4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The Michigan Daily 4 1 jer 5t4ii4anlsatlu Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Work to defeat Vol. XCVII, No.93 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Racism in America IN A SPEECH LAST FRIDAY, Assistant Attorney General William Bradford Reynolds denied that there is increasing racial violence and tension in this country. Reynolds called the recent racist attacks in Howard Beach and Forsyth County, Georgia, isolated incidents. He attributed such 'aberrations' to a breakdown of public education and family values. With these-comments, Reynolds has rivalled the achievements of his boss Ed Meese in terms of fictional analysis and distorted interpretation. Figures from Reynolds' own agency report 276 racial incidents last year compared to 99 in 1980 (the Justice Department's Community Relations Service). The recent racial attacks are not isolated occurrences. They are only dramatic - read "newsworthy" - indications of the vast and growing racial injustice in this country. Such tragedies cannot be dismissed with platitudes about 'exceptional cases' and 'the breakdown of public education and family values.' They deserve and demand more thoughtful analysis. Reynolds' "isolated incident theory" will probably meet with widespread acceptance coriering the popular myth that "the racial problem" has been solved in this country. Many people harbor the comforting delusion that racial injustice was nearly eradicated by the Civil Rights Movement. Unfortunately, this belief has no basis in reality. The Civil Rights Movement won some significant political changes but did not ease the economic plight of American blacks. Racism is, in part, produced and reinforced by economic inequality. Thus, racism against blacks will never be -ase of the Howard Beach "incident," deterioration of cities and accelerating concentration of blacks in urban areas has caused increased pressure for racial integration of traditionally white neighborhoods. This has led to increased racial tension with attempts, such as the Howard Beach attack, to preserve segregated color lines. Assistant Attorney General Reynolds and other government officials choose to ignore worsening economic conditions and their relationships to racism. Those who wish to affect racial equity and justice cannot afford to do likewise. eliminated without eliminating their economic oppression. Despite prevailing beliefs, the economic gap between blacks and whites has been growing in last two decades. In 1967, the median income for black families was 58.1 percent that of white families; by 1984, the percentage had dropped to 56.9 (Bureau of the Census). A relatively small number of blacks has benefitted from reforms like Affirmative Action and moved into better, more visible occupations; but the majority of the black community continues to live in poverty secluded from white America's vision. In 1984, the Bureau of Census reported that the majority, 51.1 percent, of black children under 6 years were living below the poverty line. This is the highest level recorded since the Bureau began reporting such a statistic in 1970. Clearly, conditions are deteriorating, not improving. And conditipps promise to get worse. W hie in 1977; college attendance rates, for blacks and white were nearly equal, due to cuts in student aid and other factors, a white person is now 45 percent more likely to reach college. Another discouraging and upsetting situation is endemic underemployment of young blacks: 43 percent of blacks between 16 and 19 years of age are unemployed, compared to 16 percent for whites. These are among the reasons one should not expect continuing growth of racial equity in the United States -racial equity has not been growing and, barring dramatic and significant change, will not do so in the immediate future. Several reports released recently, including one by the National Urban League, have documented the relationship between growing economic inequality and increasing racist attacks. Specifically in the By Marc Carrel There has been much anger on campus this past. week. Visible anger about the racist incidents that have occurred recently, both on campus and across the nation. Along with this anger has been frustration. Frustration on the part of concerned students that the University has not taken a stand on these incidents. This anger and frustration hit a peak on Friday with a rally on the Diag. A rally that focused on these recent incidents, and tried to release the anger and frustration to some extent. The rally spoke out against racism trying to elicit a response both on the part of students to act against it with forums and rallies, and on the part of the administration to take a stand on the recent racist acts on campus. Most notably the one in Couzens Hall. I am a resident of Couzens, and I live on the hall where the racist incident occurred almost two weeks ago: a racist flyer was put under the door of my hall's lounge while a group of black women were meeting there. This - incident was most likely unrelated to the other racial incidents around this campus in recent weeks. Unrelated on one level at least: it is unlikely that the perpetrators of all of the incidents were the same person or group. But on another level all of these racial incidents (the flyer in Couzens; violence Marc Carrel, a Couzens resident, is a Daily staff writer. against blacks on campus; Forsyth County, Georgia; Howard Beach, New York) are very much connected to each other. All of these incidents are related because the victims are the same. Some would say the victims are blacks, but that is only partially correct. For everyone is a victim as long as racial incidents, incidents of hatred and ignorance continue. Everyone is a victim as long as there are those that believe that someone doesn't deserve the same rights and privileges just because of the color of their skin. Everyone is a victim as long as there are people who decide that that they are better than another person just because of their family's ancestry. Everyone is a victim as long as people continue to sit idly by, ignoring these types of incidents and saying "It's not that bad, just forget about it," or "Don't take it personally, he's just joking." These incidents are not jokes, but rather harmful to our campus community. They cause a group to feel threatened by an unknown, which is worse than knowing who you are threatened by. The incident in Couzens was not known across campus until several days after it occurred. At first most people who had heard about it considered it a sick "joke" with serious racial overtones. And the person(s) who placed the flyer under the door wasn't known. But as time went on, the incident has become much more than just a sick "joke." It has become a cause, and the person(s) responsible, still unidentified, has become an enigma. racism The perpetrator will most likely never be conclusively identified. And that furthers his status as an enigma of racism. He represents the feelings many people have, that blacks are not on the same level as whites. And as long as he is unidentified strength will build from the other side, the side fighting against racists, to drown out their ideas bound in stereotypes, misinformation, and unsubstantiated myths. The enigma of racism on this campus can be destroyed if those opposed to it make themselves known, and speak up. One positive thing came about as a result of the Couzens incident. That is that the line of communication in Couzens Hall, between white residents and black residents was opened. Because of the incident, Couzens Hall' held two forums on racism for its residents. That has started something. There is now less animosity in our dorm, and more understanding. There is now less mystery, and more awareness. And as a result we stop being victims. Because of these, some campus-wide forums have been organized for this week. Forums designed to increase awareness, and promote understanding, both powerful weapons in the fight against racism. For racism is not a thing one can topple, but an idea one must erase. And it may be a slow process, but the outcome is worth the time and effort. Education is the key to stopping racism. And by us living and studying at 4 a respected university we are already halfway there. The other half is up to us, the victims, so that we will not be victims any longer. Lucas - - . SENDING A CAKE AND A BIBLE TO IRAN WASN'T SUCH AAP / IDEA B UT ./. 4 S f tea,- 0v QN I REALLY DON'T STHINK THAT THIS IS GONNA WORK. 7 I, owes "L_,_ Israeli arms deals LETTERS: Support Michigan's hockey team A is ,i EVERY YEAR ISRAEL RECEIVES billions in foreign aid from the United States. Israel is one of the United States' closest allies. One issue which has been commonly overlooked in Israel-U.S. relations is the willingness of Israel to implement American foreign policy uinitiatives. For example, Israel has contributed to the maintenance of aid to the Contras, perhaps most notably in conjunction with Iranian "moderates." Israel also sends arms to South Africa and advisors to help South African troops in Angola. Israel's willingness to trade with South Africa undermines the efforts of those fighting the Apartheid system. The relationship between Israel governments. The U.S. cut ties with the right-wing Pinochet regime of Chile because of human rights violations, yet Israel still sells arms there. Israel is by no means unique regarding selling arms to nations which its allies have condemned. France sells arms almost indis - criminately around the world. Israel was formed as a haven for Jews against world-wide racism which resulted in the death of millions during the holocaust. It is inappropriate for Israel to link itself to nations such as South Africa. It seems likely that United States is using Israel as a means to funnel arms to entities which are unpopular with the American public. If this is case, the United To The Daily: The screaming hoards shouting, "Let's go state! Let's go state!", would not have bothered me had I been in East Lansing. However, that I was at Yost Ice Arena in Ann Arbor attending January 24th's M.S.U. - U. of M. hockey game did disturb me. Though the Wolverines lost 2-1 to the defending national champion Spartans, they did play a hard fought match, and had, in fact, handily defeated the Spartans 8-2 the previous night in East Lansing, thus establishing what a little time and experience can do for a young talented hockey team. It puzzles me, therefore, that a university that can routinely fill a football stadium of over outnumber the maize and blue 3:1. This is an unfortunate situation, for why should fans of Wolverines hockey be made to feel like visitors in their own arena? Obviously, they shouldn't. Furthermore, the team deserves better treatment: In their last five games U. of M. has a record of 3-2 and have outscored their opponents 29- 14. Perhaps people can only derive enjoyment from coughing up $8 and getting a nosebleed in the high altitudes of Michigan Stadium. If not, then maybe some more people will take a $3 chance on the Wolverine hockey team and pay a visit to Yost Ice Arena where every seat is close to the action. Granted, there are no household names on tlhe hockey team like Jim Harbaugh or Jamie Morris. However, this may change, should Michigan studenis support the hockey team even'a fraction of the way the iceis support the university evefy time they take the ice proudfy wearing the maize and blue. -S. Ovar Stanchfieltd February 1 Reagan doesn't have to obey the majority To The Daily: Your editorial, "Abortion is Democratic," (Daily, 1/28/87) is a weak attempt to the support the pro-choice movement, it shows your indeed rule on this critical point. If, after electing a president, we find that we do not not with his views, the legislative branch of government exists to not agree with most of the president's views-I know I don't-but no one can deny him the right to make decisions as he sees fit as long as he stays within the bounds 4 k