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February 10, 1987 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1987-02-10

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Ninety-seven years of editorial freedom


The Ann Arbor City Council
unanimously agreed last night to
donate city land to provide an
affordable housing structure for
low-income city residents.
The proposal, passed over the
objections of one local business-
owner, was supported by several
other speakers at a sparsly-attended
public hearing.
Located on the 400 block of W.
Liberty, the 40-room building will
be constructed with donated labor
and financed by state and private
funding. It will be managed by the
Salvation Army.
City officials have been
searching for a low-cost housing
site since 1985, when the city
council's Affordable Housing Task
Force identified a "severe need need
for more housing affordable to low
and moderate-income people in Ann
Patricia Pooley, who owns a
nearby business on W. Liberty
Street, agreed that low-cost housing
is needed in Ann Arbor, but she
See CITY, Page 3


Beginning fall 1988, LSA
students who take four years of a
foreign language in high school
will have to take a placement test
to be exempt from the University's
language requirement.
The decision passed unani-
mously at the Literature, Science,
and the Arts faculty meeting
yesterday, after many faculty
members said students with high
school credit for a foreign language
are not as proficient as those who
take four semesters at the
The current rule, which has been
in effect since 1969, automatically
exempts students from the LSA
language requirement if they had a
C plus or better in their last two
years of a high school language.
FACULTY members have not
yet decided how to implement the

placement exam, but most say that
they will be on a level comparable
to the level of proficiency expected
after students complete their fourth
semester of language study at the
The new rule could cost the
University $300,000 to implement,
and LSA Dean Peter Steiner said
LSA would provide the necessary
The cost is derived from the
estimation that two-thirds of the
1500 LSA students exempted from
University foreign language re-
quirement each year will be unable
to pass the placement test.
According to LSA Associate
Dean for Budget Carolyn Copeland,
the extra students would force the
creation of 40 new foreign language
sections of the first two courses, at
a cost of about $160,000, part
See LSA, Page 5

Drilling Wood Not Teeth Daily Photo by SCOTT
University of Michigan alumnus, David Huyser, uses the lathe in the Student Wood Shop, located in the
Student Activities Building, to make two vases from a piece of Brazilian Tulip Wood. Huyser, who holds a
D.D.S. and M.S., is nowworking on a research fellowship in the Department of Orthodontics.

Michigan seeks to obtain

'super collider'

The State of Michigan may seek to
build the world's largest particle
accelerator here, according to University
Physics Department Chairperson
Lawrence Jones.
Michigan has a 10 percent chance of
hosting the facility if the state "moves
forward aggressively and puts together,
strong proposals," according to John
Mogk, president of the Detroit-based
Michigan Energy and Resource Research
Association, who, with Jones, encouraged
Gov. James Blanchard to pursue getting

the $4.4 billion "super colli
Jones said the accelerator,
bring its host state 3,000 jot
built in either Monroe c
counties, both about 30 mi
Ann Arbor. The accelera
constructed underground and
mile-long ring-shaped trac
function, said Mogk.
MO G K said the acceler
design was completed two
and that the White House r
starting the project 1

der" built in Congressional approval for the project
could take several months.
which could The Department of Energy will not
bs, would be ask for proposals from potential host
or Lenawee states until late summer. According to
les south of Mogk, competition for the project has
tor will be not begun, but some states are already
require a 52- gearing up for it.
t of land to According to Physics Prof. Gordon
Kane, particle acceleration research has
ator's initial been done many times before. Scientists
months ago, have an incomplete understanding of how
ecommended nuclear particles accelerate. The new
last week, plant, according to Kane, is "guaranteed

to tell us certain information" about
particle acceleration.
The Fermi National Acceleration
Laboratory in Chicago is currently the
largest nuclear particle acceleration plant
in the United States, Jones said.
Although facilities in the U.S.S.R. and
other parts of Europe are "building
beyond Fermi," Jones said the new plant
would be the next American step.
THE 20 other states that will
compete for the new plant include
Illinois, California, Colorado, and Texas,
according to Jones. Some states have

already invested over $500,000 in
planning for the project, Jones said,
adding that "Michigan has not moved as
aggressively" in this area.
Illinois and California will be the
toughest competitors, Mogk said, but
each has its own disadvantage. The San
Andreas Fault in California causes
problems with geological stability, Mogk
said, and Illinois already hosts the Fermi
plant. Mogk said Michigan finished
second in the competition for the Fermi
Lab in the 60s.

Bennett: Low quality
prolongs college grad



By STEPHEN GREGORY percent dropped out, and the remaining 14 percent
According to U.S. Secretary of Education William graduated later.
Bennett, many college students fail to complete their UNIVERSITY statistics for students graduating
undergraduate education in four years because in four years are higher than the national figures.
American public colleges lack quality. According to an administration report, 53 percent of
Evidence shows many students are not getting "the University students enrolled in 1980 graduated in
quality education they need," according to Dan 1984, with 19 percent graduating in 1985.
Schecter, an executive assistant for the department. One University official said the total percentage of
Schecter cited evidence he said verified Bennett's students gra-duating is increasing.
claim: a recent nationwide servey of college students Schecter said Bennett feels students are taking
that indicates students feel professors are too more time to graduate because they cannot get the
inaccessible. education they need in four years due to the waning
In a report to the House Appropriations quality of public institutions.
Committee last Wednesday, Bennett said only 42 "Bennett is concerned about the decline in the
percent of students enrolled in four and two-year quality of college education. Kids are paying a lot of
institutions in 1980 graduated in 1984. Twenty-six See BENNETT, Page 5
Candidates run unopposed

in 2nd 3rd Ward primaries

Although Second and Third Ward
candidates from both parties will
run unopposed in the city primaries
next Monday, Republicans are
working hard to recapture the Ann
Arbor City Council in the general
elections this April.
The Third Ward, traditionally a
"swing ward" with no clear political
affiliation, will feature a contest
between Republican Isaac Campbell
and Democratic incumbent Jeff

don't see any reason why a person
shouldn't be interested in politics.
CAMPBELL, who works as a
branch officer at First of America
Bank, said he "doesn't consider
himself a politician."
"I'm a banker. I intend to stay a
banker for a long time," Campbell
said. "What about the political
process interests me? Nothing."
Yet Campbell has worked for a
myriad of community organizations
ranging from Ann Arbor's Sister
City Task Force to the Washtenaw
County United Way. He is running
because he feels the council's
current Democratic majority is
"insensitive to anything but its
own agenda."
"I think my views represent the
nin n r1 fth, ;ThiA rdWrA Think

turn the Ann Arbor City Council
into a mechanism for peace? No-I
don't think a body like city council
can do that."
"The whole reason we have local
government is because people have
local concerns," he said, adding that
he would attempt to improve city
services like garbage pick-up,
police and fire protection, and
parking problems.
Campbell's main focus as a
councilmember, however, would be
maintaining Ann Arbor's
"economic magnetism."
"I AM NOT ashamed to say
that philosophically I am basically
pro-business. We all want
economic advantages. If you look at
any people who came to this
country, the secret of their success

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Black Art Sale
Barbara Robinson, right, Black Representative at Minority Student Services, and co-worker Adoleena Gon-
zales, LSA sophomore, sell prints in room 1209 in the Union. The works are reproductions of paintings by black
artists in celebration of Black History Month. The sale lasts through Wednesday.

Tally Hall restaurateur
Hopes for liquor license


Ann Arbor will have a new bar
this summer if a Tally Hall
merchant's application for a liquor
license is approved by city and state
Claudio Mennicotti, owner of
Pizza Plenty in Tally Hall, hopes
to onen a hr this summer on the

decorated in maize and blue with
photos of Wolverine stars of the
past and present.
The-new bar will be built on
1500-2000 square feet of
unoccupied space next to Pizza
Plenty on the east side of the mall.
The bar will be cordoned off to keep
out underage drinkers, but patrons

Forsyth county and Howard
Beach are not isolated incidents.
Star soprano Kiri Te Kanawa
again graces Ann Arbor with her
presence tonight at Hill.
The ailing wrestling team came
away with a victory against



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