The Michigan Daily
Monday, Febru
ary 2, 1987 Page 7 1
8 mm: Contesting views
This is a portion of Dan Wynn's "A Costume Party" which is on display at the Simsar galleries.
Prints by Robert Motherwell are exhibited as well.
Simsar displays
By Charles Oestreicher
The Alice Simsar Gallery is
currently displaying two col -
lections, eleven prints by Robert
Motherwell and twenty paintings
by Don Wynn, both of which give
unique insights regarding these
extremely different artists.
Motherwell is primarily known
as an abstract expressionist, having
first gained prominence during the
1940's and 50's along with the
painters Jackson Pollock and Mark
Rothko, among others. The
incorporation of accidental ele -
ments, experimentation and spon-
taneous thought-into-action
techniques lends Motherwell's work"
its unique, totally abstract'style.
The prints are striking, creating
situations where bold, shifting
fields of color coexist with
expanses of impenetrable black.
Large, mostly undefined shapes
are left open to interpretation.
Much is hinted at, but nothing is
explained. Motherwell's completely.
non-representational nature sets the
viewer's imagination free as few
artists are able; each work is a
starting point for our own creative
processes, verbal and visual.
Several of the prints show
noticably more control, indicative
of the style Motherwell adopted
during the 1960's. The exhibit as a
whole gives an interesting, albeit
limited, overview of a noted artist's
trends and methods. While the
broad, spattered brushstrokes and
seeming lack of discipline may
puzzle purists (or art students),
Motherwell's work in the display is
a fascinating introduction for the
newcomer to abstract expres -
In contrast, current Ann Arbor
resident Wynn has made his
reputation as a representational
painter. The body of his work on
prn ts
display was done from memory
rather than photographs, and the
paintings retain the warm haziness
of fondly remembered times and
places. Color and texture are the
vehicles of expression here, rather
than exacting depiction of scenes.
That the paintings work as well
as they do is testimony to Wynn's
See ARTISTS Page 8
By Noelle Brower
To many film buffs, Ann Arbor
is a cinematic haven from the usual
Hollywood drivel that spews forth
from the commercial theatres. Cer -
tainly, the campus film groups of -
fer a continual variety of viewing
opportunities that feature the best
of the old films, the cult classics,
and the latest foreign releases, but
to many fans of experimental cine -
ma, this aspect of film in A2 is on -
ly icing on the cake. To many, the
highlight of the year in cinema is
upon us this week via the 17th
Annual Eight Millimeter Film
Sponsored by Eyemediae and the
Ann Arbor Film Co-op, the Eight
Millimeter Film Fest is a rare op -
portunity to view the current work
of Super 8 artists from all over the
U.S., Australia, Hong Kong, Ger -
many, and Puerto Rico.
This is no ordinary occasion.
Super 8 is a medium that is
widely respected throughout the
world where Super 8 festivals are
government sponsored and major
media events. However, in the
U.S., Super 8 barely attracts media
attention much less government
support. Part of the problem is the
existence of other, more popular
and commercial, film forms such as
sixteen and thirty-five millimeter
University of Arizona
offers more than 40
courses: anthropology,
art, art history, bilin-
gual education, folk
music and folk dance,
history, journalism, po-
litical science, Spanish
language and literature
and intensive Spanish.
Six-week session..
June 29-August 7,1987.
Fully accredited pro-
gram. Tuition $480.
Room and board in
Mexican home $520.
Summer School
Education Bldg., Room 434
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
(602) 621-4729 or
and most recently, the advent of
video. In the U.S. where money
talks, Super 8 barely has a voice.
The 17th Annual Eight Millimeter
Film Festival, that begins tonight,
is the only festival of its kind in
the U. S., and it's right here in
your own backyard.
The 17th Annual Eight Mil -
limeter Film Festival will open
this evening continuing through
Sunday. The following is a listing
of the weeks events.
Monday - Award-winning Far
Eastern Super 8 films from Hong
Kong and Japan at 7:30 p.m. and
"L.A. Raw" at 9:30 p.m. This last
feature is a selection from the Los
Angeles Super 8 club scene fea -
turing shorts by Modi Frank, Exene
Cervenka and a piece entitled Love -
dolls Superstar by David Markey.
At Eyemediae.
Tuesday -"What's The Dif -
ference Between a Country and a
House?" A documentary about wo -
men in modern Belfast, Northern
Ireland. German Super 8 is also fea -
tured with filmmakers Hannelore
Kober and Jonathan Dobele. Spe -
cific details to be announced. 7
p.m. at Eyemediae.
Wednesday - "The 21 Club."
A selection of eight millimeter
works from young filmmakers all
over the country. 8 p.m. at the Ann
Arbor Theater.
Thursday, Friday, and Sat -
urday - "Films in Competition."
Thursday's show will be at the Ann
Arbor Theatres 1 & 2. Friday and
Saturday's shows will be at Aud.
A, Angell Hall. Show times are 7
and 9 p.m. on each night except for
a 9:30 p.m. late show on Saturday.
Sunday - "Winner's Night."
Ann Arbor Theatres 1 & 2 at 7 and
9 p.m. Admission is three dollars
per show, unless otherwise adver -
tised or fifteen dollars for a pass of
eight tickets. For more information
call: 662-2470.
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