4 OPINION Page 4 Friday, February 6, 1987 The Michigan Dc il _ ^ , . 1 0,re Mt hdpganlatiglt Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan China is state Vol. XCVII, No. 91 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. S av'e University Terrae THOUGH HOSPITAL PLANNING officials deny a conflict of priori - ties, the tearing down of the University Terrace is exactly that. The Board of Regents decided to replace the only reasonably-priced, family housing that remains close to campus with a new addition to the growing number of hospital parking structures. In its Medical Campus Master Plan, the Regents has clean, pro - jected figures on parking space de - ficiencies on the Medical Campus for the next eight years. These figures serve as a justification for the plan to raze student housing. It is true that expansion sites in the hospital area are limited, but the University should do all it can to preserve the valuable housing that still exists. While it is understandable that a monstrous building such as the new hospital would cause in - creased parking complications, there are alternatives to just throwing up parking structures in immediately surrounding areas. The University considered the idea of satellite parking, (the use of shuttle transportation between parking lots and buildings) but rejected the proposal simply because of the lack of receptiveness on the part of the medical com - munity. As a result, over forty students and their families are forced to seek new housing in an already overcrowded market. As opposed to some of the other University residences, the Uni - versity Terrace has continued to be a popular place. It has an extensive waiting list for those who would like to live there. It possesses the unique combination of proximity to central campus within a familial community. Instead of destroying this housing for a place to park a car, the University should build more like it. By Henry Park The single-mindedness of the major press organs in the United States prevents a serious consideration of political issues in China, such as the recent student protests in China in favor of Western democracy. Anyone who reads the major newspapers or even most of the academic work done in the United States on China knows that the situation in China is "reformers" versus "conservatives." In more blatant ideological terminology the same distinction will arise as "pragmatists" versus rigid "dogmatists." If one is extremely lucky, one will read that the situation in China is a conflict between those who want "capitalistic" reforms versus those who want "bureaucratic" control. In case anyone could not figure it out, there are good guys and bad guys according to the mainstream media. Thanks to the media and most academics, the U.S. public learns that the bad guys struggle to maintain their own power - a profound revelation. In the U.S. media, whatever is good in China's changing situation is a result of "capitalistic" "reforms" and anything bad is the work of "conservative" "bureau- crats," who fight from "entrenched" positions. If anyone can find a major newspaper or magazine in the United States that has covered China in the last decade from a perspective that the capitalist "reforms" are not a good thing, I might admit that the U.S. media is not completely monolithic. (Sorry, that was not a typo. It's the United States that looks monolithic to me, at least its multi- million dollar media.) In my travel to China it shocked me that the major wire services and papers would have one or two people each to cover all of China. Certainly there must be a thousands of reporters in agreement that it's the "conservatives" versus the "reformers"? Unfortunately, respected scholars, who .have lived and stud.ied in China, such as William Hinton, who would offer a different perspective than the one available in the mass media have next to nil influence beyond academia and an occasional book review in a popular periodical. Even serious analysts such as Orville Schell, who at least report the negative aspects of "reform" in China have no circles of influence as tight as the one pronouncing on China's supposed new dynamism. In the United States, crucial first impressions of China are a product of the work of a handful of journalists with a relatively uniform view. The majority of citizens and scholars have a gut-level response to China based on frequently published diatribes against the atrocities of the Chinese Revolution, the Great Leap and the Cultural Revolution. Inevitably and on cue, friends, relatives and co-workers who know of my interest in China ask me what I think about the demonstrations in China? Am I hopeful for democracy in China? Is it at least likely with the economic reforms that China will not return to the chaos of the Cultural Revolution? The truth is that the terrible tensions between "reformers" and "bureaucrats" or "democrats" and "totalitarians" do not interest me. Although it is apparent that some people - e.g. students, intellectuals, and some peasants - want to move faster with the reforms than others in China, the fact is that China is already basically, capitalist. After ten years of "reform" though, the press does not speak of reform as the status quo. Rather it continues to lambaste the ominous past of the Cultural Revolution, which itself only lasted ten years. ' This in itself is a clue. It is rather convenient to blame problems in China on lingering socialism - translate "conservative" influences - and attribute all good trends to reforms. In this, the government of China and the U.S. press agree. Thus, the rapid progress of the "economic reforms" in China, which is in reality a capitalist social revolution, is obscured by the very press organs that trumpet its virtues. apitalist The equation bureaucrats= conservatives=past socialist influences should now read bureaucrats=state capitalists. The struggles between "reformers" and "conservatives" are ak to the struggles between Friedmani je, pro-market economists and Keynesian economists. The struggle is within ttie capitalist class. Capitalism has progressed so far in China that the U.S. press now attac zs Peng Zhen, one of the first targeted capitalist-roaders of Mao's Cultural Revolution, as a holdover from the socialist past. That China is already capitalist 1 indicated in several figures available in Beijing Review and other official Chinese sources translated by the U.S. government through its Joint Publications Research Service (exact references available upon request.) -Over 60% of agricultural production in a country which is 80% peasant is for the free market. -Over half investment that occurs in the economy occurs outside state plans, tha4 is by the enterprises themselves. -Families allocated their own plots of land have replaced the previous dominance of collective agriculture. -Revolutionary committees, partly composed of workers, that ran factories during the Cultural Revolution are now defunct. One-man-management now stresses a strict division of labor. Management has the technical authority to hire and fire workers. -Where state run factories used to turn over their product to the state, there, is now a corporate income tax of 55%. The remainder goes to the enterprise to invest and distribute as bonuses as management sees fit. 'Profit is the official goal of the state-run factories. As in the United States, mergers are conducted with a view to consolidating the best profit-extracting management. -Millions of private enterprises hive arisen in the cities as an officially sanctioned means of absorbing the rising ranks of the unemployed. It is high time to assessCChina's changes in economic organization: Next week, we will examine what groups have benefited and which have lost out in China's capitalist social revolution. Women, not objects LAST WEDNESDAY 30 Ann Arbor residents andUniversity students. protested a lingerie-modeling show at Dooley's bar. More protests such as this one are necessary to overcome the sexism that is commonly promoted and accepted in advertising. Unfortunately, many young men took the lingerie show as a little joke that they enjoyed. The real joke, however, was the claim that the models were selling lingerie at a bar. The protesters are right to point out that the use of a woman's body to promote a bar's business has serious implications. Exploitative events such as the lingerie show encourage men to think of women's bodies as objects used to sell other objects. Leaflets hAnded outat, the rally said "eroticize equality, not exploitation!" In this way, the organizers separate the issue of erotic needs, freedom and appreciation from the issue of using women's bodies for totally extraneous purposes such as selling beer. Until Dooley's renounces the lingerie show, students should picket, not patronize, the bar. It is possible that sexist advertising is so widespread that nothing short of its legal abolition will stop the objectification of women. On the other hand, if there is enough outspoken opposition, it may become unprofitable to use a woman's body for business purposes. Park is an Opinion Page editor. LETTERS: Rally against racist hatred on Diag To The Daily: February is Black History month and it is an important time for Americans to look back on our past and examine where it has brought us and how we have gotten to be the nation we are today. If you are thinking, "Oh, I'm not black, this letter has nothing to do with me," please read it any way. Black History month, and this letter, are about a lot more than the history of black people. Though great strides against racism have been made by both individuals and groups, racism is still one of the most alive and one of the most devastating social diseases we know today. Like other "social" diseases, racism is easily spread, and requires responsibility, personal action, and group efforts at education, to combat effectively. Racism is part of a greater national (human?) problem-- hate. People hate, learn to hate, and are taught to hate, everyone who is "other" than the hater. Whites hate blacks and blacks hate whites; Jews hate Arabs and everyone hates Jews; whites hate Asians or American Indians or almost anyone whom we have previously mistreated, and we grumble that we are tired of hearing about such-and-such "ancient" injustice now. But never forget that somebody hates you, because of an attribute which that same somebody thinks defines you. Everyone hates somebody, maybe in small amounts or subtle ways. And if we do not own our hate and recognize it and wrestle with it, we will never excorcise it from our lives and our souls. Sometimes, amazingly but consistently, people who work for the same larger goals hate each other because the chosen paths or methods to that goal are different. It is so rare that we can actually rise above our apparently huge differences and get at the key concept that lies underneath: every body is a human body and every human deserves equal respect and concern and courtesy; and every equally as important, we must work to recognize similarities and to behave on the basis of those similarities. Cheering cheerleaders Whoever it was in Couzens who decided to declare "hunting season" on people o color is, in my opinion, nothing short of demented. Those individuals are deformed with the disease of hated, inflicted by hatred's blindness: they are blind to the fact that they are exactly the same as"the people they chose to terrorjze. Oh, their church might ber a different name, or their hair a different texture. But they ar all children of this earth ant ii they do not beware they will 'destroy our earth. Nothing good can come of hate. Hate slaughters, and destroys, #nd reproduces itself in mass quantities. It must be squelched and faced down everywhere it occurs. There will be a rally thi Friday, February 6, a noon in the Diag. It is an anti-hate rally. Please, struggle with your demons of hate--care about justice, gnd equality, and love--come tohe rally and show those demented slime that they are a pathtic minority. L AST WEEK THE University's Board of Intercollegiate Athletics, prohibited cheerleaders from per- forming stunts which involve raising their feet more than three feet off the ground. This ruling is unprecedented in the Big Ten, and the Daily feels that the decision is unjustified and uninformed. According to team supervisor and coach Pam St. John, the ruling eliminates virtually all of the team's stunts, including "even the simplest, easiest stunts that Junior High girls would do." Cheerleaders are dedicated ath- letes who work very hard at their activity and should be allowed to perform without unnecessary re- strictions. Don Canham, who is the Board's head, and the rest of the Board did not analyze the situation very carefully. Cheerleading wasn't even on the agenda at this particular meeting, and not even stunts the cheerleaders do that are safe and we should reverse this. I tend to believe that we overreacted." The fact is cheerleading is not one of the more dangerous sports. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission Report, cheerleading ranks 186 out of 200 college sports in terms of injury risk. Moreover, Michigan cheer - leaders take safety very seriously. They practice for hours every week, not to mention months of clinics, and even a required intensive-training camp over the summer. Given this tremendous commitment to safety by the cheerleaders, the University should allow these athletes the same opportunity that is allowed to students who participate in all other sports - the right to take a certain amount of risk in order to display their talents. Opponents will no doubt argue .. s it m _ 0 -Amy Ruth Simoi Corrections: In a letter to the editor ("Accusations, half-truths deter peace," 12/8/86), which the Daily mistakenly reprinted ("Israel seeks peace in the middrle pet_" 11 iIR nmit, )1 0