Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom
City picks Students
primary confront'U'
candidates on racism
By JERRY MARKON By EUGENE PAK black students. In January, the flier
Ann Arbor voters chose two Republicans and one At a special meeting yesterday, a was slipped under the door of a
Democrat in yesterday's primary elections, but
Democrats seem likely to retain control of the council in group of students and local residents Couzens lounge where a group of
thegenral seectins tis Arannil.demanded University officials take a black women were meeting.
Athe general electionsthis April. stronger stand against racism. Citing racist events in Forsyth
Although Fourth Ward Republican candidate Jerry Twenty one students and two county, Georgia, Howard Beach,
Schleicher will be a heavy favorite in the April election, community members met with New York, and at the University,
;Fifth Ward Republican Phil Spear is unlikely to unseatcomnt mebrmtwih NwYkadtteUivsty
Democratic Rncubentanhyp ears ue ntlystInterim University President James Ransby emphasized that the
Democratic incumbent Kathy Edgren. Currently, Duderstadt and Assistant Vice Couzens flier was not an isolated
Democrats control the council with a 7-4 majority. President for Academic Affairs incident.
In the First Ward, which traditionally votes Robert Holmes yesterday in the Holmes pointed out that
Democratic, Rev. Ann Marie Coleman should easily Roer F lm esg estrda y in Couens building director Paul
defeat Republican Ron Witchie. Coleman yesterday Th $, Fleming Administration Building. McNauhton and the Housing
defeated Robert Elton by a 527-3 18 margin, according to N The group, an ad hoc committee McaghtnadteHuig
unffialtllies.b Wtchie, ha s ld a in A n Arbohto bagainst racism, asked for expansion Division distributed letters
unofficial tallies. Witchie, who has lived Ann Arbor Dily Photo by SCOTT uTUCHY of University's minority services criticizing the incident, however,
for only six months, received 88 votes in an uncontested Interim University President James Duderstadt and University students discuss racial and programs, and an official students still felt the central
race. problems and their possible solutions yesterday in the Regents' room. The students condemnation and investigation of a administration is not taking an
See VOTERS, PAGE 3 demand an official condemnation of the racist flier found at Couzens Hall. flier declaring "hunting season" on See DUDERSTADT, Page 2
Report proposes changes for graduate aid
A final report on financial aid for
graduate students is drawing the
attention of University admini-
strators to the plight of the current
aid system.
Called "a stunningly impressive
report - comprehensive, solid, and
very thoughtful," by John D'Arms,
dean of the Rackham graduate
school, the report by the Task
Force on Graduate Financial Aid
criticizes the aid packages doled out
by the University as well as the
lack of communication between
graduate schools.
The task force was created in
November 1985 by then-University
Vice President Billy Frye to study
the distribution of financial aid to
graduate and professional students
and recommend changes.
The "Cross Report," named for
task force chair John Cross, an
economics professor, recommends
an infusion of $4.5 million into the
aid program, $3.2 million of which
would fund additional graduate
fellowships. According to D'Arms,
this money would come from a 1
percent departmental budget cut
made to transfer money the
University's general fund.
One of the most striking
recommendations of the report,
released Dec. 3, is a proposal to
equalize tuition rates for resident
and non-resident graduate students.
According to the report, "The
University of Michigan charges the
highest graduate level tuition of any
publicly supported University in-
the nation." If implemented, the
report would have all graduate
students paying out-of-state tuition.
"Politically, that's a highly
sensitive issue," said D'Arms.
"There isn't any likelihood that
that's going to be moved on very
THE THREAT of the Uni-
versity losing its national
prominence in the future, because it
isn't offering adequate aid, was also
a major concern of the task force.
The report also criticized the way
financial aid is managed, saying I
distribution must be centralized.i
The report calls for a central
database to provide information on
student financial need.
"Our mechanisms for managing
and distributing financial aid lack
coherence and consistency," the
report says, adding that information
services are in a "state of chaos."
The report also criticizes the
amount and duration of current aid
packages. In addition to not
providing enough fellowships, the
task force said the length of aid is
inferior to aid given by competing
"The major difference with some
of the better endowed institutions is
their long-term (financial) support,"
said D'Arms. "We haven't been
willing and able to commit long
term packages."
Because of the national
reputation of the University's law
and medical schools, they are not
forced to use aid as a recruitment
See REPORT, Page 2
American Cu
The American Culture program has
implemented a new concentration plan
beginning this semester so that its students can
have both more structure and more flexibility in
their studies.
The interdisciplinary program will now offer
six pre-designed concentration tracks in addition
to the old option of a self-designed track.
The six new tracks cover: Arts and Media,
British and American Studies, Minority
} Studies, Intellectual History and Literature,
Latino Studies, and Society and Politics.
Students who choose their own track are
required to write a senior thesis, as well as
fulfill the prerequisites.
Each track has specific requirements, and
students must take courses outside of the
American Cultures program to fulfill these
ture changes Y
requirements. For example, students following
the British and American Studies track must
take a course on British History since 1688 in
LSA's History Department.
All American Cultures students are required
to take History 160 and 161, which cover
American history, and either a course on ethnic
or minority studies or women's studies. Each
track, including prerequisites, totals between 41
and 44 credits.
Requirements or cognate classes may be
taken in colleges besides LSA.
"WE FEEL that this new plan will give
more structure to our students and bring more
faculty in as advisors," said American Culture
Director James McIntosh. Each student in the
program must meet with a concentration
advisor for their chosen track.
There are currently 30 undergraduates in the
American Culture concentration, 10-12 faculty
members, and about 45 graduate students who
also serve as teaching assistants and advisors.
This ratio gives the students individual
attention that they feel is lacking in other
"I've had lectures with 400-500 people in
them. It makes you feel like a little fish in a
very large fish tank," said American Culture
Senior Michael Gan.
Laura Wendorff, a graduate student in the
program, is excited by the new track system
because she says it allows for creative and
innovative work and allows students to pursue
their own concentrations.
"The (track system) synthesizes many
different things and makes you look at subjects
from different viewpoints so the classes bring
Protesters to appeal
'guilty' verdict
Most of the 108 protesters found
guilty of trespassing at U.S. Rep.
Carl Pursell's office will appeal the
court's decision, according to
defendant Siri Striar. The defendants
have until April 24 to file an
The main basis for an appeal is
the judge's refusal to admit
testimony regarding the reasons for
the protests, said Defense Attorney
Eric Lipson. Fifteenth District
Court Judge George Alexander felt
this evidence did not directly apply
to the case, and his decision was
upheld during an earlier appeal.
An appeal may also be filed
because defendants felt the judge
held biases. "The judge was biased.
He really acted like a prosecutor,"
said defendant Randi Metsch, a
graduate student.
Also, appeals may be filed based
on evidentiary rulings made by
Alexander during the trial or on the
jury instructions he gave before the
jury began deliberations.
Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Right twice a day
LSA junior Jim Stockman checks his watch against the Burton Memorial
Tower clock. An electrical failure froze "Big Burt" at five past nine, ac-
cording to Building Maintenance Supervisor Robert Leighton.
Each weekday afternoon a
satellite dish on top of the Modern
Languages Building catches and
broadcasts live Soviet television
Last Monday the 16 foot-wide
red antenna began tracking Soviet
television satellites that relay news
picks up
Russian and Eastern European
Studies major, said, "I should be
very interested in the satellite, but
nobody's saying look at the neat
system, use the neat system."
The dish was supposed to
become operational Nov. 1, but
difficulties focusing on the Soviet
signals caused the delay.
Soviet TV
many potential uses. "The material
will make it easier to acquire
Russian linguistic skills and will
be a great help to people in Soviet
area studies and those interested in
contemporary Soviet life."
Another committee member,
Political Science Prof. Matthew
Evangelista, said the dish will help
students in his Soviet media course
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