointed by the
University Vice President for
Student Services on Feb. 20.
More than 30 students protested
at the radio station on Feb. 18, and
played a tape of a Feb. 4 program
to Henry Johnson, the vice
president for student services, and
the University's Board of Regents.
Tnhnen rn rine, A i ha rn Aine tnti n
Government funding of Contra
television ads oversteps federal
John Hughes churns out yet
another teen film, Some Kind of
Wonderful, but this time it's
ARTS, Page 7