U U A- a What's Up Doc? Here are some facts from our doctor's corner related to alcohol use in America that may surprise you. - In 1983, alcoholism and alcohol abuse cost the nation an estimated $116.7 bil- lion in health care, lost work time and insurance. e In 1985, there were approximately 7.3 million male and 3.3 million female al- coholics in the United States. " Alcohol-related highway deaths are the No. 1 killer of 16- to 24-year-olds. More than half of the 43,800 highway deaths in 1985 were alcohol-related. In 1985, more than 55 percent of auto fatalities in Washtenaw County were alcohol- related. " In 1984, 92.6 percent of high school seniors said they had tried alcohol; 39 percent said they participated in binge drinking (more than five drinks in a row); 5 percent said they drank alco- hol on a daily basis. " The average age kids begin to drink is 13 (a truly unlucky number). " Non-auto accidents involving alcohol claim more than 25,000 lives each year. Up to 40 percent of industrial ac- cident deaths are alcohol-related; up to 68 percent of drowning deaths, 70 percent of all falls and half of all fire deaths are tied to alcohol use. " More than 3,000 babies are born an- nually with severe birth defects associ- ated with maternal drinking during pregnancy. w- McAuley Referral Line If you need a family doctor, a spe- cialist or information on any of the Health Centers programs and ser- vices, call weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5pm 572-5500 T un UHealth Building on the Health Centers n pHuron River Drive campus. There will also be a one-mile walk for those who For crave the exercise but not the competi- tion. The health fair takes place on the same day inside Reichert Health Build- T U n .. ing and includes health care displays and screenings. Spring is just around the corner and Applications for the race will be avail- that means it's time for Catherine able in the next issue of Capsules in late McAuley Health Center's Third Annual April or you can check your local sport- Spring Tune-Up Run and Health Fair. ing goods stores beginning in March. Saturday, May 16 is the big day. There For more information on the run and will be an eight-kilometer (five-mile) health fair, please check off the appro- race that starts and finishes at Reichert priate box on the return mail card. e- a community health newsletter Vol. 5, No.1 Winter 1987 Help Yourself to Health Y ou're not feeling well. or we don't take You go to the doctor. * *four medications Your doctor prescribes a 0 " properly, we're set- medication to make you feel /ting ourselves up for better. Now, the $64,000 ques- those never-ending tion: How many times have colds. Good intentions you stopped taking the o earen't enough. We have to medication about three- ° v.take an active role if we quarters of the way want to be healthy through the bottle be- According to Dr. Carman, cause you started feeling one of the most common better? And how many occurances he sees are pa- times have you then tients who stop taking their gotten sick soon after? medications and don't Just about everyone inform their physician. has had one of those ill- "If patients stop taking nesses that doesn't seem their medications they to go away. But, in many should let their doctor cases, it's our own fault. know right away," Dr. Car- It's very convenient for us - man says. "Sometimes pa- to look to physicians for -. tients stop taking medica- the cure when we- tions because of its side the patients-should - - effects-which doesn't play a larger role in our own - _ ____ mean the patient is wrong- health. If we're to live long and healthy can do is maintain good health habits," but they should let their lives we need to be more responsible says Jack Carman, MD, chief of the medi- doctor know and perhaps something for our own health. cal staff at Catherine McAuley Health else can be prescribed." Center. "They should exercise regularly, Always know what medications Helping your doctor eat correctly, avoid smoking and they you're taking and their dosage. And make you well shouldn't drink alcohol in excess. carry them with you at all times-in a Perhaps we don't take our prescrip- "Much of the disease I see is directly wallet or purse-in case of an tions the way we were told, perhaps we related to poor health habits. Prevention emergency. don't exercise regularly, perhaps we is more important than treatment." Regular visits to your doctor are very don't go in for regular check-ups or per- important also. Of course, the definition " haps we just didn't understand what the Intention is not health of regular depends on your age and doctor said in the first place. There are a prevention general well-being, but check-ups help lot of reasons why we get sick and why The road to hell is paved with good physicians recognize a small problem we don't get well as quickly as we'd like. intentions. So is the road to heart attacks before it becomes a major one. Cdherire ArAule III ..y HealthCener Sponsored by the Religious Ssters of Mercy founded in 1831 by Catherine McAuley 5301 East Huron River Drive P.O or. n g Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106 POSTAL CUSTOMER Please share this copy with a friend. But getting over an illness and not getting the illness in the first place are things we can control just as much-if not more -than physicians. We also need to learn more about how to help our doctor make us well. "The most important thing people and strokes and ... Of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States, eight are related to lifestyle. When we don't exercise regularly and we smoke cigarettes, we're increasing our chances for lung cancer and heart disease. When we don't make regular visits to the doctor Be a smart patient Has your doctor ever given you a di- agnosis that you didn't understand but you were too embarrassed to ask what that diagnosis means? That should never happen! Don't be afraid or embarrassed Continued on next page