In Weekend Magazine:
U-M's nuclear reactor - Billy Idol * 'Radio Days'
John Logie " Interview: Greg Marks " The List
Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom
IL- - - - - 7
Waite seen
with gunmen
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Two
taxi drivers said they saw missing
hostage negotiator Terry Waite wal -
king in a southern Beirut suburb
yesterday with an escort of about 10
gunmen and four turbaned Shiite
Moslem sheiks.
Waite, the 6-foot-7 Anglican
Church envoy, was last seen by
reporters Jan. 20 when he left the
Riviera Hotel in west Beirut to meet
the kidnappers of two Americans.
Since then, Waite has not contacted
the church or his family.
The taxi drivers, who spoke on
/condition of anonymity, told the
Associated Press they saw Waite
walking with his escorts in a street
close to the Lebanese capital's airport
highway at about 3 p.m. yesterday..
"I saw him smiling and waving
his hand to onlookers as he walked.
He wore a gray raincoat," said one
witness. "I stopped my taxicab to
watch, but the escorts waved me a -
way, shouting: 'Don't stop. Drive
on.' I did."
Waite wore a raincoat when he
was last seen by reporters.
Another taxi driver said he saw
Waite at the same time in the same
procession, smiling and waving his
right arm to onlookers on the left
side of the street.
Both drivers work in the neigh -
borhood of the Riviera Hotel, where
Waite stayed between his arrival in
Lebanon on Jan. 12 and the time he
dropped from sight Jan. 20.
Waite came to Beirut to try to win
the freedom of foreign hostages. A
total of 26 foreigners, including eight
Americans, are missing and presumed
kidnapped in Lebanon. Many are
believed held by Shiite Moslem cap -
The taxi drivers said that before
Waite's disappearance, they had fre -
quently seen him walking on the
beach or traveling in a motorcade.
"I haven't the slightest doubt a -
bout his identity. I know him and I
saw him this afternoon," one driver
There have been a spate of
conflicting reports about Waite.
In West Germany, the mass-
circulation newspaper Bild quoted
unidentified "Beirut security circles"
as saying Waite was shot and cri -
tically wounded after he tried to es -
cape from captivity in Lebanon.
Coming from a rally in the Diag yesterday, demonstrators carry a huge stop sign expressing their discontent with nuclear testing. About
200 protesters round the corner of State and Liberty on their march to the Federal Building.
Protesters condemn nuclear testing
About 200 demonstrators protesting Monday's
nuclear test in Nevada held a 1,000 balloon
"mushroom cloud" and a ten-foot sign proclaim -
ing "Stop Nuclear Testing" at a rally in the Diag
yesterday .
Rallies nationwide were planned to coincide
with the test, however testing was unexpectedly
moved to Monday. It was the first time a United
States nuclear test commenced ahead of schedule.
As a result of the test, the Soviet Union said it
would resume nuclear testing, which it had
stopped in August 1985.
The Soviets declared they would continue
nuclear testing after the first U.S. test in 1987 -
after extending the moratorium which was never
honored by the United States.
See RALLY, Page 2
Assault center
celebrates first year
." incredible need by the University Steiner is also working to
MONG the center's accomp - for education and awareness at every establish a new organization to
vents the are expanded Nite level." educate men about their changing
bus service, provoking open A NUMBER of students have roles in society and sexual assault.
This week marks the one-year
anniversary of the University's
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center which was
created in response to "a concern
about sexual assault on campus and
the fact that nothing was being
done about it," according to the
center's director.
What was once at the bottom of
a "wish list" submitted to Vice-
President for Student Services
Henry Johnson, the center is cited
as the reason for heightened
awareness of sexual assault on
campus and additional educational
ACCORDING to Steiner, the
center concentrates on three main
areas: education, services for
survivors of sexual assaults, and
coordinating efforts to deal with
aspects of physical safety on
"The approach taken by the
University in response to the
problems of sexual assault on
campus is unique. We are providing
services for survivors in addition to
sponsoring educational programs,"
Steiner said.
"Most other schools are not
taking this comprehensive way of
dealing with safety concerns; they
are using one approach or the
discussion of sexual assault,
developing and running acquaint -
ance rape workshops, and
instituting safewalk, and emergency
telephones on campus.
While Steiner does not think
that the center has solved all of the
problems of sexual assault on
campus, she says "we've made a
good effort, people are now
thinking about the issues."
Jennifer Akfirat, an LSA senior
who assists Steiner, said "the
hardest thing to deal with is the
recently shown an interest in
getting involved at the center. At a
recent mass meeting, for example,
twice as many people showed up as
were expected.
Heading Steiner's agenda is
establishing a Crisis Intervention
Center with a 24-hour line, trained
counselors, and people who can
accompany a victim to a hospital or
police station. The only existing
center is the county center which
Steiner says is overloaded and far
from campus.
EVENTUALLY, the center
would like to have a different sexual
assault awareness program on
campus every month. Also, the
center would like to talk with
parents and incoming students at
summer orientation sessions.
Akfirat said the center is
involved with an off-campus safety
committee which is evaluating the
needs of the many students living
off campus, including an even
further expanded Nite Owl service.
... leads assault center
research "1
Special to the Daily
Sugarman returned Saturday after
four months of research in
Antarctica where he slept in a snowu
shelter he built at survival school,
flew in helicopters, and met sealsa
penguins, and glacial geologists.
How does a University under-
graduate get selected to study with
scientists at the South Pole?
Sugarman is an Eagle Scout, aA
member of Troop 1674 of the Boy
Scouts of America. He became a
scout at age 11 and said he stayed in
Meese, Ford tape PBS series at
Ford library on N. Campus
Yesterday's taping for an
upcoming Public Broadcasting
Service series was free of the
protest that marked a Wednesday
night dinner for luminaries includ -
ing U.S. Attorney General Edwin
Meese and former President Gerald
The dinner kicked off the day-
long filming at the Ford President -
ial Library on North Campus.
Wednesday night about 400
protesters jeered Meese and pelted
University alumnus Ford with eggs
as they walked to the Lawyer's
Club in the Law Quad.
The PBS series is part of
Columbia University's seminars on
media and society. The five-part
series, entitled "The Constitution
and the Presidency," will appear in
May. Two segments were filmed
last month at the Jimmy Carter
Presidential Center in Atlanta.
Series producers created hypo -
thetical situations based on issues
faced by the government, and
invited experts to participate in a
role play. Participants included
members of Congress, journalists,
professors, economists, lobbyists,
and government advisors.
Yesterday's first session, entitled
"The President, the Congress, and
See FILMING, Page 2
Med school changes INSIDE
ov , ', 0 0 v &rw , !
academic calendar
In an effort to make the Medical
School calendar more closely
coincide with the University's
undergraduate schedule, the school's
executive committee voted yester-
day start its year one week later.
n~t n 2 1. F l _ . A
first and - second-year student's
semesters. This year orientation and
registration for first-year students
was August 21, with classes
starting Aug. 25. The semester ends
Dec. 5. The second-year students
start a week earlier and end before
The University should build
more University Terraces and not
tear them down.
This weekend's Martha Graham
concert has a strong Ann Arbor
im hams to beat
. .