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January 09, 1987 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-09

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nty -svnttoa fredl
Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVII -No. 71

Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 9, 1987

Bodies flew, whistles blew, Bill
Frieder fumed, and the fans hooted
at the referees.
December's pansies are dead, but
Big Ten basketball is back at
Crisler Arena. And though the big
front line is gone and the three-
point line is here, the Big Ten is as
tough as ever.
Michigan defeated the Ohio State
Buckeyes 107-92 last night in a
game that was much closer than the
final score would indicate.
"You gotta give Ohio State
credit," said Michigan head coach
Bill Frieder. "They just scrapped
and clawed and hung in there."
BUCKEYE head coach Gary
Williams said the game was won Uni
because Michigan "came out Dep
hungrier than us." buil
With a little more than 1:30 left
in the game, the Wolverines had a
fairly comfortable 96-84 lead.
But a three-point shot by Dennis
Hopson followed by a steal and a
layup by Jay Burson left the WA
Buckeyes behind only 96-89. Reagan
Another Hopson three-pointer hostag
pulled Ohio State to within 98-92, authori
but a chance to further cut the lead Januar
failed with Hopson's miss of would
another three-point attempt. The
"They were prayer shots, now, said th
let's face it," said Williams. "We with tl
were doing some things out of releast
desperation." networ
ANTOINE Joubert rebounded An
Hopson's miss, and then was fouled presid
Iran ar
See BLUE, Page 10 questi

Twelve Pages
at protest
Baker, Weisb rot
hold armory sit-in

Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
versity graduate students Mark Weisbrot, left, and Dean Baker, center, are led to the Ann Arbor Police
t. Station shortly after their arrest yesterday. The two had refused to leave the National Guard Armory
ding across the street.
mnate:" Reagan knew oftrade

Former Democratic congress-
ional candidate Dean Baker and his
campaign manager Mark Weisbrot
were arrested for trespassing
yesterday in a demonstration at the
Army National Guard Armory. The
demonstration was organized by the
Latin American Solidarity
Committee to protest United States
intervention in Central America,
particularly in El Salvador and
Prior to his arrest, Baker said the
National Guard was targeted
"because of their past involvement
and possible future involvement" in
Central America. He said
yesterday's demonstration is likely
to be the first of a series, similar to
the continuing protests at the South
African Embassy in Washington.
"We'll probably be back here
next week," Baker said, and he
predicted that protests would
continue into the near future.
"Something like this is essential to
call attention to the situation," he
B A K E R and Weisbrot are
economics graduate students at the

The two were among
approximately 20 protesters who
gathered at the corner of 5th and
Ann streets. Some went into the
Armory while others stood outside
with signs. Inside, Staff Sgt.
Hoffman asked the protesters to
leave, saying, "this is not a public
building, it is a military
The protesters stayed and more
came in. After further warnings,
Hoffman called the police.
T H E demonstrators in the
building were read the Trespass Act
and advised to leave. Ann Arbor
Police Sgt. Gary Geer told them,
"If you folks are bent on getting
arrested, that's what we'll do." By
the time more officers arrived only
Weisbrot and Baker remained.
The two were searched,
handcuffed, and led across the street
to the Police Station. As the police
entourage walked across the street,
demonstrators followed chanting,
"The National Guard has gone too
A leaflet, quoting LASC
organizer Phillis Englebert said,
"Reagan's use of the National

SHINGTON (AP) - Contrary to President
n's assertion that he was not swapping arms for
es, a Senate committee report says Reagan
ized resumption of arms shipments to Iran last
y with the understanding all U. S. hostages
be released, NBC News reported yesterday.
report by the Senate Intelligence Committee
e president gave his approval in January 1986
he understanding that if the hostages were not
ed, there would be no more shipments, the
rk reported.
d while the report found no evidence the
ent knew about the diversion of money from
ms sales to Nicaragua's Contra rebels, it raised
ons about the roles of key administration

For example, the report was critical of CIA
DirectorWilliam Casey, saying he had been less than
candid with the Intelligence Committee when he
appeared before the panel last November. The report
indicates Casey had been aware of the possibility of
the funds diversion as early as Oct. 7, 1986, several
days earlier than he had contended, NBC said.
The report never established how much if any
money was actually diverted from the arms sales to
the Contras or whether Lt. Col. Oliver North, the
White House aide who was the purported engineer for
the-iversion, was acting alone or with orders from
above, NBC said.

Fraternity tries
to reorganize after
troubled past

The national alumni board of Phi Sigma
Kappa fraternity has announced plans to
revitalize its University chapter after the
fraternity's charter was suspended in May.
According to Tom Franks, an active
member, the fraternity is hoping to acquire
up to 40 new members during rush, which
begins Wednesday Jan. 14.
Anthony Fusaro, the fraternity alumni
board's president, suspended the chapter's
charter May 15, after the fraternity became
heavily indebted to its alumni association
amid frequent noise and nuisance
complaints from neighbors. All chapter
offices were revoked and and several active
members were put on alumni status.
Active members were then asked to fill
out an application for reactivation and were
interviewed by the chapter alumni
Currently there are only six active
members. Two pledges will become active
upon initiation this weekend.
To aid them in rush this term the
fraternity will bring in alumni and
members from other chapters, including
those at Eastern Michigan University,
Ferris State College, and Central Michigan
"We have done about 10 of these
reorganizations," said Tom Recker, a Phi
Sigma Kappa alumnus. "And none of them

have ever failed."
Franks said interviews were conducted
over the summer. Members were asked
general questions about their thoughts on
friendship, brotherhood and the things they
did around the house.
Last year, a group of neighbors banded
together to try and resolve their problems
with the fratermity by working with alumni
and officers.
According to neighbor David Share, the
fratermity's problems included loud music,
firecrackers, and yelling obscenities late at
night. Share said the behavior became more
intentional and inflamatory after neighbors
Since the reorganization began, the
members have tried to be more considerate,
Share said. "In the fall they notified us
beforehand when they were going to have a
party," he said. "It seems like there has
been a sincere effort made."
Share said he hopes the fraternity will
be able to recruit people who realize the
neighborhood is a family community. "It
is a home and they should be respectful of
that," said Share.
Franks said some of the members who
were given alumni status were those who
did not show a true committment to the
organization. Others had a history of being
destructive to both the house and other

Local group
offers training
. .
n agriculture
to Nicaragua
Fifteen local residents and students will travel to
Managua, Nicaragua next Monday on a political and
ecological mission.
Members of AMISTAD (Ann Arbor-Managua
Initiative for Soil Testing and Development) will
help improve Nicaraguan farming methods by
constructing a 5,400-foot laboratory and educational
complex. The laboratory will be designed for testing
soil and water, whilethe school will train Nicaraguan
farmers, technicians, and agricultural students.
THE project is scheduled to be completed in six
months. Another 10-15 AMISTAD members will
join the others in the next few weeks.
The main goals of AMISTAD are political as well
as humanitarian. Through helping the Nicaraguans
establish a prosperous, independent agricultural
system, AMISTAD members aim at supporting the
Sandinista government.
The facility symbolizes the members' opposition
to the Reagan Administration's funding of the contra
rebels. "It is a political statement showing that the
U.S. can't decide the destinies of the countries in
Central America," said LSA senior Marian Milbauer.
THOUGH AMISTAD members espouse diverse
academic interests and individual skills, they all share
a feeling of world responsibility. Michael
Fitzgibbons, a University graduate and media
specialist, said he will go to Nicaragua because,
"Since I was young, I realized the large difference in
See ANN ARBOR, Page 5
AMISTAD: Opinion supports Michigan's first
construction brigade which will build a soil
testing institute in Nicaragua. See Page 4.
ASCENSION: Arts previews the Nationd Theatre
of Great Britain's workshop/production of
Shakespeare's Richard II. See Page 7.
HOME COOKING: Sports previews the Michigan
hockey team's efforts to give UIC upset
stomachs. See Page 12.
WEATHER: Mostly cloudy with a high near 35.

Jake on the Move
Shakey Jake Woods, Ann Arbor personality and Music Mart employee,
assists in loading the store's merchandise into moving vans. The store is
moving to a new location.

Twilight Zone
cientists astonished by the discovery of the
largest structures seen in the universe say they are
having nightmares trying to explain the "incredibly
unusual" glowing blue arches in space. "It looks
like God created something like a long (curving)
rope, cut it into simple pieces, took out all the
complexities, and plopped it up into the sky," said
Stanford University astronomy chairman Vahe
Petrosian. He and Roger Lynds of the Kitt Peak

National Observatory in Arizona announced the
discovery of the three concave arcs Wednesday at the
American Astronomical Society's annual meeting.
The arcs are estimated to be 1.9 million trillion
miles long, said Lynds. That's more than three
times the diameter of the entire Milky Way. They
glow with the luminosity of "hundreds of billions
of suns," Petrosian said. "The best guess is they are
(curving lines of) stars formed by a new mechanism
which we don't understand yet," Petrosian said. He
said trying to explain how the arcs were formed
"gives theorists nightmares." The arcs are 19
billion trillion miles from Earth, curving through
galaxy clusters named Abell 370, Abell 2218, and
2242-02. The National Optical Astronomy
Observatories, which operates Kitt Peak, said the
arcs are "the largest optically visible structures yet

observed in the universe."
Stay tuned
W eekend Magazine, a regular feature in the
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY


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