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January 30, 1987 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1987-01-30

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 30, 1987 - Page 9


Roth: He's just

a gigolo

By John Logie
Two-thirds of the way through
the "Yankee Rose" video, David
Lee Roth stalks toward the camera,
and the veiwer is treated to a close-
up of Diamond Dave's cojones. At
first, this display seems gratuitous,
and inappropriate. But upon
reflection, it makes sense. Dave's
balls are important.
It was balls that drove Dave to
Hollywood. It was balls that led to
his parting of ways with Smilin'
Ed, and the gang. It was balls the
drove Diamond Dave to put
together a band that is challenging
the mighty Van Hagar for premier
pop-metal status. And it's balls that
bring Diamond Dave to town only
a few short months after he played
In retrospect, it all seems so
improbable. Way back when we
were in junior high, Van Halen was
playing "Running with the Devil."
They were a relatively
undistinguished metal band with a
mildly unsavory reputation.
Somewhere along the line, Eddie
Van Halen became the heir to
Hendrix's throne, and David Lee
Roth became metal's court jester.

Today, Diamond Dave is a master
of self-parody. Everything is
excess. In many senses, he is a
Liberace for our times.
Like Liberace, Dave has realized
that for a certain audience, too
much is never enough. His self-
designed, self-revealing costumes
are an extension of Liberace's
ghastly rhinestones. His stage
show, explosive and incessant,
recalls Liberace's non-stop glamour
assault. Both men have given the
cold shoulder to art, in favor of
entertainment, and for this both
deserve a measure of respect.
It is fair to say that Liberace and
Diamond Dave, were they suddenly
injected with the artistic fervor of a
Van Gogh, would find themselves
somewhat lacking in the talent
department, and could not satify
themselves with their productions.
Liberace will never be respected as a
great pianist. He is a good pianist,
but a magnificent showman.
Diamond Dave is not a great singer
(though his upper register howls are
impressive!), nor will he be
remembered as an extraordinarily
gifted lyricist, though he's often
very witty. But Diamond Dave is a
magnificent showman, and his

dedication to providing his fans
with a surplus of entertainment is
Dave's new band features an
assortment of metal-masters,
including Steve Vai, a dwiddle
demi-god, who played with John
Lydon's P.I.L. for a stretch; but the
focus is on Dave. The band is not
billed, except as "The David Lee
Roth Group." But that is probably
as it should be. The spotlight
belongs to a man who covers the
singularly un-cool Sinatra. The

spotlight belongs to man who is
willing to re-cut his entire record in
Espanol for those who knew what
I meant back in the first paragraph.
The spotlight belongs to the man
who turns his bare booty to it. The
spotlight belongs to Dave.
Diamond Dave will appear at
Crisler Arena at 8 p.m. Sunday
night. Tickets are $16.50 and are
still available at the Union,
Hudson's, and Ticketworld outlets.
Remember, this isn't just a concert,
it's a cultural phenomenon.




DEADLINE: Friday, January 30, 1987
Application forms are available at the Office of Financial Aid. Students who will
enroll full time may apply for grants, Perkins National Direct Student Loans and
College Work-Study. Students who will enroll at least half time may apply for
College Work-Study.
Submit the application form by Friday, January 30, 1987, to insure priority con-
sideration for available funding.

'The University Gamelan Ensemble will present a free concert at
Rackham Auditorium tomorrow night at 8 p.m. featuring Javanese'
music. They willibe accompanied by traditional dancers.

Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 8:15-11:45 and 1:00-4:00
Thurs 10:00-11:45 and 1:00-4:00

information: 763-6600

Joseph Heller tells all

Fridays in The Daily

Michigan Daily Classifieds
764-0557 h

(Continued from Page 8)
but it's very hard for any re -
sponsible magazine or newspaper to
remain uncritical of Washington... I
think that it's a tribute to the press
that every administration, Democrat
and Republican, they quickly get
angry with it. I like the press for
that reason. With the exception of
Jimmy Carter, I don't think we've
had a president since World War II
who projects any sort of credibility.
I think (Carter) was a truthful man
and that was probably one reason
why he didn't even have a chance
fok re-election.
D : Do you consider yourself a
part of any school of writers?
H: No... I never felt that such
classifications were valid. I write
my books without consideration of
what other authors are doiig. I'm in
4'fortunate position because I earn
enough to keep on writing. I write
the books I want to write. The no -
vol I'm doing now is different from
each of my other novels just the
Way each of them was consciously
different than the one that came be -
fJre. I was serious before when I
told you that I can't describe the
$bok. The title is Poetics. The
rfme derives from that work of
.ristotles', who figures in the book
dry prominently. Beyond that, it
would sound so silly to, you. It
seems so silly to me, I wonder why
I=ve written it.
D: Were you satisfied or dis -
satisfied with the movie Catch 22 ?
-H : I was satisfied and I had
nothing to do with it. I was able to
divorce myself from it. I knew the
#lovie would have to be much
aifferent. I was very flattered that
juch a serious effort was made. I
tike the motion picture more than
inost of the critics did though I may
ave been affected by the narcisstic
%ct that it was my book they were

making a movie about.
By that time I knew enough
about movies and books not to
expect much and if I was going to
and it was 'going to be very im -
portant to me, I never should have
sold the rights. A movie script is
very small and requires a tremen -
dous amount of cutting. I saw it a -

gain recently and I realized again
that the movie would be... incomp-
rehensible to someone who had not
read the novel.
D: That's alright. I think half
the country's read the book any -
H: (laughs) Half is not enough
to make a movie profitable.


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Would you like to appear in Weekend Magazine's Spring
Fashion Issue?
Come to the Student Publications Building, 420
Maynard St., on Friday, Feb. 6 any time between 10 a.m.
and 2 p.m. Bring your best smile.
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